somebody please tell me this stupid cunt gets killed off or something. i just wanna smash her fucking head in with a rock holy shit shes worthless she cant dance for shit shes ugly as fuck annoying as fuck and worthless even gave up dancing over nothing.
Somebody please tell me this stupid cunt gets killed off or something...
Other urls found in this thread:
take it easy
literally best girl
epic bait.
id give you a (you) if i had a few less chromosomes.
imagine being this gay
Kill yourself
Just make a screenshot yourself, don't take it from google.
i did. do you not know how to rename images?
bad day?
you dont, you didnt even rename yours
I haven't watched Ballroom, does she really say that? Gross.
Imagine being this mad over best girl saying shit that doesn't matter in the end. You should go to MAL, you're gonna have a great time there. Anyways, Chinatsu's mom is fucking hot. Heck every mature women in this anime/manga is fucking hot.
She's just frustrated that she can't further her dance because two girls can't enter higher level tournaments, hence the statement It didn't even matter in the end since she finally found a partner that can lead her, the MC.
youre a retard my man.
shes a worthless sjw thats mad she cant wear a suit and lead a girl in a dress.
It's you who didn't rename the pic from the google, not me, y-you r-retard.
Chinatsu is great tho, still the show kinda dragged in the second half
>Even at prancing around like little girls, men are better than women
Poor girl.
Eh, whatever floats your boat user.
i took a snip from and renamed it. whats so hard to understand.
pic related is what a pic from google looks like
mako best
>have personal problems
>blame all men for it
Sounds like your typical SJW
>have personal problems
>blames all women for it
Sounds like your typical virgin
You're free to like SJW characters, but at least be honest about it instead of denying what she is.
Who's doing that exactly?
Mako's arc is fun, maybe because at that point you still dont realize that the dances are stills with endless babbling about inane shit.
Kugimiya was robbed
Don't reply to namefags.
So everyone in this thread is just gonna conveniently ignore the fact that OP is streaming his anime?
Sup Forums isn't your blog, you sensitive faggot.
maybe he's not retarded
>an entire thread of anons pissing and moaning about dance
all of you are sad bitches.
I wouldn't go so far as calling a character an SJW for a sentence, user.
Imagine having such tiny, undescended balls that you take a shitty stream screenshot and make a thread about wanting to kill a 2D character for dancing. Just redfaced the entire time.
Imagine being this much of a buttblasted alt-rightlet, getting triggered at every little thing outside the zone of comfort of the tiny bubble world you grew up in.
>OP dislikes ballroomfags' favorite feminist character
>shitstorm ensues
Why aren't you people in tumblr? That seems much more fitting for your kind.
The alt right will take an argument wherever they can get it.
imagine caring about the destruction of society in anime
>got into a fist fight (like an impulsive animal) with a boy for calling a chick fat
>calls him stupid
here. you guys will like this place more than Sup Forums i promise:
aggred chinatsu a shit, tamaki best girl
>Sup Forums can't handle criticism
That's new
>this kills the society
It's a girl dancing with a girl. Why are you so emotionally unstable?
She's pretty shit which is why it's unfortunate the entire second half of the show revolves around her. Mako was way better.
>male supremacy
Are male dancers allowed to compete together or what about this rule favors men?
I'm laughing at op being so triggered over a fucking Jap cartoon you fag.
nah shes just a retarded bulldyke
Haha, the salt
Isn't that kinda normal in anime? That's like calling a female character an SJW because she punched someone for calling her old hag, talks about her age or weight.
In higher level tournaments the lead has to be a male.
Who cares you stupid cocksucker, none of these things are of vital importance to the show/plot and if you can't ignore them and instead focus on the important things you need to grow up.
Please consider OP's feelings. He's a bitch baby and can't handle an anime character.
This series have so much best older women. It's such a shame Comiket doesn't share our enthusiasm.
You can't learn japanese.
i copy it from other thread.
cant speak english either by the looks of it
Holy fuck, i remember people saying she was supposedly best girl
Good thing i dropped it
She's the best part of the show, you tasteless nigger.
A couple things.
Males are the ones that register as athletes, while women are registered only as partner. Technically the male is the only one actually registered as a competitor.
Women can't be leads in competitions, which also part of the reason a lot of girls drop out of dancing because they can't find a lead. There's something like nine female dancers for every male dancer in ballroom.
Judging is based almost entirely on the male's performance up until the finals. Even then it can depend on the competition. Smaller ones will often only judge the male. It's really only the premiere events where the couples are evaluated as a pair which is the top end of dancing.
Hyodo is your frame of reference for dancer theory since more than anyone else he's where the science of it all comes through and that's where you actually begin to see why the judging system is broken in dancing.
i can't even speak on my native language, because i didn't speak with people over 2 years.
Sure, user. Down with patriarchy!
i havent spoken to a real person in 4 years but i can still speak the language i've been speaking my entire life how the hell can you forget a language in 2 years?
Best girl
Cool blog
Not entirely but it harder to talk now, than before.
