The best girl.
Darling in the FranXX
Other urls found in this thread: not featured in this image.
OP is actually not a faggot.
They are all 9/10 to be honest
02 is 11/10 though
>Just finished the first ep
Oh boy. I haven't enjoyed a new anime this much in forever. Don't let me down dream team. Make this a Chinese Cartoon to remember by the end of 24 eps.
Would you kiss 02's horns?
This really gonna be 24 episodes?
I'd rather his lips
I-is that...!
This is correct. Best girl is pic related.
>You were awful.
Which one of these kids will turn out to be a homo?
I love Cocona!
What the fuck is happening to this board?
The midget, like come on
Reminder that Ichigo is literally poison. It's a good thing she already lost in episode 2.
>Delphinium is a genus of about 300 species of perennial flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae. All members of theDelphiniumgenus are toxic to humans and livestock. The common name"larkspur"is shared between perennialDelphiniumspecies and annual species of the genusConsolida
>In general, larkspurs denote love, affection, and ardent attachment.
>While pink larkspurs represent fickleness, white ones denote happiness, and purple flowers mean first love.
>These flowers symbolize levity, lightness, pure heart, sweet disposition, desire for laughter, etc.
>According to some other versions, larkspur flowers may mean frivolity, haughtiness, and inconsistent loyalty.
>Almost all parts of the plant have poisonous alkaloids.
It's Trigger season.
she's pretty bad tho, all she has going for her is Cocona's design
she doesn't deserve the Darling
I hate it when they make destined loser so cute
Why even bother put those character in the show when they have no chance of wining?
What do you mean?
>purple flowers mean first love.
>>These flowers symbolize levity, lightness, pure heart, sweet disposition, desire for laughter
For fuck's sake.
Discord shitposting
Admit it Sup Forums, you make fun of her online but Ichigo could beat the shit out of you in a fight.
that guy who is a tsundere for Hiro
Read on.
>According to some other versions, larkspur flowers may mean frivolity, haughtiness, and inconsistent loyalty.
>Almost all parts of the plant have poisonous alkaloids.
Am I the only one who think they look nothing alike?
Only thing in common is blue short hair and bunch of character has it.
Why is this show so controversial?
I'm afraid Hiro will end up with Ichigo, actually.
There are a lot of reasons, but mainly it's the fact that we know they are really childhood friends. The website explicitly states it, and their code is 1 number apart (015 and 016)
Now the OP is showing this image of someone holding 02's hand as a child, and it's being very careful not to show who it is. That's because it isn't Hiro.
This will probably all come to a head toward the middle or end of the series, with Hiro realizing that memory isn't his.
Faggots and tumblrina hating normal, wholesome relationships between trusting, faithful partners.
>A common name of the genus is bird of paradise flower / plant, because of a resemblance of its flowers to birds-of-paradise.
>The bird of paradise represents faithfulness, love, and thoughtfulness
>The symbolism generally associated with bird-of-paradise is freedom and good perspective. When a woman gives it to a man it symbolises faithfulness.
>The 9th wedding anniversary for a married couple
>Freedom and the ability to travel, due to the flower’s resemblance to birds in flight (note similarities with the bird monologue in episode 1)
>Magnificence, excellence and success
>Joy through challenges and successes alike
>Faithfulness in romantic relationships
>Optimism towards the future
Because she's an essential plot device? Isn't it obvious?
>I'm afraid Hiro will end up with Ichigo, actually.
Nice joke.
>10 franxx threads on Sup Forums right now
Not sure why but this show might just be a new target for shitposters after killing VeG threads.
Anything groundbreaking will be controversial. To supercede the norm you have to tear out the roots that solidify it. For many people this is an uncomfortable and scary process. They aren't used to serious elements of the human nature, like sex, being plainly talked about in entertainment.
Do you have nothing better to do in life?
it was made with that intent in mind
/threadly reminder
VEG is just too boring, franxx is good Sup Forums bait anime because it's mecha for casuals.
Whatever do you mean?
Glasses bitch is the best.
What did he mean by this?
I'm sorry user, I'm sure there is an LGBTQAYGSFAKXYZ+ anime for you out there.
is a good place to start.
>unironically thinking Ichigo won't win the Hirobowl
Baka desu
All of the pairs have their kinks
Delphinium's is NTR
You'd share your bed with 02, wouldn't you?
you're just too easy to pick out.
More like dr C U C K E D
Maybe the hungry skeletons with muscles more atrophied than a coma patient. Anyone else would overpower her. She's just too tiny and the average male, even out of shape, is just too big.
