Just curious which girl does Sup Forums prefer/find more pleasant? I see a lot of love for both sides
Darling in the FranXX
Oni a best, obviously.
Where's Nana, or at the very least Miku?
>Cocona is winning
I didn't know there are so many NTRfags on Sup Forums.
We can do it
go best girl
No one likes them
Someone proxy both to 1000 now.
Better than choosing a pushy slut who just came off killing another guy and is already moving on to the next
>not voting for the caring beauty without ugly horns and jagged teeth
Death to all Ichigofags!
>The 9th wedding anniversary for a married couple
>Faithfulness in romantic relationships
>Optimism towards the future
>larkspur flowers may mean frivolity, haughtiness, and inconsistent loyalty.
>Almost all parts of the plant have poisonous alkaloids.
>Oh hey, you look like an amusing fellow. Want to go on amazing adventures with me, your fun and sexy companion?
the choice is obvious, faggot
>names her
>has her loyalty for life
>willing to abandon partner just to save him
Meanwhile the oni just finished sucking off the juices out of her latest victim
>has her loyalty for life
This is wrong though.
Cocona a shit.
no one likes you, but you still here
Haven't seen a less appealing design on a major female character in a while.
But what if I like both!
haha no one likes Ichigo because she's shit, glasses-kun deserves better
Choose the prettier one
Ichigo. Caring childhood friend, underdog, fun-sized, DFC, Blue, wants the D.
Can Ichigofags explain to me what the fuck they find appealing about her compared to 002? She is insufferably boring.
Sorry, but homosexuals' opinions are automatically discarded.
02 is for sex, Ichigo is for manhandling.
>show is literally called DARLING in Franxx
>Oni is the only one that uses that word to refer to the MC
>OP showcases MC and Oni as OTP
>MC only gets hard with the Oni
>the Sterilitza pasta that pretty much sets them as a inseparable and loyal couple
>Cuckonafags still insists that she has any chance to win MCbowl
I bet you faggots thought that Kuroneko and Ayase had any chance for winning the MCbowl in Oreimo too.
anal for them all desu
She's not flat!
She's unpopular so I get hipster points for pretending to find the bland non-character likable.
Zero Two is the kind of girl I'd fuck and play around with sexually. Ichigo is the kind of girl I'd marry and have babies with.
>Choose the prettier one
002? Indeed.
A is small enough.
>all these ironic Ichigofags
>not being an Ichigofag
Red vs Blue is a war that rages on for eternity across all of anime. You can only side with one. Search your feelings, you know Blue is superior.
so what do you think Hiro's deal is? He was supposed to be a prodigy, but he can't pilot for shit , yet they kept him around even before he met zero two
also what do you think are the exact requirements to pilot a franxxx? the pro material made a big deal out of x and y's and it's called a franxxx so maybe it's chromosomes? if that is the case is there something different with hiro's
Again this ass.
>being literal cancer
I'd rather kill myself.
Having watched only episode 01:
Ichigo is almost guaranteed to die painfully.
02 probably will act like she doesn't really care about Hiro as a romantic partner until the mid-season climax, and then she'll shift into clingy possessive mode.
already wrong
How do we you you 02fags aren't the real cancer?
Everything you predict, but replace die with lose, is going to happen in episode 2.
You mean 02, she looks very slut and probably likes to suck a huge variety of dicks. Guys who like her are the true cuckolds.
Hiro is some sort of "special case". There is something weird / special about him which is probably the reason he can't pilot properly.
The guys in the chairs (APE?) think its a bad idea for him (the special case) to pilot with 02 for whatever reason, wondering if this means we will get very few Strelitzia fights for a while, since APE guys want to keep them seperate and if they do three more fights with it then it will be confirmed that there is something super special about Hiro vs. all 02's previous partners.
It was telegraphed since before the anime even started. Ichigo will be the cause of all the shitty DRAMA.
>having shit taste and being a shitposter
I hope you do.
