For those unaware, Danberu nan kiro moteru? is a health manga that features sexy high-school girls lifting weights and performing exercises. Gyarus, ojous, Christmas cakes, foreigners, bodybuilders,'s all here!
Special request before beginning: Volume 3 has been released in December. Anyone with a link to the digital raws of Volume 3, please share! It will contain
Extra cover pages New art 4-10 pages of 4koma extra cartoon content On top of 9 chapters of recent content, all in high quality!
If you can share Volume 3 content, please post it ITT! Alright, on with a live TL of Chapter 39.
William Adams
Chapter 39 - Punching Machine Contest
[Makunouchi Game Center]
GET DA BIG MONEY!!! Grab a wish with a fiiiiiist!!!!!!
Muji TV PRESENTS "Strongest! Punching Machine Contest" All starting noooow!!!! [Jason Sgatham]
What the? Deire-san, when'd they change the host? [Deire Kutarou] Huh? No, I haven't heard anything.....who is that?
Christian Anderson
Reminder: I suck at Japanese. This is grade-school level translation. By all means! If you can hone, sharpen, refine and otherwise correct the parsing, phrasing and phonetics of these garbage translations, I fully endorse the posts!
Nolan Lopez
Page 3 Where did he even come from..... >RELEASE ME!!! I've never seen that guy in my life......
Er ... Sorry about that! That aside, let's begin the contest! [Sakura Hibiki] [Zina Void] [Uehara Ayaka] [Tachibana Satomi] [Souryuuin Akemi]
Jason got arrested. It's hard seeing someone you know getting arrested.
Tsk...that was embarrassing... It's alright, no one suspects us, at least.
Miss Hibikii! Miss Zinaaa! Miss Ayakaaaa! Miss Satomiiii! Miss Akemiiiii!!
Something came up so I can't cheer for you, but let's hustle muscle!!! Why can't you be like the rest of the background machos!!!! Most of them don't even have a mouth!!!!
*This is sensei's line: パト力一から箱乗りしてんじゃねえッッ!!!!!! 他人のつリがム口無しだよッ!!!! Which, my terrible reading amounted to- "I do not have a paddle from the pato force one !!!!!! There are no other people 's lips mouth !!!!" So, I fucking bullshitted the TL because I don't have a clue (I was tired when reading it).
Leo Cook
[And so,] [the contest began.]
Fufufu.....This is exciting.
......Chan-Dei, what's your gimmick? --->Producer I don't know what you're talking about...
Jose Wilson
That's right. Actually, this program is rigged*. *The Japanese is "Dokkiri" which is a type of game/reality show. The gimmick is to get uncomfortable reactions out of their "targets" by playing tricks on them. It's Candid Camera, basically.
[The men's division is just extra.] >Men's Division Extras [The real focus is on the girls' division.] >Girls' Division Targets
[This old lady is one of the participants.] [At first glance, she seems like an ordinary old woman.....]
Ethan Reed
[Her true identity is this; a champion prizefighter.] [A super-athlete, disguised as an ordinary grandmother. This is actually a common scam.
Chan-Dei.......I'm hoping for top ratings again~ Sporty Girls x Dripping Sweat x Scam = *Elan d'Argent >We can't lose...
Next person--- Entry number 114... Sakura Hibiki.
*By the way, the literal tl is "Super Iron Plate" but, eh. Fun fact: this is based on the Japanese T.V. "Elan d'Or" awards, given to outstanding productions. Like an Emmy or Golden Globe. It's French, and means "Golden Style" or, in this case, "Silver Style."
Gavin Jackson
Uh~~~ I'm nervous all of a sudden~ Relax! It's just like the idol auditions and when we were on TV.
Sorry, I was fine with everyone else... I'm just not used to havin' all the attention by myself.
>Well, I lie about my cosplay hobby... Hibiki! At times like this, you know I do that.
!!! Oh yeah, that! That's right, that.
? What are they talking about?
Colton Reed
Ah, what is that!!?? What are you doing!!?!!?
[It's not limited to sports, everyone gets nervous when it comes to a performance.] [Have you ever experienced that feeling?]
[Here's an example one athlete actually performed to relieve this tension.] [Everyone can easily do it anywhere, so try it out for yourself.]
A new Kengen Asura side-character appears: Murobuchi Gozo
Nolan Thompson
Muscle Relaxation Routine (1) Flex every muscle in your body for 10 seconds. *Note, it's doesn't have to be a bodybuilding pose.
(2) Relax. Repeat this 2~3 times. *That's it **Normally it's a good idea to relax each muscle in sequence, but this time it's better to relax everything at once.
When you get nervous, your body can lose power or freeze up. >Frozen By intentionally flexing 100% of your body, you can regain composure and loosen up. By taking mental control, relaxation = relaxing your body, your tension fades. >Flexing >Relaxing >2~3 times It's simple and effective.
Also, it can help to let out a shout as well, but it's embarrassing to explain to people, so be wary.