I can't wait to see you faggots BTFO
>ahah I'll show him! I'll reply to the pasta poster instead of reporting and ignoring it! that'll show him!
this is you
I actually like this Sup Forumsnons research. Don't mind this guy. If it makes you enjoy the show more, go for it. You got anymore research on the others?
Preferably not. I sleep bad enough on my own, I never get in enough hours of shut-eye in a night, and sharing the bed with another person makes it almost impossible for me to get rest.
Which faggots?
It's the best show of the scene
It says a lot that in a season with VGE, Devilman, and POPTEAMEPIC, Franxx threads manage to drown them all.
And this is BEFORE shaft's fate adapation airs
this season will be a nonstop shitposting storm
Fools. Best Girl shall return, and then you shall all watch as your girls are BTFO'd.
Punished Naomi shall win the Hirobowl.
GORO has fucked your Waifu but this time he is the cuck
>we know they are really childhood friends
>Hiro will end up with Ichigo
Spot the faggot that has never, ever watched anime.
>childhood friend
APE wants to drain the planet of all "magma power".
The klaxosaurs make it hard, so they decide to experiment on children in order to create pilots that can interface with the FRANXXs and help them take what they want.
They chose a bunch of kids from an orphanage.
Some of the kids rejected klaxosaur blood more than others; in order to recognize and "rank" them, they gave them numbers: the lower the number, the more klaxosaur blood they have (and therefore the more powerful / dangerous they are).
That's why 02 has horns and stuff.
I can't wait to see what 01 will look like (No, Dr. Franxx is not 01).
I'm actually a bit surprised. I thought that PTE would have more threads considering its history.
TRIGGERfags and anti-TRIGGERfags proved me wrong.
she'd force me to let her sleep in it with me
>admitted to liking doing it with goro and feeling him inside of her
>still can't stop obsessing over hiro and chases after him any chance she gets
What motivates Hiro? The desire to pilot, and not be useless. He also seems to have growing attraction to 02 ("the feeling of her warm lips made my heart race"), but the desire to pilot is larger currently.
What motivates 02? Seemingly just Hiro. She doesn't want to be alone. She found a partner who doesn't die from being with her, and who isn't afraid of her.
Also, twintails is the best not-02 in the show right now. Cute, good design, great butt.
>implying she really did it with goro
>tfw ichigo is taller than me
> (No, Dr. Franxx is not 01)
thank god at least some people don't believe that shit
I actually think it's nice. Feels like old Sup Forums during Code Geass, Madoka and Kill la Kill shitstorms.
I want to have a special wedding ring made for 02 that fits over her horn.
post the full picture faggot
Why is she so hot?
It turns out Hiro was the alpha component of their relationship all along.
How tall is Ichigo, exactly?
who's more of a manlet / womenlet
ichigo or hiro?
Any translations of Goro and Ichigo's character cards?
I like you.
You realize the anime is trying to make you think that Oni is his childhood friend right now? Watch the OP.
So is Oni going to lose, by your admission?
The moment I saw that image I knew that autistic 02fags are going to spam it.
Howmany chapters of the 4koma's have been translated so far?
Is it possible to upload those which got translated into that mega folder for easier access?
Yes. Argentea is used as a latin/scientific name in various flowering plants' names, across separate genera, so it's difficult to pin-point exactly what it means. A key candidate would be "silver cockscomb" which symbolises affectation, pretentiousness, skepticism and frivolity.
Genista is the name of a genus whose colloquial name (broom flower) is used for plants from other genera as well. I think the staff made a mistake with this one and picked the wrong scientific (latin) term for it.
Chlorophytum is the genus of the spider plant. Maybe it has some obscure Japanese meaning, but I can't find any.
Hiro is such a faggot holy shit
I like Ichigo though. But her body is clearly conflicted.
Devilman is way better though.
Franxx is only fuel by waifuwar
Stay mad
Yeah well Goro might be more manly but Hiro is a lot cuter than him.
Also he's the Childhood Friend(tm) so he's automatically more desirable.
What a piece of shit.
t. cuckona fag
ichigo off yourself
Fuck off, Satan
Devilman is a classic but it has no value except shock value (and that dope ending scene).
No, he is just a man of culture. He got a taste of the TRULY SUPERIOR Zero-Two, and is henceforth ruined for all inferior female specimens. A pitiful, wilting, sexless abomination like Ichigo is no longer a worthy receptacle for his seed. He can only get hard for sexy onis now.
What a godlike OP
>spamming archive links every thread
you're not any better user
There's nothing wrong w/ wanting to be pegged.
are you me?
Into the trash it goes
I hate you.
I am not really mad.
I just dont understand why some people can become this obsessed with a character when they barely know her for 2 episode,
then proceed to spam pasta and shit on the other girl every thread.