>02 winning
I expected that. Ichigo is only for patricians.
It's a shame this show is so completely dedicated to sexual imagery and symbolism, because that means ACTUAL sex almost certainly won't happen.
>non-canon flower meaning shit
>nitpicks other meanings instead of the typical ones
02fags confirmed for retarded.
not him, but i'm wondering if she's only showboating on him for the time being because he can unlock her mecha's true form (not something her other "companions" have been able to do) - if that's true, a setup for a mid series swing to genuine affection is more than plausible.
I prefer twintails.
you're arguing with the cancerous spammer-autist. You know what to do.
>she looks very slut
Fuck off pablo
You're joking, right? You linked to a butthurt spammer's copypasta and a post that is being literally cancer.
>all these anons falling for the Lum
I thought we were past this, Sup Forums.
Someone link to "that" thread where he was BTFO hard.
well we know that he's a special case, i'm asking for speculation on why he's special though
possible but I think she's genuine even if it's early to be the clingy especially given how smug she was when Ichigo could't do the same for Hiro as she did
It's the childhood friend? wew she is going to lose hard
Lum is still best girl, Takahashi.
I prefer 02 because of how seductive she is, while also being a cute dork sometimes. But Ichigo is still cute and I don't see why people hate her. I mean if it were the other way round (Chad coming in and swooping a female childhood friend away from a shy male MC) I would despise the male equivalent of 02.
I don't hate Ichigo. I'm just memeing against the Ichigofags who think she has a chance of winning but are probably ironic about it too so it's all just a nestled joke to me.
I'm just remembering the first part of Eureka Seven where Eureka straight up tells renton the only reason she wanted him to join gekkostate to begin with was because his mere presence made her mech work better, FranXX is already giving me minor flashbacks to that show.
Lum is great. Suck a dick.
I wouldn't even remember childhood friend's name of it wasn't in the poll.
She didnt even know his name
it could be that but I don't see it heading that way, because Hiro will pilot no matter what, even if it means dying, he did tell her that in episode 1 right?
Because Parasites doesn't actually have names.
The only reason anyone is voting for Ichigo is due to the Cocona meme.
Worst girl, shit character, shit fanbase: literally the ironic weebs among FranXXfags.
Ah yes, the patrician choice.
Cocona will win in the end, screencap this.
Hiro > 02 > twintails >manlet > everyone else >garbage >dirt > shit >cockona
They'll all die and nobody will win in the end, screencap this.
>t. proxyfag ironic weeb memeing about muh cocona
Kill yourself.
She definitely has something for him, even if it's only shallow infatuation at this point. The only reason she ate with them was because she was trying to get closer to Hiro.
Im a sucker for dedicated girls like cocona
Milkman > All.
why does he look like reviewbrah?
The threads keep coming back from page 10
Good job bros
I actually hope get a Gainax ending.
Or maybe shes just bored
>Ichigo anywhere above 0%
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
>Everytime something happens that user doesn't like: "hurr durr the absolute state of Sup Forums".
What if it was 02 in Ichigo's body or Ichigo in 02's body?
I would choose the first one, as I think Ichigo is cuter and I like them petite, but 02's dominant sexuality is a huge turn on.
Ichigo > Cockgoblin
She's already clingy though.
shinobu a shit
Ichigo must go and stay go.
And you with her, fag.
Ichigo a cute
this webm.
Honest question, why are you even watching the show if you loathe on of the main characters so much? Surely it would spoil your enjoyment of the show.
02 dying is the only way for Cocona to win. Don't be delusional. It's sad, but true.
slut goro already ate her strawberries
To watch 0ni win and Shitchigo suffer.
childhood friend can [not] win
Is that legit her name?
Japan and their wicked curse.
Cocana is the best choice for marriage.
>hamfisted fanservice
>ugly mechs
Fuck this, I'm going back into a co/m/a until Fafner Beyond comes out.