Tokyo Ghoul:re 157 is out and it's meh
oh wow, genuinely this time nothing happened
Remember when people thought this was about to end months ago?
seriously, why would Rize be there now? Does Kaneki not know anyone else he could project his moral issues with?
Fucking finally we switch to Kaneki's mind
>dream sequence
Unironically best chapters in while. Definitely better than the fucking Oggai arc.
well 158 and 159 are gonna be fucking something
For Washuu exposition due to the nucleus bullshit
>please disable adblock!
Nah, fuck that site.
This are the last chapters if it will exactly end with the Sun card. This is where Kaneki will realize the truth of the world and himself. Also pretty sure the stupidity of the last 50+ chapters will be addressed.
Solvable in literally three clicks. But you're right, what a retarded thing to ask for.
>Kaneki 'doesn't remember'
>Is obviously genuinely upset about what he did despite the resolve he showed towards his actions
>crying about it
>Rize tulpa is back despite him 'overcoming' his Tulpas when he had his fifteenth hair change
This manga is just such a fucking mess.
This. Back and forth once again. Fucking epic. Where id dit all go so wrong? Rose arc?
He never got over his tulpafagging. He got over being a suicidal faggot at Cochlea. I imagine Rize is going to be his "ghoul half" once again and shit talk him. Hopefully he actually makes the same realization he did in 144 and we don't have to deal with him being a beta fuck anymore
Posts like this this make me wonder if anyone on Sup Forums
So Kaneki imagines the Kaiju as thousands of signs in a row? Glad he doesn't know what happened and didn't become edgy.
This chapter was meant to you user! You've been asleep since december 2012.
This dream world is unstable so the events might have seem surreal. We guessed you would have found out by now!
yeah, plus he's still pretending to give a shit about ghouls when he was really only doing anything for touka -- something tsukiyama called him out on while he was OEK. plenty of faggotry left to reconcile.
actually read between lines
Actually good chapter. Hopefully Kaneki doesn't pussy out of his choices.
Why go through the effort for an aggregate site that downscales and watermarks?
don't use adblock retard.
So he remembers he ate the Oggai and didn't really seem that broken up about so that's something. I just hope Rize calls him a hypocritical fag.
He's still acting like a bitch. Hopefully he changes a bit when he wakes up.
Get outta here, faggot.
Actually good KINO chapter.
This would probably look fucking amazing if animated, though it will never happen.
Even though this manga is such a mess, a faithful high quality anime adaptation would look fucking great
It's a bit silly at this point how much emphasis there is on Kaneki remaining "pure" by not killing.
deconstruction of the genre yada yada
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love Kaneki.
I know this has been asked ironically but really, what killed the hype?
>Error: Upload failed.
Going from a giant man-eating blob of destruction to quinx shit that no one cares about.
Mutsuki and Aurima should have stayed dead and the plot should have never left Kaneki after transforming into dragon.
This chapter was pure original Tokyo Ghoul kino. You clownmeme faggots will complain about everything
It seems like he's going to be unable to pass through the gates/signs as he's no longer "pure". Rize is probably gonna bully him and he's gonna end up having to swim down to get out. And hopefully he's not a pussy bitch after all of this
The hype was dead way before that.
I'd say the hype died when the ghouls and ccg teamed up with little to no problems.
Will Arata ever escape his rape dungeon?
Honestly the hype started to die back at Rue island.
It got worse when Kaneki became the actual OEK and nothing happened besides Touka's pregnancy plot getting rushed in. Then Mutsuki became worst yandere, and by the time of the evacuation with Touka cliffhanger every chapter, the hype was death.
This manga has to be the biggest trainwreck i have read since Gantz.
This feels like Tokyo Ghoulâ„¢ for a change.
Will next chapter suck again?
It's probably going to be almost the exact same as the Jason torture tulpascape chapters so it should be good
if he would just put the focus on Kaneki and his mindset for more than 2 chapters it would be nice
>Manga has some bad chapters
>Entire fanbase abandons manga
Holy shit, some loyalty you assholes have.
The retards at tumblur or reddit have more loyalty than the autists here.
>3/4ths of the 2nd part manga is "some bad chapters"
kill yourself
>loyalty to a manga
The autists here only cared about muh Eto waifu. The moment she died, they got pissed.
More like 1/4 which is bad but not terrible. And in my opinion the only actual bad chapters we're the OH NO Talker is in danger and the Mutsuki is healed chapters
the only reason I still read this shit is sunk cost. It has become significantly worse over the last year.I feel no excitement for new chapters anymore. I don't know or care where the story is heading, because it's going to be a disappointment.
