Mr. Osomatsu Ep 16 Discussion

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>That moment of panic when the anime trolls you with a different artstyle and you think you downloaded the wrong thing.


Is there something going on with the images? Because I can't view them properly

>site dead for hours
>there is always some random user trying to make a thread

Honestly unnerving

Sup Forums is kill

There's something going on with the everything. Images won't load, catalog won't refresh, even messages won't sent sometimes.

Kin-chan is the best~!

The site is just shitting itself.

What the fuck is happening? I'm getting image errors out of the ass. Did gookmoot killed this site for good now?

Are we too girthy for the Hiro's pocket?

Just waiting for Hiro to come and say hes running out of money and needs us to give him more.

Yes, the whole site is dead.

are we kill
I can't even post anymore send help

Damn how will I ever be able to post lewd muppets now?

>osomatsu got the first new thread in hours
Inspiring kind of autism.
horny Oso face from the s1.jpg

Hiro is closing this place.

That's are the news going around

I only had to submit it about 5 times.

Really? Or am I too gullible?

Site's probably gettting DDOSed by someone

>Mr. Osomatsu
HELLLLLLO crunchy roll

Is this true, or am I just gullible?

How did you make a thread?

Never mind it just glitched

Its not, hes just doing this to try and convince people they need to give him money.

Kin-chan is cute! CUTE!

I myself trued making one about 7 times but it kept saying upload failed

Not a problem, people would create some lookalikes instantly. And it's not hard to try for the newer board quality. One of the butthurt-y josei animoo threads, go/shogi/mahjongfags, some popular but good toku like Ryuuki, eva reverse reverse reverse thread you know the drill

did this skit suggest that Hatabou is actually a space pirate chad in hiding? Is that why he has a monster cock?

>probably from okinawa
How can Totoko even compete?

Is she putting out? Totoko always has one way.

She literally can't

>all these threads made hours ago are now appearing

Kin-chan was so nice she made Totoko accept that she is a cunt

I am kind of glad Kin-chan wasn't shit on by Totoko and was never disgusted by the brothers. Of course the status quo has to remain in affect.

Osomatsu being the only one with balls to tell Totoko she was not cute was kino, Osomatsu is best boy as always

There are tons of look-alikes around already. It's not a matter of not having alternatives but of the community being torn and mostly unwilling to migrate to a different, single place. Ultimately these end up being nothing like this place so what's the point.

I hope this place dies though. It had stolen way too many years from me and many more people, and that's the only way to break the addiction.

He his moments to shine like this. Of course I was waiting for Totoko to rip him a new one. Still I think the only reason she didn't was because she looked like shit compared to Kin-chan. Of course she went back to her ways the second she left.

So I can post text but I can't post images, is anyone else having this problem?


It's also why he has so much influence

He was also talking about her behavior.

>Tfw this is the only place I have interactions with people that have the same interests as me cause I'm too autistic to talk to people

Seeing the date from Totoko's POV was so boring. I wanted date shenanigans and gags. But the opening skit was amusing.

That’s how he got so rich.

I was hoping it would be like the original and have the boys all fail at impersonating each other in front of her

>Seeing the date from Totoko's POV was so boring
Agreed, the start with Kino-chan's bras flying over and them freaking out about it was great, but then the focus became Totoko realizing she is shit instead of lovestruck matsus shenanigans, fucking shame

If Kin-chan had to fall in love with one brother who would fit them best?

Ichi, her bra choose him first

Jyushi. Ladies all love the Juice.

I'd imagine first choice would be Totty. If not, then Jyushi.

is it just me or has this cour been pretty good so far

What about muh HOMURA?

The question was who she'd fall in love with. Juice is still Homura's dolphinslave.

I was just watchinh Time Drive too
fucking osomatsu-san

S2 has a problem with coming up with a decent scenario, but then not using it to the fullest. Not much gets unpredictable like Iyami Kart or Rental Girlfriends anymore.

Inb4 what's wrong with you guys I thought it was funny

That's why I tried to word it as logically (?) as possible. I've rewatched s1 a bunch of times and it isn't a nostalgia thing.

It depends Totoko could either fit with Oso or Todo still I think Oso would fit Totoko best. Kara would get flower girl and Choro get Dayoon girl. Ichi deserves Kin-chan since she is the opposite of him which can really break him out of his shell. Jyushi can stay with Homura since paring him up with anything makes him feel like a two timer.

