ITT: forced drama
Other urls found in this thread:
forced by Satan being a sperg
>goes on a rant online trying to change the world's view of demons
>it backfires so hard it dismembered her
her and the rest of the world having an electricity and working web servers to shitpost, by the time it's mad max gang anarchy around is the biggest plot hole of the thing
>"forced x"
I hate this meme so fucking much.
have you no faith in the economy?
forced "I hate x"
How is that even forced drama, do you even know what drama means?
A character death is pretty much the most legit reason for drama, the only thing that could get called "forced" is the audience reaction with all that exaggerated gore, but this is Devilman after all.
I love forced animation meme. Even japs love it.
what a retard , tell whats the point of keeping them alive if the world ends anyway
People with guns would just steal all the gas from the boiler houses for their personal /o/ and heating needs. Or the workers themselves.
>How is that even forced drama
a poorly developed character thrown into an extreme situation in slow motion and with sad music playing in the background.
at least in the manga the scene exists purely for shock and terror and not for tears.
why did some regular humans kill a demon
in the tanks? "experimenting on the uncommon" sci-fi trope
Does the angel beats ending count?
She was a weak demon.
All drama in fiction is forced
The difference between you and the fiction character is he has 1-3 authors and you have about 100. Not that different, if his are working harder.
it wasn't though
the army was doing a fair job preventing society from collapsing utterly, but they look away when a lynch mob shows up at a confirmed demon's residence
>All drama in fiction is forced
Only in the trash fiction you read.
I mean, she was a fucking spider. Unless they bite you they are damn weak.
are you fucking stupid
a car > a running affectionado
>stupid OP for the sake of (You)s
>expect people to take this thread seriously
No, that's you.
user are you saying you can't fucking squash a spider?
literally every drama show ever, then.
They do? How?