Jose King
Wha...what's with that calm look...!? She's like a different person from a second ago...!!!
Hibiki, show that machine who's boss! It's frustrating, but show 'em when it's a simple punch, you're the strongest!
...everyone, thank you.
Robert Morales
I'll give it everything I've got!
You've got too much!!!!!
Zachary Sullivan
Sakura Hibiki's Record • Immeasurable!!!!! With the score unreadable, OK! There's no chance of another winner!!!! sfx: Pyon!! (bunny hop) Yataaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
.........Chan-Dei, what do we do about a 100 million yen prize...? That was never in the budget....... .....that's coming out of our own pockets, isn't it...
[Surprisingly, the program generated enormous viewership,] Candid Camer-uhoh [very high audience ratings and rave reviews.]
[As a result, when the program re-aired,] [it was broadcast worldwide.]
Bentley Reed
-----Ahhh. Now, I finally get to watch my recording.
Hibiki•Sakura, she may be the masterpiece I've been looking for. [Harnnold Dogegenchonegger] Well done, Jason.
By the way, weren't you on-site? Why didn't I see you on TV later? Please listen carefully!!
Dylan Rodriguez
Actually, something came up, and I was arrested by the police!!! Wow~! That was truly embarrassing!
.....what are you doing over there? [Unexpectedly, Doge-chan felt his own surge of embarrassment.]
Jace Diaz
Extra That Person's Result
Alright! Like this, I can aim for the prize! --->Wearing a mask
sfx: SNAP
[Tachibana Satomi's Record • Immeasurable]
Literally, her record was "impossible" as in "it didn't register", so in order for the joke to work, I simply altered the word to be identical in meaning as Hibiki's but different for opposite reasons. Fyi.
Christopher Miller
Chapter 39 - Complete!!
I may dump chapter 35 later if you'd like. Also, I was gonna wait to make this thread until Thursday, but I got impatient. Nothing wrong with posting danberu threads, right?
Juan Rivera
Why is Tachibana sensei there? Just to be cute? She sucks at punching
Thomas Lewis
Thanks, OP. Love the TL.
The author's really branching out away from just bodybuilding exercises. I guess so, it's almost 40 chapters now.
Gavin Garcia
Hey! The other cake sensei and Kure sensei are there too!
Owen Young
Storywise, probably? She is a nationally famous cosplayer "Yuria Riko" so she certainly likes the attention, but not as Tachibana Satomi. Maybe this will affect Machio...
Just about everyone is in this chapter! I was kinda hoping to see them actually participate, too, but hey.
Joseph Mitchell
What a goddamn beast, she could win in a Kengan fenale match
Logan Allen
thanks! kek, she's becoming better material for bullying with each new chapter
Nathaniel Baker
>pretty much eat just about 1600 calories all day every day >start to lift >wanna improve my calorie intake >boost it to 3200 daily for 3 weeks >weight gained: 200g Nani?
Elijah Roberts
she's perfect for bullying
>200g = 1/2 a pound Well, on the one hand, if you are just starting to weight train, you're likely dropping bodyfat and replacing it with muscle, so the weight gains aren't massive but the visual changes are a bit more defines. On the otherhand, if you're a big guy, 1600 was probably under maintenance and 3200 might not actually be as big a surplus as you think it is.
If you are lifting heavy weights to get big and heavy, I'd focus more on your legs and back, during the beginning. You'll gain far more mass than training your chest and arms far faster and having a stable platform to base the rest of your exercises on is a good idea. Also, don't worry about getting huge gains right away: slow build-up is more visually appealing (no stretch marks) and let's your body adjust on a lot of different levels than simply exploding in size.
Julian Reyes
Luke Ortiz
Maybe this series follows the rise of the shock real Kengen champion? Sakura Hibiki.
Benjamin Cooper
She got mad gainz
Grayson Sanchez
never underestimate the punch of a gyaru!
Jordan Morales
call me when there's a loli in this shitty manga!
Daniel Wright
Michael Scott
I don't usually read the text translations for this, so with batoto gone where should I look for the newest scanlations?
Carson Sanchez
As far as online readers go, that's not clear, yet. But the ENG scanlations are available from the Rakuen Translations team.
Their homepage is in the OP. Just download the chapter.
Hunter Watson
Nathaniel Gray
>Hibiki in this panel MUH DICK Do rakuen have a online reader or something?
Justin Taylor
>Do rakuen have a online reader No. It's uploaded to mega with simply a link provided. Storing volumes of manga pages on a website costs money.
Carson Taylor
Jack Cruz
I can dump the latest release for ya
Chapter 35 - Resistance Training
Michael Foster
Brayden Richardson
Gains Princess is so cute.
Liam Wright
Mason Sullivan
She knows what she likes and what she wants. THAT'S confidence!
Ryan Wilson
Ayden White
Cooper Hall
Carter Peterson
Jonathan Foster
John Nguyen
Juan Turner
Carter Butler
Alexander Cox
Blake Lopez
Brandon Bennett
Where in the world is Akemi Soruuindiego?
