Dragon Ball Super

> U6 Saiyans learn Super Saiyan off-screen
> Mentioned in the manga that it was very easy to learn
> Off-screen manga panels reveal that Caulifla activated Super Saiyan with accidental tingles

Is this better, more or less the same, or worse than the anime counterpart?

> Caulifla doesn't recruit Kale, Cabba does. Caulifla even questions Cabba's judgement.

Will Kefla even exist in the manga?

Considering that Vegetto wasn't in the original draft for the Future Trunks arc, it's possible Kefla was a Toei creation.

Other urls found in this thread:


this is the canon

Dragon Ball Z: A Final, Solitary Battle: The Father of Z-Warrior Kakarrot, Who Challenged Freeza
Jaco the Galactic Patrolman
Dragon Ball (manga)
Dragon Ball: Heya! Son Goku and Friends Return!! (manga)
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods
Dragon Ball Z: Revival of “F”
Dragon Ball Super (manga)
Neko Majin
Dragon Ball Online


much better paced

isnt setting up for disappointment with great pre tournament stuff like the anime did

>super manga is canon

Why did Toriyama bother with this shit? Money? Yes, that's the answer.

I think he's unlocked a new tier of laziness though. Like he's gone Super Saiyan Lazy.

If she was created by Toei i really hope that Toyotaro steal her and add her to the manga so my autism can rest in peace, i really like Kefla but i don't consider the anime canon.

Kefla is dogshit.

Don't reply to them, they're already crippled cause they can't spam images.

All the good parts of Super were made by Toei. Just accept the anime, bro.

Why would you think Toei created Kefla? The only ones who can create canon characters are Toyotaro and Toriyama

>Dragon Ball: Heya! Son Goku and Friends Return!! (manga)
Again with this shit... if Tarble is Canon why he wasn't mentioned and he isn't an U7 member?

>Off-screen manga panels

>Bardock special being canon when it contradicts almost everything about Toriyama's Bardock

>Off-screen manga panels reveal that Caulifla activated Super Saiyan with accidental tingles
A 4 koma gag manga isn't part of the continuity of the DBS manga just because is a manga too you idiot

Kefla might exist, given that Manga Base Kale already showing signs of being stronger than SSJ Cabba.

Will Gohan achieve his final form in the manga?



>Vegetto wasn't in the original draft for the Future Trunks arc.

>Dragon Ball Z: A Final, Solitary Battle: The Father of Z-Warrior Kakarrot, Who Challenged Freeza
Not canon. Literal Toei creation.

Toriyama made Bardock (the character) canon. Not Toei's version of his story.

> Dragon Ball Super (manga)

- Anime announced April 2015
- Manga announced May 2015, after the anime (primary product), and it will release beforehand to promote it
- Manga is in a promotional magazine, V-Jump
- Manga skips RoF to promote the anime's first post-movie arc. And it needed to skip to get ahead of the anime to promote it.
- Manga-only content is self-contained. It's rarely, if ever, found outside of the manga

> Neko Majin
Literal gag manga

And what makes you think Kefla is canon?

Renso is a Toei creation as well.

Same reason why he wasn't summoned for the SSG Ritual.

Vegeta said he lives in far away star, and difficult to contact.

(I know there are ways around this, but this is literally what Vegeta said)

>And what makes you think Kefla is canon?
Because she is one of the few important characters of the ToP
>Renso is a Toei creation as well.
Irrelevant character created by the fanfic writers over Toei

Kill yourself and say something productive instead.

What's wrong with Renso?

It was nice seeing a confirmation that Cabba was their "ace", a former captain of the Sadala Force, and the fact that Caulifla has a brother in said Force.

You hate it simply because he's anime-only? Retard Toyocuck

How was this thread made during the "UPLOAD FAILED" phase?

OP here

No idea. In fact, it told me it failed...apparently it didn't.

this is the canon:
>Dragon Ball (manga)


I wonder what's happening that's been causing this since 7 AM my time

high quality post

>You hate it simply because he's anime-only?
Because his design is terrible and doesn't make sense for him to let his sister be a delinquent

Have you never been through an outage before on this site? How new are you? The admin will fix it. Hopefully he takes his time.