Cour 2 > Cour 1 of this season (so far, I don't want to get ahead of myself).

I love the OP and ED.

>Kara would get flower girl
Kara deserves the weed fairy for sure

Season one had many hit and miss moments regardless if people pretend it never happened. I do think Season 1 had more of an impact with the episodes that were good which left a bigger impression.

>Kara would get flower girl
Why do you hate him so much?

Because nothing really fits with him at the moment unless you want to do another gay pairing.

Karamatsu belongs to all Karamatsu Girls!

It was surprisingly mature of him. I know it's just that he's always brutally honest and that continuity in this show is almost nonexistent, but I wonder if he's actually learned something from continiously being called out on being a shit in cour 1?

I wonder if there's anyone out there who though s1 didn't have any misses?

help me

>ywn be the Matsu's cute neighbor
Why must it hurt so much lads?

With what?

I am glad they are using more of the parents in the show despite it having a weird skit.

>implying it's hard to get a bunch of beta orbiters

Gullible isn't actually a word in the dictionary, you know. Look and see for yourself.

All I could think during the skit with Matsuzo was that Kara's painfulness comes from his side

It's funny since there are a bunch of Japanese fans joking that Kara and Kinko belong together because she has the tan motif he has as Karako and other AU selves.

Season 1 was new and unexpected, so it wasn't a sequel with big expectations to follow up on.

Why was Totoko trending on twatter and not Kin-chan? She deserves some hype and fanart. What an awesome girl.

Totoko matured like 10 years in 5 minutes. Perhaps she'll appreciate the shitty NEETs a bit more.

Look at those dubs for truth.

This season has been really kind to best matsu, showing why he's the alphamatsu. As fun-loving, greedy and horny as he is, he will get serious when needed.

As the episode went on it didn't look like they were as lovestruck as they were at the beggining, but more like haging out with a friend and doing all sorts of fun things together instead of just being cargo mules like they were with Totoko. Hell, even the fish girl realized they were completely honest with Kinko when trying out dresses, something they'd never do with her in normal circumstances.

>mfw I'm brown like Kinko

I kept thinking it was a Dayoon girl as her normal self for some reason. Obviously that wasn't the case. Someone said her name is actually the same character from the Kun series.

Yeah, she only really is Kinko in name. They overhauled her the way they did the flower fairies. Guessing that since -san is more adult, the dog-faced dad gag wouldn't fit for adult sextuplets.

>having fun frolicking in the Okinawan sun together.

Had -san followed through with the dog motifs besides keeping Kin-chan's last name of "Inuyama", she'd be a good foil to Ichi.

I never would have expected such an even distribution.

Can I claim the new waifu without postin her?

>Totoko can recognize Kara's voice even when he isn't trying to be pompus
Fuck Kin-chan, this is true best girl.

So what does this tell you about Totoko? Or is it to drill the message girls always feel jealous over something?

>Wouldn't fit for adult sextuplets
They're not the sharpest tools in the shed, I'm pretty sure they'd fall for it if they kept that gag in

All this was just a way to confirm that she genuinely likes the NEETs, but not in a romantic way.

>Not thinking Oso will win the totokobowl

Totoko was the same as always, selfish, aggressive and shit. to bad Kin-chan had to leave was nice to see someone not fucking nuts or shit for once.

they are all closeted homos

That she is not so bad, she can be insecure about her flaws, she appreciate the NEETs as her only friends she has, and that not even she can be mean to someone who is genuinely kind

Pretty sure jyushi wouldn't be homo, totty definitely would

Kin-chan > Kanojo > shit > totoko >more shit > nyan-chan

Only the karintou gang.

Me too, although I assume it might crystallize once more posters flow in, only three people voting for Choro is definitely not right.

>Liking boring shitskin girl over kanojo
That's some shit taste right there

This and that women instead of trying to destroy the competition through petty gossips and catfights should instead learn learn from them and become better people.

Actually surprised Totoko became self-aware. She went back to being her shitty self, but it's an improvement and open the gate for more moments like this.

Tumblr is calling you.

it's far more than he deservers

I'm personally not voting because it's a pretty dumb poll.