>Just finished watching this two weeks ago
>Want to talk about it
>finally found a thread on Sup Forums
>It's actually Sup Forums
He was the best part of the Anime.
The only degenerate character is the blonde single mother whore. Chinatsu is a cute girl from a functional family of five who is just flawed and immature enough to be interesting. Getting frustrated at the main character is only natural since he's an autistic wimp (can't even tell his father what he's doing, retires from a competition because of muh four legs, is too beta to properly lead a girl), so every time she loses her patience with him is a plus in my book. Even with all that, she sticks with it and manages to make him into a dancer in the end.
episode number?
The threads were actually worse while it was airing. It was a combination of spoilers everywhere and manga readers constantly shitting on the anime like it was the worst thing they'd ever seen. There was zero hype or excitement even at the highpoints like Mako's dance, just (a few) anons bitching about quality. The only times things got a bit livelier were when someone posted a youtube link to a real competition and the threads became about that instead. You didn't miss anything.
this shows fucking retarded i think everyone knows that. like in pic related immediately after she turns into a whale again he says he doesnt care and blushes.
picked up
>whale character is treated as nothing more than a joke throughout the show
>doesn't dance
>is not even a good teacher
B-but muh SJW brainwashing!
Damn, that sucks. Anyways, I really like it. Downloaded a batch, watched the whole thing twice. And then, went on to read the manga. I really like the characters and their design (minus the anime necks). And seeing Tatara change and grew from partner to partner is really neat to me. Sucks that Sup Forums doesn't like it. But I can see why. Just sharing my opinion while I can.
>fat character is treated like shit
And it still doesn't make Chinatsu any less of a feminist.
I forgot to mention all the NTRposting during the first cour, but I guess that goes without saying.
If she was a feminist by today's standards she wouldn't be wearing cute dresses and dancing in traditional styles where men lead women around the dance floor. She's talking about this , and seeing how she's a better leader than Tatara and is not a submissive moeblob like Mako it's completely understandable that she'd be annoyed by the situation.
A feminist character would regularly put down men and mention her own gender like it makes her special. There are countless characters like that in western media, and Chinatsu is not like that at all.
whales arent people. This is a well known fact and not a matter of opinion. also what i was refering to was them calling the whale "healthy" perpetuating the "healthy at every size" lie. and another reminder. the brainwashed bugmen are the only ones who brought up politics in this thread so blame them.
How do you people survive being this obsessed with social justice politics?
And why the fuck are you looking for it in anime, a medium where it’s okay to peep on girls in the bath and punch dudes for accidentally walking in on you changing?
show me one anime where the guy is caught peeping and its considered "ok"
Mate if it wasn’t okay they wouldn’t show obviously beloved characters constantly doing it and getting away with it. How many times do we see the archetype of the sage old mentor who’s a pervert? The point is that in anime, stuff like sexual or physical assault is played off as a joke, coming from both men and women, and it isn’t the place to be shoving your ideals about social justice into, regardless of what side of the fence you’re on.
People like you are just like those stupid tumblrinas who complain about character designs that are too lewd or draw perfectly good characters into some ugly brown abomination with leg hair. You can all fuck off.
Fucking kill yourself.
>it's okay because I say so
>I can’t read
Who cares about her. Shizuku is better anyway.
Still haven't given a single example of a show where it's okay to peep on girls.
Golden boy?
Is this line before or after the flashback? Just wait a bit, it's half shitsubs and half reasonable.
Shizuku a shit
You know that thing about how the most fervent anti-gay dudes tend to be gay dudes themselves?
Anyone who is this obsessed with masculinity is no doubt the least masculine person of all.
So if I hate niggers I'm black?
No, you're just obsessed with Black people.
So your post is meaningless babble.
just finished im seething
Not the dude you're replying to. I'm saying guys who obsess over what other dudes put in their butts are obsessed with the idea of putting things in their butts. Same way guys who hate Blacks are obsessed with everything Blacks people do.
>"putting things in your butt is disgusting"
>"heh... sounds to me like you wanna put things in your butt smugleftyface.jpg"
>"Vore is disgusting"
>"hehehe... seems like you want to eat people, user"
>"NTR is disgusting"
>"hehe... seems like you want to see your wife having sex with other guy, user"
Stop with this half-assed assumption, please.
>watching the anime
Read the manga instead. Fucking ruined it with the non-existent animation and exaggerated proportions.
There's a difference between saying something is disgusting and spending every day of your life proclaiming to anyone who will listen that something is disgusting.
Same way OP has spent this entire thread complaining about SJWs because of one tangentially related line in a cartoon. I'd say get a hobby, but clearly you're not capable of enjoying anything.
That argument about "homophobia" is trash though, up there with "you can't criticize X if you haven't done better" in the list of arguments that immediately out whoever uses them as a braindead moron.
>spending every day of your life proclaiming to anyone who will listen that something is disgusting
Who's doing that?
>Same way OP has spent this entire thread complaining about SJWs because of one tangentially related line in a cartoon.
Proof? Could be that OP just made the first post and then left you alone to cry about it.