Yes, and normally it's fixed in a time much shorter than 9 hours

Hopefully he takes his time because all anyone does in these threads is shitpost. The Caulifags are about to kill themselves, so that's a plus.

he was mentioned in the battle of gods

because he's weak as shit and not important, hes not really friends with the u7 gang either he just visited once and left to live his life with his alien wife

>toriyama literally stole bardock from the special because he loved it so much
>the manga has a flashback panel to a scene that only in the bardock special

toriyamas bardock contradicts because toriyama has alzheimers and hasnt seen it since it was on tv


Toyocucks are fucking retarded.

needs the dosh when the cops find his childporn stash while looking for evidence of his tax evasion

You mean Kalefags, they keep saying she's stronger than Cabba in base.

Caulifla's a grown up (I think)...Renso wouldn't have any control over her. Brother or not.

Besides, two siblings:
> one an (ex)leader of the Sadala Defense Force
> the other the leader of the a notorious Saiyan gang

Is a pretty interesting familial backstory to have.


I want to break some fucking toeitard necks.

Wow discussion just dies out with no Gohan....

>>Not canon. Literal Toei creation.

>>Toriyama made Bardock (the character) canon. Not Toei's version of his story.
wrong it literally shows a scene from it in flashback in the manga

>> Dragon Ball Super (manga)
nope toriyama prefers it

it doesnt matter that it skipped rof, since toriyama literally wrote the script and its 100% canon

>>Literal gag manga
>gag manga cant be canon
>what is dragon ball

you have to be some kind of seriously down syndrome person to believe this

toriyama said battle of gods was just like continuing the serialization

Discussion died because the shitposters can't spam. I'd say he were doing a great job, but I feel bad for Sup Forums and the porn boards.

bog and rof aren't canon.

>but I feel bad for Sup Forums

>wrong it literally shows a scene from it in flashback in the manga
Yeah just one scene. Not even a scene...it was one panel, with just a space backdrop. Doesn't mean Toriyama canonized Toei's story.

Toriyama's version of Bardock's story is found in the last chapter of the Jaco manga.

> nope toriyama prefers it
He never said that. He only criticized the anime's quality during the movie re-tellings...in which Toei listened and increased the Production Week from 4 weeks to 6 weeks.

> comparing a comic with gags (DB) to a 100% gag manga (Neko Majin)

>actually written by toriyama
>the original versions
>1 ultra abridged version in the super manga
>shittier animated tv versions that toriyama complained about

it was two panels and it wasnt any space backdrop it was the ending of the special

dragon ball minus doesnt have that

>He never said that.
hes given tons of praise to the manga and none to the anime

> comparing a comic with gags (DB) to a 100% gag manga (Neko Majin)
so the gags in dragon ball arent canon? comedy isnt allowed to be canon? lmao ur seriously downs and dont even understand what canon is

Is "Reborn as Yamcha" canon?
also anime adaption when?

more canon that Soyotaro's fanfiction

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You retard

>Is this better, more or less the same, or worse than the anime counterpart?

Worse because it's means less development for 2 completely new(in the manga atleast) characters. Which is the same shit Jiren suffers from in the anime.

>Will Kefla even exist in the manga?
She should. Can't really think of why she wouldn't. Kelfa came from both Champa handing off some Portara to the two of them as a random ace-in-the-hole and Caulifla admitting she really wanted to BTFO of Goku. Same can happen in the manga easy.

Toyotaro works with Toriyama


>Vegetto wasn't in the original draft for the Future Trunks arc.
Yeah. Vegito was seemingly added to meet fan expectations, which Toyotaro followed but tried to create a situation that would force fusion since Goku and Vegeta would (and should) refuse under normal circumstances.

The potara having a time limit WAS in the original draft though, which implies Zamasu was never supposed to be a Supreme Kai with access to permanent fusion.

lol you are like a baby


Kale & Caulifla will be pregnant soon because of Based Alpha Cabba.

It will be the first happy saiyan family.

>tfw kefla is non canon toei garbage

how boring, he should beat someone higher than monna before being shipped off.


>Caulifa follows Cabba
>Cabba recruits Kale
Their shared love for Cabba will empower Kelfa. She is truly the ultimate waifu, and Cabba is a true Chad.

