>[HorribleSubs] Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - 03 [1080p].mkv
Oh and that series with the forehead girl too I guess
>[HorribleSubs] Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - 03 [1080p].mkv
Oh and that series with the forehead girl too I guess
Oh shit, an image
>E03 released
>no threads nor discussion at all
Ok... What killed the hype?
That the upload api/feature broke and Hiro has yet to fix it.
Yeah half of these threads are just smugposting so without images they grind to a halt
No but seriously what the fuck did she mean by soda being spicy? She's just drinking Ramune. What the fuck?
That's just crunchyroll being retarded. She's referring to the pain of drinking carbonated drinks. It's common for people to describe the sensation as 辛い, which can also mean spicy or even salty depending on the context.
This kid is really fucking cute.
This is an adult. You might not like it, but it is peak adulthood.
Well this is an imageboard, so of course without images the discussion slows down. But you can't make a thread if you can't post an image, which means people had no reason to believe that a thread exists, since there wasn't any when this shit started. Someone manages to post an image here and there, which s how this one got made.
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Nishikata getting ripped is the best subplot. I'd forgotten how thick Takagi laid it on during the umbrella chapter though. She really was just trying to get him to say "I love you" to her.
God this series is way too cute
>there's probably still that user who thinks this is gaslighting and bullying
best grill
Yukari is best girl and only reason to watch
Oh ok, I didn't forget. In the chapter she does the lover's umbrella and the kiss comments but she never gets to the point of trying to get him to say "I love you".
I got used to Takagi's voice but Nishikata is really annoying and I think it doesn't fit him at all.
In the other hand girls trio is great, I love them.
I don't like the music choices. The scene where Nishikata can't drink from the can anymore because he's embarassed has this piano tune doesn't fit at all. It makes it seem like a romantic scene, the impression I got from it and most other scenes they used such music where that those situations were comedic and cute because of how embarassed and awkward Nishikata is over Takagi's advances. Tracks like that should be used for the few moments that Nishikata accidentaly turns the tables. I think a more simple, playful tune would fit it a lot better.
Franzu took all the attention.
The site dying
>からい means spicy haha the dictionary tells me so
Sasuga crunchy
eyebrows-chan's best girl
I want Sanae-chan to stare at my dick.
Was Takagi san this proactive in the earlier chapters?
best girl and best bully target
>best girl and best bully
End the sentence there and that's correct.
Are there really people who prefer those three stooges over the goddess that is Takagi-san?
I don't really wanna watch this show if it's just gonna be 12 episodes of the girl teasing the boy and the boy never wins. Can manga fags spoil me on this?
He does end up winning.
They get married and have a kid eventually
I love Takagi
So the girl traps the guy into a relationship by getting pregnant? How does he win in this?
He gets a loving family.
You typing like a faggot.
In regards to the anime though will the rest of it be like I described?
Yes. Their segments are already becoming the main focus, if you didn't notice.
Yes and no, it'll probably end on the little tease she does to the reader/viewer. It'll also have a lot of genuinely really cute romance moments between the two
I melted with this chapter.
>if you get a little rain on your shoulder, you'll catch a cold
I hate this meme.
Nips are fragile.
I once got caught in the rain without an umbrella and actually did come down with a cold within a few hours, so they might be on to something. Thanks for reading my blog
>I'll give you my fist kiss if you win
It's so sad he had to lose for status quo's sake. This was the chance of the series to have a high point.
That whole umbrella sequence was fluffy as fuck not gonna lie.
I thought I recognized that ED song.
Can't be risky when it comes to the japanese cold.
Series has plenty without needing to show a kiss. One such example is Turning Point
Takagi-san is cute! CUTE!
Will there ever be less one-note teasing and more chatacter development?
abandon ship
There's one time he wins but doesn't notice.
> The umbrella bit
Can Nishikata get anymore dense?
>Nishikata is really annoying
It's perfect, then.
Actually, yes, probably next episode if that involves her leaving her bike at home
What the hell are sodas made of in Japan?
Why is she so brown?
I know this is a thing in Japan but I don't understand why. It's like that girl from the chuuni show who treated milk like some sort of monstrous entity despite apparently not being lactose intolerant.
That's Sanae.
Nishikata's seiyuu did a good job spilling his spaghetti this episode. The inner dialogue was great.
I still don't like his voice that much. Takagi is ok I guess.
I want the joke to be she actually bought a TOBASCO COLA, because japan is just crazy enough a dude to try carbonating a bottle of spicy sauce and chug that shit like liquid wasabi.
I almost kind of prefer no images now because ascii posts are way funnier
semen demon
what does takagi's butt smell like?
The novelty of having gone back in time 20 years will wear off in a day or so and you'll remember how fucking annoying ascii spam is. I do enjoy it when things get shaken up a bit though.
ugly not cute
This is unironically way better than the show it's stuck in. Also side character of the season.
Here's the two best doujins so far
Why is her forehead so huge even in doujinshi?
>you will never be bullied by someone like Takagi
Mugicake pls go.
Nigga, he's doing multiple push-ups for every "incident". He gets any more dense, he'll become Giga-Nippa.
Only whites and curry niggers drink milk consistently. East Asians have 90+% lactose intolerance rates, most can't take more than a couple spoons worth without digestive problems.
Easier target for your semen.
Maybe she just doesn't like milk? Personally not a fan of plain milk either, when I was a kid I acted pretty much like her towards it, so it's not really that weird.
>garbage on the floor
This isn't the nippon from my animes.
blush slut
Takagi is fine and all, but we know who the main character truly is.
Ore no chinchin, Takagi-san.
how do we stop her