Why is Jaguar the cutest Friend? She is very inspirational and strong
Why is Jaguar the cutest Friend? She is very inspirational and strong
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without a doubt my nigga, this absolute mad woman swam up and down a fucking river with a raft everyday just to help friends who wanted to cross it. Why? Because she is the best.
>Jaguar not going to the Superbowl
>expecting the final villain to lose this early on
I was looking forward to all the Jaguar x American Football fanart but I guess it's not happening
I want to Sup Forums to stay
She also has the best voice.
This is my wife Jaggy and I love her!
>being married to a loser
There is nothing wrong with masturbating outside!
Jaguars also have the strongest bite of any cat.
It wouldn't be fair for the other team
>Superb owl
What did he mean by this?
Maybe the Eagles can win the owl?
GOAT is pretty cute
Because jaguars are cute and the top tier cat.
The lions will win like always.
It should be illegal to make posts like these.
You really got to HAND it to him.
What did she mean by this?
Best girl
Why is she drinking water full of animal shit?
Say that to my face.
>Someone made a thread about my wife
Thank you, that's so kind
My onee-san is fashionable!
Which one is the real husband?
Makes sense that the coolest big cat also makes the best Friend.
I've posted 5 pictures and counting. First to 10 wins
Neither, she has a cute wife
I just want to point out that Jaguar x Small Clawed Otter is fucking retarded because they are indigenous to totally different continents.
Jaguar x Giant River Otter would actually make sense
Friends aren't separated by geologic location you putz
I'm glad she started getting a ton of attention after all the Jaguarman shit on nico, even though it was after the 9/25 incident.
Is Tatsuki still dead?
Why is Jaguar so memetastic?
Something something negotiations
Not sure what it yielded though, if anything.
Which one is the superb owl or are they both superb?
MiAbros are bullying us again bros. What should we do? Do we even have the energy to fire back?
only one is an owl.
Deal with it, Kemono friends is 4th place AotY, no amount of friend posting in MiA threads will change that.
Negotiations failed and Tatsuki moved on.
>4th place
>Gembutts only #4
Even as a kemofure-fag I think that's wrong.
Why this obvious shitpost?
Or did he?
Poll faggots trying to be relevant. Pay them no heed.
300 votes barely reaches the category of statistical noise
>Finally, we reach the end with Fall:
>3 - 3-gatsu no Lion 2, with 8 votes
>2 - Houseki no Kuni, with 32 votes
>1 - Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou, with 46 votes
That's more resonabl-
>Most watched shows:
>1 - Kobayashi-san Chi no Maidragon, with 105 viewers, constituting 74.47% of voters
>2 - Kobayashi-san Chi no Maidragon, with 17 votes
Actually, fuck this list and fuck you
Why were there no girls playing Jaguar in the live shows?
I have seen zero girls cosplaying Jaguar at all.
Because 3DPD know their limit
Begone troll
I would frick the HECK out of that oni.
Not the cutest, but still one of the best just like all the rest.
I was working all day avoiding TV and radio and web sites. I get home and hop on Sup Forums thinking I'd be safe from spoilers. Fuck you guys.
I don't understand.
It's an American thing. Don't worry you're not missing out.
Left looks like Kurome
I really love the foxes.
>Wake up
>You've no idea where you are or what happened earlier
>See this
What would you do, Sup Forums?
Someone pulled the red string on me
I love ezo-chan more.
Because she is voiced by my wife
Why Beaver is so beautiful?
Negotiations failed, pretty much every studio kusokawa turns to refuses to animate S2. Meanwhile tatsuki is recruiting voice actors and released a short anime, and is probably working on something new already.
Its a shame, but if tatsuki isn't in charge then season 2 should just not happen.
She big booby spat shorts.
It's like Kadokawa like shooting themselves in the foot. It's like they enjoy the pain.
That's a pretty big Jaguar
For you.
I like Arai-san
>that comes sprinting at you going 100km an hour
Is answering your own question a meme now?
I will never understand this.
This is the real kemono bites, nanoda!
I sure hope that's her!
She's very strong.