Look at this fucking thread. For a fucking chapter release day. Speaks for itself.
>anons here jerk off to don kaneki
>tulpa rize is what talked him into that phase
>tulpa rize shows up now
>anons here get mad and bitch about it
woah, it's almost like you're all retards. i'm pretty hype, can't wait for tulpa rize to break kaneki down and for them to go through his time as king as spectators and for rize to call him out as a failure.
Shut the fuck up, dumbass. Don Kaneki is over and has been over for years, to think this being any kind of a similar setup would lead to something similar or as good is as stupid as you are. Even if Ishida did go that route, it'd just be fucking terrible retreading of the writing like with the one eyed king.
Lot of loyalty for a hired ghoul
ishida tweeted earlier "that's it" i'm pretty sure he just finished re and the next few chapters are the last ones. then the sequel will be the world arc.
wow you really are a brainlet aren't you? how many hints does ishida need to drop for you to get it?
I bet this time they will talk about Kanekis father instead of the mother. It's time we learn who he was and where he went.
why is nobody talking about how Sup Forums is broken
i'm expecting repressed memories of his father, he'll probably also discuss the qs since he's oddly ignored that they exist since leaving the ccg.
whole site is fucked
here Yes loyalty, you have read and enjoyed it you own it that much that you stick around and when you drop it don't come back.
Then drop it, but don't come back.
I remember people here praising Ishida and TG as if it was the greatest thing ever. If you like something so much don't just leave it because it's taken a dip in quality.
I just hate the hypocrisy of Sup Forums if the manga gets better hundreds of people that "dropped" the manga will come back and start prasing the manga again.
this chapter reminded me of in berserk when griffith spoke with the idea of evil and was shown the bridge of corpses to his dream.
His father went to place called coffin then he was cooked till only ashes remained.
I wish it ended
>Manga is good, really good, for a long time
>Manga gets bad
>Manga gets worse
>People slowly start losing interest and dropping off
>Manga keeps getting worse
It's not hypocrisy that people would stop reading something that's dropped in quality the way :re has. A bad arc is one thing, :re has been on a steady dip for well over a year now. I'd be thrilled if the manga 'suddenly' became good again, but the amount of burnt bridges makes that seem utterly impossible. Like it or not, a few of us are here until the end, but I know it's going to be disappointing. And even if Ishida does somehow pull a fucking miracle out of his ass and produce a somewhat quality ending, it doesn't change how terrible most of :re has turned out to be. The wasted possibility, the disappointment. That won't go away, no matter what.
Your thought process is so questionable that it took me a while to think of how to reply.
>I remember people here praising Ishida and TG as if it was the greatest thing ever. If you like something so much don't just leave it because it's taken a dip in quality.
the 'dip' has been going on for well over a year. i really can't blame people for running out of patience with this.
>I just hate the hypocrisy of Sup Forums if the manga gets better hundreds of people that "dropped" the manga will come back and start prasing the manga again.
i don't think you know what hypocrisy means. people will shit on bad manga and praise good manga, same shit with bad arcs and good arcs.
I really liked this chapter and have stuck with re but this loyalty you're trying to say we should have is retarded. it's ishida's job to entertain and if he doesn't do that there isn't much reason for people to stick around. I stuck around because when tokyo ghoul is good i fucking love it and it's pretty much the only ongoing manga worth keeping up with even when it sucks so i've just been going trough the garbage hoping for it to get good again. but there's nothing wrong with dropping something for a while and it gets good again and you pick it back up.
>people will shit on bad manga and praise good manga, same shit with bad arcs and good arcs.
Kek, and why them shitting on any series would matter if literally are retarded? Ishida is being punished by the stupid demographic that picked up this manga.
>Then drop it, but don't come back.
Are you dense or perhaps his usage of the sunken costs fallacy as justification superseded your understanding? Next to me, is every Viz localized volume and light novel of Tokyo Ghoul up to date, along with the Zakki (I own the JPN version as well) along with the [Anime] book. Grouped with those or tankoban releases of :re from 1 - 7 (I stopped importing at Vol. 7 because I refused to financially endorse Ishida becoming a hack and continuing this direction.) Along with all of that are some bonus illustration cards, 2016 Calendar, [TRUMP] card set, all of the CCG ID badges, and some figures.
I bought all this because over the last 4 years, I was deeply immersed into the lore and story - getting into stimulating discourses and theory crafting. This series was less of a manga and more of a work of art for me, and I held a tremendous amount of adoration for Ishida as a writer - especially so since creative writing is my favorite pasttimes. That is why I supported the series as much as I did. But now I consider this story a husk of the series I fell in love with and largely consider Ishida a hack on the order of Kubo. But I stick around. Why?
