>*wins anime of the year*
Heh nothing personal Sup Forums.
*wins anime of the year*
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm upset
I take literally anything over this Twitter shit anime this seaon.
Are you upset?
Japari park welcomes pte
is Elder Scrolls Sup Forumsppropriate now?
of course.
Ok that made me chuckle
put me in the screenshot
That is not that good, but still is good.
Don't worry, there will surely be plenty of mature, complex seinen animes for refined palettes such as yours, user...
You "people" pollute this board like cockroaches. And I had enough of this infestation. I have a need to speak up. I. Hate. Every. Single. One. Of. You.
Why did you even create this thread? To get a few cheap laught from the other retards like you? To piss more civilized elements of this board off? This could've been a thread about Violet Evergarden, you know, the ACTUAL aniem of the year, but no, you made this garbage. And you know what's the worst part? People are actually buying this Pop Team Epic shit. I just checked the stalker thread and I'm speechless, but I know the true art will prevail and in a few weeks no one will remember Pop Team Epic with Violet Evergarden occupying bestseller lists everywhere and cementing itself as a timeless classic.
Laugh while you can Pop Team Epic fags. Because your moment is already coming to an end.
I've seen pleb filters before, but this beats all.
In the matter of truthfulness, one needs a sharper look at a series' motifs to truly appreciate Poptepipic, and cursory knowledge of its subject material proves detrimental to its enjoyment. Moreover, there's Popuko's unrelenting set of ideals that is aptly woven int her personality - her stature and demeanor mirrors heavily from Jun'ya Ota's body of work. The Poptepipic otaku grasp as much; they have the demanded accumulated knowledge to realize how far these gags carry and realize they are beyond amusing - they celebrate the culture in ways Newtype could barely dream of in its existence. In itself, that means the show's plentiful detractors lack the nuance to truly appreciate what's beyond the surface - naturally, they can't fathom the referential humour in the catchphrase "Okotta?" and the myriad otaku works it parodies and deconstructs through all of its runtime. There is some vacancy to be felt inside as you realize pretty much all of the detractors fail to appraise the adequate level of craft bkub has imbued his trademark franchise. Orokanamonomega...
Incidentally, I do happen to be in possession of a Pipimi dakimakura. And no, it is not for your eyes to see. I reserve the right to display that to my choosen otome should she decide to come over visit. Shouganaine~!
I don't get it, why is every single episode looping in the middle? What kind of nippon nonsense is this? It's 13 minutes per episode and not 26 because of this, they just replay what you've already seen at the halfway mark.
>he never watched Endless Eight when it was new
>no one will remember the series that has been integrated into Sup Forums's culture for YEARS before Violent Shitgarden was a thing
Uh huh. Sure kiddo.
Try actually watching anime for once.
I unironically don't watch much anime but this I have never seen before. Can you explain to me without meme arrows and elitism about eastern cartoons why this is ok? What purpose does this serve?
Sup Forumstards on suicide watch.
It'll get thesort of stupid people that ojoy like it for the memes votes as well as pretentious nerd support
popteamepic is literally Sup Forums though
I didn't mean it as "watch more anime newfag" but literally to watch the second segment for once. Major VA changes and minor script changes isn't considered looping since its different.
Its ok because the studio got a 26min block and when a viewer sits in front of their telly to watch anime, they're ready to sit there for the next 26min. The studio can make whatever they want and use those 26mins however they like.
Anime shorts are extremely forgettable and ignored. By doubling a 13min anime and taking a full 26min block, popteamepic gets treated like an actual anime and gets internet discussion.
This but unironically.
I wonder what happened to Sup Forums, years ago people would love this shit not descend upon it to shitpost.
Is it because Sup Forums is full of normalfags now who don't enjoy japanese memes anymore?
You'll get yelled at and told to go to /jp/ now
I don't get it
That's what happens when mangas get adaptations, they get popular and i fucking hate it, i still like the anime but elitists on Sup Forums will complain because twitter likes it
it's not the elitists though, people who read manga or light novels are people who will go out of their way to find something and are willing to actually enjoy it
anime is for a wider audience and that wider audience includes the bitchy faggots who will whine about literally anything and everything
now what should i hate
>your life will end in 30 minutes
i'm seriously considering dropping this shit
Holy shit!
Since when?
>they get popular and i fucking hate it
What a sad weird life you lead.
Only because pewdiepie recomend it.
Upset aren't we?
There is still hope.
The mangaka could make the mistake and make them a lesbian couple. It will put this piece of shit in a ghetto, they can never climb out of.
Japs hate yuri
This is the best anime to have been made in decades. I am so glad this exists now.
>Japan hates yuri
It's amazing that you can use a keyboard when you're this mentally retarded.
Sure me being retarded is the reason yuri is so niche and doesn't sell fuck.