>most accurate European setting they said
>it will be anime of the year they said
what's with all those lies before the anime came out? or did kyoani added these chopsticks and "bowing as greeting" shit themselves and it wasn't in the source material?
fucking dropped
>expecting quality writing from a fucking LN
I told you, you didn't listen.
even Haibane Renmei managed to portray a european village correctly with like a 10th the budget of Evergarbage
they told me it's a good LN, I'm not believing in LN from now on, this is bullshit
>those kyoanuslickers defending the fucking chopsticks and bowing with "m-maybe this is an European colony in Asia"
my sides
>European colony in Asia
Please tell me nobody was retarded enough to use such argument unironically.
Do you think you're smart for noticing hints of Japanese culture in a show from Japan? Do these inconsistencies in setting really bother you that much or have you just got tired of complaining about the filters?
I've seen people autistic enough to make threads criticizing flashback scene where they shown the war.
People will always nitpick shows that are inspired by historical periods and foreign cultures, but at the same time they are also very keen to give credits to shows that managed to get it (mostly) right.
I don't now about the LN but the anime seems to have anachronisms, it's hard to place it historically. It's actually fascinating, that's one of the few things that I like of VEG.
It's kinda crazy how much polish there is into the visuals and none into the writing.
It's not bad, but incredibly lazily written.
Overshadowed by superior anime dong in the fucks.
Oh is this another VEG hating thread? Nice, with too many people fapping in Franxxx thread I almost forgot about this.
This show sucked, boring plot, the filter's hurting my eyes, directing is all over the place, the drama is stupid, world building makes no sense at all, violet has no character. Eh, did it get it all guys?
I don't think anyone feels smart for picking up "hints" like people EATING RAMEN WITH FUCKING CHOPSTICKS
Just look at that subtle off-white colouring
Yeah, especially the part where you bring up Franxx even though it has nothing to do with this.
What's exactly wrong with it you stupid autist? It's not like all of them using chopstick or eating noodles. From what I have seen most still use normal European's stuff and the Japshit are ordered from RESTAURANT. God forbid if restaurants in this setting has some Jap food.
Is this VEG undeniable proof that the main reason that Sup Forumsspies decide to shit on a show is because it's popular? It makes little sense why this show is being treated as though it's rubbish on par with Sword Art Online.
Actually, chopsticks make a grand lot of sense, and if it is an alternate reality kinda thing there is a possibility that europeans adopted them from asians at some point in history.
Sitting on a cold wooden floor, meanwhile, does not make any sense.
Yeah I have seen at least 10 times some fag saying like "hurr durr it's Sword Art online again". Like he took it very seriously.
And yet the characters bow to apologize and the MC wears a seifuku for half the show's duration.
Yet you don't see people bitching about that weirdly enough.
>most accurate European setting they said
Who said that? The fake language and advanced tech wasn't obvious enough for the brainlets to figure out it's set in a different world?
This is the continent the story is set in. Can't upload images now, I guess Sup Forums is broken atm.
>it will be anime of the year they said
Anime of the Decade, actually. Still on course.
Why does this fucking show looks like it's always seen through a dirty window?
Seifuku are more european than half this shit.
>the state of Kyoani hatter
I don't know if the people pretending that the filters go away when you watch it on TV are baiting or desperate
The characters prepare Onigiris at some point and their names are based on kanji puns.
On the other hand they also eat fucking croissants and the title has some french in it.
Kek I will try it tomorrow and report.
No, I haven't gotten tired of saying the unexpertly applied filters make it look like it's always foggy.
>not dropping it every week
I just tried it. It looks better on TV.
Why does she have automail arms though, it's all I can think about when watching this show. It's meant to be some kind of post-WW1 setting but she has hyperadvanced mechanical arms.
Please tell me this gets explained.
I have a better question. Who the fuck paid for them?
The Wumaos have lost it it seems.
Maybe you should actually try watching it on TV. They may not disappear 100% but it's a whole lot better.
Imagine a western studio made a show portraying a world that looks like historical Japan featuring Japanese people in traditional clothing that eat pizza for dinner and greet each other with a firm handshake.
You can say "but it's a fictional setting!" as much as you like, it's distracting and looks silly. Especially since the setting is pretty tame otherwise, it's not a wild mix of cultures or blatant fantasy.
