So I haven't been able to really check out much of this season's anime due to life shit...

So I haven't been able to really check out much of this season's anime due to life shit, but I have had time to browse Sup Forums a little, and noticed a lot of people shitting on this show.
So I finally decided to check it out for myself.

All I can say is I'm glad Sup Forums is always wrong about everything.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this the new Beyond the Boundary?

I mean you seem just enough normal to like Kyoani. The maidragon was a blast!

Or maybe you just have shit taste?

Ignore other opinions. Be glad you enjoy something.

Is trash.

What brings you to that conclusion?
Because I like something that you do not?

Violet Evergarden will close the season as its AOTS.

Honestly, after hearing a lot of people complain about filters and bad directing, I was expecting a mess. Was really pleasantly surprised.

I think I will enjoy this show, but I imagine the threads will forever be a disaster. Which is unfortunate.

Same user. What do you make of the story?

What about opinions saying that it's AOTS?

Who cares what others think

It's just the IRC crew samefag spamming shitposts like they do for every KyoAni show.

But i do. Back when you said it's going to destroy every show this season, it really hurt me deep inside because Yuru Camp is my AOTS. Are you saying that you've forgotten?

Yeah. My tastes are patrician. I had it tested. 99% of anonymous agrees with me. Go home shit eater.

I like Yuru Camp too. Nothing wrong with that. >Shit eater
imagine being this angry at chinese cartoons that you don't like.

>a KyoAni show
>not clawing its way into AOTS by the end of the season
You gentlemen jest too much.

yare yare daze. It's not even worth my anger, let alone my watch time. You just have shit taste.

If we both agree that Yuru Camp is AOTS, then why did you guys said those horrible things?

I'm really enjoying watching Kyoanifags try to flip the narrative on this one.

>episode 3
You guys never bothered checking the veracity of his posts.

He's right. Episode 3 was aired early in the cinemas, you know.

And it literally changed anime

You mean episodes 1 and 2, no?
Source on episode 3 please.


Turns out they didn't air episode 3 though?

Obviously not much yet as its only 2 episodes so far, but it certainly seems to have potential. I love the setting of a postwar world in any story in any medium, however, and so far the anime seems to be doing quite well of it. I hope they continue the nice balance of story and flashbacks.

I also thought I wouldn't like Violet from her design, but she's actually surprisingly cuter somehow in the actual show.

In cinemas. Not TV.

Ah, so you haven't read any of the LN spoilers

Yes, I'm talking cinema. They only showed episodes 1 and 2 I think.

No, I haven't been lurking in the threads /that/ much.
Please don't spoil me.

Sure, you're free to be disappointed at your own pace

Leave the thread and stay the fuck away from VEG threads, there's a turbo autist that enjoys posting spoilers.

There's twitter receptions after ep3's screening was done iirc.

I'm hating this place more and more every year. People here unironically claim good is bad, black is white, up is down. Anyway, what do you like about VEG so far, OP?

Its story is set to a wonderfully halcyon pace. The setting and its characters are rather different from usual anime, and somewhat remind of the fantasy anime I used to watch in the 90's. And of course it's beautiful to look at.

Also, I don't usually bring up western media when talking about anime, but something about it also reminded me of the currently screening movie Phantom Thread, what with its tempered story, somewhat intrusive but nevertheless beautiful soundtrack, and focus on a decided autistic main character.
Sorry for the late reply, I bailed when I thought people were going to start spoiler dumping. I guess VEG threads are cancerous for more reasons than I thought.

>people who like VEG are the same kind who like DDL's worst film
sure i can believe that

I actually didn't like the film all that much, but I don't think I'd say it was his worst film by any means. I'd ask you why you thought so, but I suppose that's a discussion reserved for Sup Forums.
Which is a place even worse than Sup Forums, so I guess it's a discussion we'll never have.

I agree. I watched it because Sup Forums was hyping it up so much. If next episode is as bad as the first 2 I'm done with it.

If I learned anything from being here, it's that Sup Forums is always wrong. Always.

Well, Sup Forums did spend a year hyping VEG like no other, so I guess you're right

>Falling for the obvious falseflagging attempt of a single shill

Sup Forums never fails to deliver.

Nah, there were always multiple people involved. You can try to come up with all the conspiracies you like, but the simple fact is that Kyoanifags genuinely thought this was going to be a masterpiece. It had all the awards and Jap hype going for it, and the PVs had very beautiful animation.

True. Just as there isn't just one troll, there isn't/wasn't just one shill. It's embarrassing to have fallen for either, however,

Sure, rather than the idea that Kyoanifags were excited about a show their favorite studio was making, it's much more likely that the many people creating hype threads were all falseflaggers whose sole purpose was to get people excited about a show that they hated, certain that, in spite of all its accolades and promise, the show itself would actually end up being intensely average.

Truly, I was blind not to put it all together before now.

See? Now you're getting it.

What's the point of even lying OP? We know you've been posting about VEG trying to force people to like it for weeks now.
Also your attempts are ptiful, nice 14 ips faggot, go to leddit or some shit, they share your terrible ass "safe" taste over there.




Isn't that one of those scenes Kyoani said was too much work to animate so decided to not do them for the actual anime?

Nah. You're thinking the typewriter + violet dancing part.

You were lucky all the shitposting contrarrested the three years of hype, so your expectations were lowered to a normal level. Enjoy the show, it is actually good enough right now, and maybe it'll get better when Violet finally starts traveling.

reminder that violet wants to know what is love

Let's just say the story remained exactly the same BUT it was animated by some other studio & looked just like any other seasonal anime...

Would you still feel the need to make threads every hour telling people why they should like it?

I'm being serious. If it looked ordinary, would anyone give a fuck? My guess is no.

But VEG story is indeed complete garbage, Mr. Special Snowflake.

Just deal with it and move on.

OP does, judging by the post

It's a Kyoani show. I'm enjoying it but never enter the threads because they attract a certain kind of people who pretend like studio wars are a thing and should play out exactly like console wars on Sup Forums. It's been that way for the better part of a decade.

If having shit taste means enjoy things that i like, then that's great.

If i like it that's means it good.

People somehow cared about Gochiusa so why not?

Too bad, My taste > Your taste. Objectively.

I wonder if they're making more webms comparing VEG with other shows like that one season.

This webm wasn't a good comparison. Someone should post the one that compared the walking shot to the walking shot (which was still impressive).

>This webm wasn't a good comparison

It's not made by me. Ask the prideful Kyoanifag who made them.