I want to start watching the entire Dragon Ball series starting from the very beginning...

I want to start watching the entire Dragon Ball series starting from the very beginning, but idk if I should watch it subbed or dubbed. I don't like Goku's old grandma voice so I prefer the dub voices, but I know the dub has bad translations. I normally watch anime subbed since most of them sound terrible dubbed, but DB is one of those few that actually sound better dubbed. So which one should I do?

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Someone fucking respond

Watch subbed if you can, but dubbed is fine.

It's up to your taste, user

>tell me what to think
fuck you

No fuck you leatherhead.

Goku's Japanese voice is fine while he's a kid, and the dub adds constant insufferable grunting noises from everyone because it's afraid ADHD kids will switch the channel if anyone's silent for even a second.

Subbed dont be a faggot

sub or read the manga


Dub is for dumb faggots who don't know better. They can't even fucking pronounce basic words.

Action feels weird on paper.

subbed, you are old for dubs user. Also english dub is a mess.

>I normally watch anime subbed since most of them sound terrible dubbed, but DB is one of those few that actually sound better dubbed.
This ancient decrepit meme needs to die already.
Watch the actual show, or not at all. Dubs are never an appropriate middle ground.
The voice inarguably fits a child. You'll get used to it. When he grows up, you'll notice it deepen.
Nobody does Goku justice the way Nozawa does, so a recast would be out of the question anyway. Realism is no substitute for on-point characterization.

Read the manga.

Read the manga
Then watch DB subbed
Then watch Z subbed
Then watch GT subbed
Then watch BoG subbed
Then read Jaco
Then watch RoF subbed
Then read the Super manga

Original manga, BoG and RoF movies, Super manga

Watch in 1.2-1.5x speed whichever you choose.

>taint the vocal performance and music
boo this man

> Taint the vocal performances timed to low frame rate animation and stretched running times

Dragon Ball dubbed is fine. It's Z and GT you need to consider the sub for.

The dub of DBZ Kai is great, and GT is non canon garbo.

there's that word again

Watch Dragon Ball subbed. Don't continue after that. Dont watch Z. Don't watch GT. Don't watch S. There, I fixed Dragon Ball. Everyone can go home now.

>No Z
>No heartwarming relationship between Piccolo and Gohan
>No adult Krillen
>No Videl

That sounds awful, user. What the fuck are you thinking?

Good luck watching this user regardless, really wish they would update the format to blu ray or remake DB the same way they did with Kai. I sold my blue box sets because I couldn't stand watching the series in a black box because my tv is HD. Regardless of the sub/ dub it's gonna be trash. Read the Manga to avoid it.

If you watch DB subbed Jap you will eventually get used to Jap goku before you realise it.
Also despite what amerifats tell you blinded by their nostalgia googles, Faulconer sucks ass in Z. Dont do this to your self and watch it at least with the original soundtrack if you go for the dub.
Lastly but not that important if you dont care about that stuff, you'll miss a lot of good insert songs like this youtube.com/watch?v=GKyBizoxWSg if you watch the dub.

I'm thinking the original Goku vs. Piccolo Jr, or Goku vs. Tien was a better fight than 85% of Z and S combined. When they had actually had fights and martial arts combinations. I was genuinely impressed some times instead of constant power ups, 4 episode spirit bombs, and stuff like that. I was actually mad about S bringing back the Mafuba Wave.

Holy fucking hell this.
Funi's DBZ suffered from this also, constantly making characters talk when they're off screen


>grown men actually wasting time on teenage pandering comics

Remember what a good fight looks like? Remember when it was about adventure?

Masako Nozawa's voice for kid Goku is super cute and bumpkin-ish, which is perfect for the character.

Watch it subbed, you get used to the grandma

whatever you do, dont watch kai. watch it with the original ost with is superior by far