That's a big shovel

That's a big shovel.

Other urls found in this thread:大金-園芸ショベル-木柄-剣-122001/dp/B009GAQSGU

for you

She's a big girl.

If I took that off would she die?

She's already dead.

I want to fuck this cute zombie

Spoil me as to what happens to her in the latest chapters.


If I take away her shovel will she die?

My wife Rize is so cute


she's lived long enough now that she's become a kabaneri
ikoMAN will make her his imouto, and shovel-kun too

>Sup Forums memes

Kill yourselves.

That's a big image


Do you feel in charge?

That's a cute Wesker

Shovel-kun is love.大金-園芸ショベル-木柄-剣-122001/dp/B009GAQSGU

The anime and the dog don't deserve the hate they get.
There, I said it.

Somebody get this hothead outta here!

Actually the ones sho ruined the sereis are mangafags.

Shoo-shoo, mangafags.

Head status: hot

no u

Am I the only one that found this anime boring?
There wasen't much going on really...

>The anime
Yeah, it was ok.
>the dog
In the two instances where it wastes an episode of screentime, yes it does. To be fair, the pool episode was just as much of a waste.

all me

>pool episode
There's not enough post-apocalyptic series with a pool apisode.

I love Yuki's squeaky voice!

Lotta loyalty for a hired gun.

Don't worry, no charge for them

In the DUBS?

No, I mean her original voice of course!

My wife Aya is so cute.

And this gives you power over me?

Shovel > Rize >>>>>> Aya

>Shovel = Rize ====== Aya

is the manga good?
do they die?

>is the manga good?
Better than the anime for the most parts.
>do they die?
Some of the characters died, but not the main ones. Yet.

Not really it's kinda small for a shovel.