Josiah Baker
Thanks, I appreciate it.
Jaxon Hernandez
Loved the 2 new chapters.
Matthew Gray
TS has 4 more chapters on deck, so things are looking good!
Lincoln Foster
She sure wouldn't be able to live in the pre-floor press era where strongmen had 0 pecs.
Chase Barnes
>1.01 MB Jesus.
Josiah Phillips
>One off arm candy KA girl gets popular >Give her face time in your other manga Clever, Sandrovich.
Daniel Phillips
how did you get the file that small? I couldn't get below 540KB.
Jace Rodriguez
I remember the days when media storage was on floppies, where even the 3 1/2 inchers were 1.44 MB (until they created the LS 140 and 280 MB).
Now? Externals in the terabytes for less than $50. Even 120GB SSDs for $50. These days...
Gabriel Smith
Well, technically, the strong men today are massive but the focus still isn't on pecs.
Ah, the golden age of trim bodybuilding...
John Carter
you've got some sort of truncation? these are all the changed pixels
Jack Brown
Zachary Sullivan
You all are making me more and more impressed by what TS does when making this chapters. It looks so good, even compared to the RAWS of equal size.
Jaxson Adams
I posted, and because I wanted to know how he got down to 369KB when I as a random passerby could only get it down to 540KB
If this ever gets an adaptation, I want the same Super Saiyan aura sound that Goku has when he's in that mode to be played during those pages.
Sebastian Collins
I actually hopes that it gets an anime adaptation. Even if it's 5 minutes long.
Even better is if Kengan Ashua gets an adaptation first; and then after the credits; there's a panel of Danberu.
Luke Wright
>All the Danberu 4koma are Kengen Asura endings after the credits >after a year or so, Danberu gets its own anime oh man
Ethan Flores
So has this manga actually motivated anyone to get fit or are you all here for the reaction images?
Personally, kengan ashua is motivating me to get swole. Everytime I see this fight; I get hyped.
Warning. Pic related contains spoilers for Kengan Ashua. Don't open unless you're caught up to the raws.
Pic related is from Ch. 132
Lincoln Scott
Something about this is sexy and I don't know why
Christian Robinson
Dominic Foster
Looks like his muscles are really full of oxygen yamato damashi
Austin Bailey
Everytime I see this face, I get the sudden urge to pump iron.
I want to be a monster like ohma
Wyatt Clark
I can't even attempt to get fit because I get painful inflammation of the cartilage in my ribcage if I try to work my abs or my pecs. The best I can do is squats or stretches.
I've had people tell me to suffer through it, but you try working out when it feels like someone stuck a needle in your heart; even if you know that it's not a heart attack, it's hard to keep going.
Camden Ross
Unless a doctor tells you it's life threatening, I don't see why you shouldn't keep going.
We gettin swole in 2018
#FitAnons #Abs4Anon #VirginBGone #2Fit4U
Camden Bailey
Bump for hibiki
Ayden Hall
Lucas Wilson
Akemi and hibiki are the best in this image? Who knew a jacket and sports attire outfit could be so....smashing
Michael Butler
Stay alive thread. Bump for gains
Christian Johnson
Wyatt Howard
Stay Alive thread.i actually enjoy the comfiness of these threads.
David Baker
It's here, genuinely only once or twice a week, for folks to come in and enjoy what it means to learn how to go to a gym and workout.
And the girls are sexy and I would love all of them mercilessly.
Luis Taylor
Gensai makes me want to grow a beard and train martial arts to beyond perfection.
William Rivera
Elijah Taylor
Are there any set days for it or do they threads just come and go as they please?
I like to keep a schedule
Lincoln Allen
Guaranteed Thursdays (every other) since that was the usual release date (and I don't work Thursdays).
But Sundays are the current release date (urasunday changed their schedule) so I make it on those days if I'm impatient or a new chapter is ready or a new TL needs scrutinizing (like today!). But I generally work Sundays.
I'm just one guy, anyway. It's not like other people couldn't make a Danberu thread if they didn't want to! There's a thousand Killing Bites threads up after all. (that's one fit badger)
Oliver Clark
Lucas Roberts
Noah Rivera
Okay, it's fucking confirmed. The final fight of Kengan Ashura is going to be Tokita Ohma vs Julius Reinhold.
Then the last moment reveal is that Julius was just planted to get Toyo Electric Power Co. to the final, not participate as their fighter. To represent them Hibiki Pyon Pyon's into the field.
Chase Johnson
Machio steps into the field to everyones shock and amazment, "Is this guy.. MORE muscular than Julius?!" .. Then when all goes quiet, he turns around to reveal and give a thumbs up to Hibiki who was standing right behind him, gives her a headpet and then he heads back to the bench.
Isaac Gonzalez
And Deire Kudarou with Muji TV, the producer for these matches so that the big companies can all view them, has been involved from the beginning! Okubo Naoya has been keeping her company, and she friends with her Koyou Academy classmate kouhai, Karla Kure!