Because too many of us have invested way too much fucking time and money into this series to just "drop" it. We may not like it much any more, but we will see this trainwreck through to the very end. And we will continue to label Ishida a hack as we know he can do better.
>I just hate the hypocrisy of Sup Forums if the manga gets better
Of course they will come back. Give credit when credit is due. The manga they loved would no longer be shit, and a semblance of normalcy will be returned to the narrative. But the manga being "good" again is not going to erase the last two years from the shit show of Cochlea up to present. No one honest with themselves will hold Ishida in the esteem they did prior to the Cochlea arc. At most, many will just begin looking forward to chapters again.
are you one of those deconstruction 2deep4u fags?
>It's not hypocrisy that people would stop reading something that's dropped in quality the way :re has.
No it's hypocrisy how Sup Forums praises the writer and manga and it takes a dip and now it's complete shit.
> A bad arc is one thing, :re has been on a steady dip for well over a year now.
Yeah this arc is bad, which has been going on for a year, so it's the same thing.
>Your thought process is so questionable that it took me a while to think of how to reply.
Can't really help you if you're retarded.
>the 'dip' has been going on for well over a year. i really can't blame people for running out of patience with this.
Except it's just one bad arc.
Have you seen the :re threads recently? People just kept shiting on the manga.
Don't get me wrong I'm not happy with the direction that the manga has taken It's like everyone has forgotten how good the manga was.
I still think that the manga will get better with kanekis tulpas and this chapter I can still see the potential behind the manga and the talent of the mangaka.
It's not my fault that you guys have lost all hope for the manga.
>Using fallacy as an argument
Really makes you think.
>It's like everyone has forgotten how good the manga was.
No, people remember how good the manga WAS and resent how bad it's gotten. The hype for the end of the Tsukiyama arc was fucking insane and the future for the manga seemed very very bright.
But then he butchered all of his good characters in the worst way possible, literally or by sidelining them into irrelevancy, and put a meme man in the spotlight and everything went wrong. There have been good points like the mini Urie arc and the tulpa chapter, but overall the reception has been very very negative and for good reason as I see it.
post eto, I need my fix
bad reception and dropping a manga are 2 very different things.
A year (or more as some people see it) of shit content is as good a reason as any to drop a manga. Get off your high horse.
>It's not my fault that you guys have lost all hope for the manga.
Because that "hope" has consistently been affirmed to be false every elapsing week, so cynicism becomes as second nature as breathing. I had "hope" that once Cochlea/Rueshima ended, Ishida would grace us with the level of quality we had from Part 1 up until the Rose arc of :re. I was mistaken. Instead, I was given the filler adventures of "Save Akira-san!", followed by concepts such as "kagune clones" and "shapeshifting" with the MC having no sense of solid direction and being an utter failure of a king. All of this toppled with an unprecedented amount of plot induced stupidity in order for Furuta's machinations to work. Then I get the 24th Ward arc in which I was hopeful for ground breaking revelations, but instead got hamfisted romance, sex, pregnancy, and marriage in the span of 8 chapters, accompanied with Kaneki's deepseeded life long suicidal issues being cured by Touka's pussy. Do not get me started on the "Touka's in danger!" cliffhangers. But I became excited while reading ch. 144, satisfied that Kaneki would begin killing if need be - human children at that. My long awaited Black Goat's Egg finally hatching had at last been brought to fruition. But right as I completed the chapter:
>aaaaaaaa? aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Kaneki goes full retard. Then all the humans and ghouls deciding to join forces to stop him, taking a massive strive to ending their species conflict. Which all in turn make Kaneki's resolution to kill fucking pointless. Worse than that, this most recent chapter paints all of that regret has due to becoming a "murderer." Either way, he has no impetus to kill any more.
There is no point in having hope. Low expectations are a full proof approach as you can only ever be pleasantly surprised or at worst, indifferent.
The last good arc was Tsukiyama's :re arc, everything since then has been pure shit.
Cochlea and Rue were fine. It's after Kaneki became the OEK that things went down hill
>Cochlea and Rue were fine.
In what bizzaro world were these arcs "fine?" They were the literal point of no return. Rueshima to a slightly lesser extent.
>Cochlea and Rue were fine.
Stop baiting me for the love of god. I can't think of a single good thing about that arc.
>People thought Ishida would have the balls to pull a femtoneki
Implying Rize wont make him turn femtoneki next chapter.