Good LN is equivalent to a 3/10 book
If you go for a period feel based on real life you should be accurate. Takahata&co didn't find it hard to erase any and all traces of Japanese culture when they made Heidi/Marco/Anne, which are still the gold standard for this kind of stuff
>not going in blind
depart from me ye false master
>accurate European setting
>language is some made up shit
There's a limit to retardation, OP.
Remember that the Major's family is rich.
Also, judging by the auto memory dolls, they do have some advanced clockworks, the arms are just like that.
franxxfags need to be eradicated.
Even garbage like Baccano manages to get this right m8
It could have turned out good
Most of what was shown so far is anime original.
>anime original
Why Kyoani? If only the anime original contents were interesting, but no, it's a fucking snoozefest
Ishidate has big plans for the story, or so he said.
It's surprising just how plain bad Violet Evergarden was.
Who the fuck is this show for? Not for me, and probably not for Japan.
Shit sucks for KyoAni. I hope it doesn't kill them.
Episode 2 was OK only because the main character wasn't Violet.
eat your doughnuts ash.
Why are Violet threads so dead Everbros? Wasn't this show supposed to break Sup Forums? It's not fair
They perfectly replicated the reverse feeling of Paris syndrome.
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
Was making it suck part of the plan?
I'm not one to judge based on 2 episodes.
darlingchads stole our AOTS title....
Kinda ironic that they call themselves darlingchads when most of them want to get dominated by 02 like the beta soyboys they are.
It's fucking hypocrisy at its finest, they have a beta male harem self-insert MC and they can't stop jerking off to the idea of him building a harem too, it's like visiting a isekai garbage thread full of underage faggots.
anyone have a read on how nips are responding
ultimately their response is all that matters in the grand scheme of sequels and approving of works similar to this utter disappointment
Having a hard time making sense of what you posted for some reason
The world building is godawful in this show, not even the biggest kyoanifag over at sakugabooru likes it.
>Do you think you're smart
no, but the show's stupid and so are the makers
you know nothing about history do you? so "bowing" is same too huh?
But their review was nothing but praise for the episode. Though I think they were kind of condesending in some parts, like saying some of the cast were good despite their age.
people use to eat noodles with chopsticks in europe you know
I was actually waiting for it, finally got time off from work and started watching it expecting a perfect european setting anons told me about and this is fucking bullshit
In the 1900s?
Europe was full of weabos at the turn of the century.
Why are violet threads so dead.
there would have been enough asians in Europe running opium dens to make that slightly possible
I really hope kyoani has something up their sleeves, so far the show has been painfully average.
Eat your hamburgers, Apollo.
Oh I see, the VEG world is a 'Straya.
The site is dead yo.
Will we get to see Hodgins bitching about wasting his money buying uniforms when no one ever wears them? (Except Santa, he's a bro).
Guys, you can stop talking about this anime, is a established flop already, we should make more of FRANXX though, there are only 12 in the site at the moment.
Saber alter?
It's proof that astroturfing on Sup Forums will always backfire.
Wow you're such a fucking idiot, this is baed on a EUROPEAN NOVEL. Not that cheap light novel trash.
E U R O P E A N N O V E L, if you've never read a EUROPEAN NOVEL then you can't judge, they are filled with termnology and concepts you woulnd't understand like "yakisoba" or "bowing to others.", "ikkatakimasu".
How do you expect to understand? fucking shounenfag.
To be fair you need to have a fairly high IQ to understand Violet Evergarden.
>Australia's a different world
>implying that wasn't the plan all along
Free cookie to whoever guess what scene this is.
>accurate Europea
where are all the black people then?
>most accurate European setting they said
When did KyoAni advertise VEG as this?
Note: Sup Forums falseflaggers =/= KyoAni.
those cartel faggots had the nerve to tell me
>it's a european anime fag, why would we write japanese honorifics?
They really did that? Sakugabooru?
I remember this getting shilled on Sup Forums for like an entire year before it started airing. Serves them right.
Everyone talking about VEG before it aired were falseflaggers that wanted to overhype it.
this is not our history, why're you so stupid?
I no longer know who to trust on Sup Forums.
It's the fans alright. They're just saying it's falseflagging just to backpedal. What you see back then was true.
Thank you. I can now return to creating more franxx threads in peace.
it's easy to see which one is a bait thread or a falseflagging one, unless you're a newfag, my friend.
This, if they had succeded they would've been shitting on any other show more than they are doing now with franxx only