Why is this violent, abusive, chuuni hyperdyke called Shinka so popular among fellow anons?
Why is this violent, abusive, chuuni hyperdyke called Shinka so popular among fellow anons?
She likes to sleep with dogs.
>violent, abusive
This is why
Woah threads now take 5 hours to die
Because you keep spamming threads about her.
Image posting is finished. When every thread now living hits bump limit, they shall remain fixed in their places for the rest of time.
careful, brailleposting is highly offensive to the moderation staff
Most user are little beta bottom dork girls
How about smileys?
the moderation staff can suck my dick
Because Anons and Shinkas are one and the same.
Her lust for Deko, its something Sup Forumsnons can relate too.
I want a cute girl to beat me into shape.
You mean Sup Forums is lusting over that flat stunted spoiled little shit?
DFC is holy.
You might die, she's crazy strong.
It's ok user, I'm learning boxing this year.
They want her money.
Sup Forums and the anime fandom is dying out
What went wrong?
Anyone having trouble posting on other boards?
no. Shinka beats me everytime i try to post outside of these threads.
How does she beat you?
in whichever way i request.
You answered your own question.
Many of those anons are dogs.
I wish that was true. ;_;
Wearing a collar doesn't make me a dog.
Will KyoAni finally see the light and make her the biggest part of the new movie? Nobody watched this for the chutards.
>not the churards
W-who wants to tell him?
I heard she's like the MC of the new movie.