How long will it take for Kaneki to master Rize and unlock his Bankai?
>Hide tulpa shows up and calls him an inhuman monster next chaoter. Probably says stuff like he just wanted an excuse to kill Hide for no reason all along.
We Naruto now?
>For the sake of your self-righteousness,
>how many people have shed blood?
>How many people have suffocated within the sea?
> Kaneki acknowledges how he projected people he wanted to speak to in his mind during his fight with Arima
Then people said he actually grew as a character. What a fucking joke is this manga.
> We have the One-Eyed Cuck version of Kaneki in his mind after he had a discussion with all of his personalities and decided he'd get off of his moral high horse
Seriously, it's as if Ishida was only allowed to write that one chapter after he got assblasted by Juuzou and Hanbee, with the condition that he'd mention how much Kaneki loved Talker.
yeah the romance shit was pretty lame but it's all about the payoff user. tg has always been about self-actualization, one climbing iteration at a time. the problem: unless you're Jesus, it never really consummates. you're always in some shit, slightly hypocritical or some sort of hamfisted fag, at base uneven. after rose tgre did fall off, but i think a lot of people need to chill on this point -- you shouldn't really be identifying with kaneki, or at least not transposing yourself with him (with all his shittiness, insecurity, and lack of resolve -- he's almost inferior to us, like Shinji), unless you're willing to subsume his flaws into yourself as well, flaws you most likely don't have.
if you're into character development (for kaneki, not those awful shitty doublespeak Qs), this chapter here was pretty fucking amazing. art was on point; the visual metaphors were pretty good -- all in all kaneki's gettin there.
How was Kaneki's character development on point this chapter? It's fucking repeating the same thing we've read like 5 times already.
I've given up on Kaneki long ago, just accept that he'll keep going in circles and through 56 more hair color until this shitshow of a series finally ends. I still can't believe it's stooped so low after the OG manga and early :re.
I didn't know this was a thing but I want it.
it's a meme from tumblr from what i've seen
ishida always disappoints so i wouldn't expect it
You're missing the point. Kaneki was a shit OEK because he doesn't really care about the ghouls and he isn't ready yet to play the role of a Father.
His father is still a mystery and he was like a father to the quinx, but when he regained his memories he's been avoiding them.
I didn't like Rize at the end either. She's not even real, just a manifestation of wanting a strict mother figure in his life to straighten him through hard times. And I wanted to think she was gone after Kaneki realized that all these manifestations were him not believing in himself, even the inner Hide straight told him that, and then we got all the inner Kanekis. But I understand that Rize appearing before him is symbolic and spiritual or metaphisical representation of Kaneki's kakuhou which was Rize's transplant. We also get to see Kaneki's new inner world being a shrine. Rize's still an important figure for Kanki since meeting her changed his life so but at the same time I dont feel like he needs her.
It feels like character regression but maybe it's not, it's symbolic, Rize was known as the Binge Eater in Tokyo which is attributed the the unconscious massacre Kaneki did when he ate the Oggai followed by other humans that were part of the incident
Part of me felt like Kaneki got to the point where he wouldn't see an inner Rize again. An inner Touka (his object of desire that lead him to take this path) leading him silently through the new inner landscape of Kaneki as he desperately seeks her like a destination point that leads him to a trail filled of bodies he murdered would have seen more appropriate but that's just my opinion. Hell Touka isn't even needed, replace Touka with their wedding ring to make it more subtle but whatever.
We dont need an inner Rize telling Kaneki he's a murderer, he should arrive to that conclusion himself. But again I understand why Ishida chose to include Rize. Im just being nitpicky.
Except it's not and wait for the next chapter
The first thing he said when he woke up was literally Touka, why would he represent anything bad with her image? She clearly thinks of her as something precious, not something poisonous as Rize. Also the development wad clearly there, he no longer overthinks facts, he just goes with them. He didn't even questioned too much if he was alive or dead or if it was right or wrong. Really, spend at least 10 seconds per page.
well, nothing seriously tangible yet, but when you realize the toriis he's crossing through, the "Itsukushima Shrine"s, are about sacredness and vilification of life etc. (kaneki's self image maybe) and then juxtaposing that with the mass of death underneath -- heavy-handed, sure, but it's a wonderful visual for his doubletalking hypocrisy about "caring for ghouls" and other such bullshit while really, on an essential level, being a murderer driven by pussy. rize being there and straight up calling him a murderer only cements that hey, here's the element kaneki's gotta acknowledge in order to progress at this stage.