I was always confused about this, but wouldnt the manga be considered more canon due to Toyotaro being Toriyamas chosen successor? Toyotaro even stated hes not involved with the manga anymore. I’d assume he’s going off Toriyamas direct notes and feedback no? Wouldnt the anime be more studio meddled?

>But he didnt make a ROF arc

He did tho. With his one shot of ROF and the last chapter all the important stuff is there. It’s a shame that the ROF one shot isnt in english tho its legit 3 chapters

Stated hes not involved with the anime*** whoops

all saiyans secretly are. They are based off spartans and these guys were as gay as they come.
>goku: what's a vagone? durr
>vegeta constantly having hard ons for other guys
>gohan is a low test soyboy

>It will be the first happy saiyan family.
Goku and Vegeta's families are very happy. Though there are only one pure Saiyans in each of them.

kefla can only exist for an hour at a time.

saiyans are
>absent fathers
>enslaved by based Frieza and still were spouting WE WUZ SUPERSAIYANS N SHIETTTT
so, the niggers of U7?

>Toyotaro even stated he's not involved with the manga anymore

DB Minus is canon. Toei's Bardock Special isn't. Deal with it.

Toriyama included a panel of the ending of the special, which still could've happened after Minus. But everything that happened before (psychic powers, Bardock's friends) isn't canon and was not confirmed by Toriyama's single panel reference.

> hes given tons of praise to the manga and none to the anime
Both actually. Again, the only time he criticized the anime was during the Movie re-tellings, and the anime team addressed it.

Anyway, this is a shit point you're trying to make as it doesn't actually prove anything.

> so the gags in dragon ball arent canon? comedy isnt allowed to be canon?
Never said that. Obviously DB is full of gags.

Neko Majin on the other hand is a fucking parody. Genius.

Who is the most underrated db character

In what regard? if it's sex appeal, Roshi. If it's ability, Roshi. If it's humor, Roshi.


bulmas mom, i fap to her everyday.

>I was always confused about this, but wouldnt the manga be considered more canon

See: > Anime announced April 2015
> Manga announced May 2015, after the anime (primary product), and it will release beforehand to promote it
> Manga is in a promotional magazine, V-Jump
> Manga skips RoF to promote the anime's first post-movie arc. And it needed to skip to get ahead of the anime to promote it.
> Manga-only content is self-contained. It's rarely, if ever, found outside of the manga

"Chosen successor" is just a meme way of saying hired artist to do Toriyama's old job because he's lazy.

Toriyama also called the the movies and anime as a direct continuation of his serialized manga. Does that make Fox/Toei his "chosen successor"? No, there's no such thing.


It's missing Jaco at minima, BoG, FnF and Super at maxima


There is zero proof that one is canon over the other in this post, or the posts you quoted

>He did tho. With his one shot of ROF
First of all, technically that was a DBZ one-shot

Second, it was never completed. It literally ends with "find out what happens in theaters!"

Third, literally just for promotional purposes. Just like the DBS manga is to the DBS anime

Not even the guy but Toriyama writing the scenario is a big enough proof on its own

And both are following the written scenario. As an aside, who the fuck cares about canon? You like what you like, and that matters far more than what's "OFFICIAL LORE"

cabba has none of those qualities though.

Japan treats the Dragon Ball Super manga as the official continuation of the DBZ manga.


Recent interviews with Toriyama and Toyotaro imply Toriyama has greater influence over the manga than the anime, and he works directly with Toyotaro as something akin to an editor.

Toriyama also stated he does not get to see the final scripts, this was during the Future Trunks arc.

Lastly, the latest interview implies Toyotaro followed the closest to the original draft Toriyama produced, keeping Zamasu as a relatively weak character and Fused Zamasu someone who could potentially be combated by two Super Saiyan Blues, in addition to keeping the time limit that was in the original draft for Zamasu.

Also, Toyotaro's ideas and characters were placed into the anime for the tournament of power arc. He evidently holds influence beyond the manga.

>yfw Toyo gives Ribrianne a new form
>it's just her base form with lewd clothing

>zero proof
Do you lack reading comprehension?

One was announced first. The other after the fact.

The one announced afterwards is produced in a promotional magazine.

The one in the promotional magazine skips around the first 2 arcs (the second one skipped completely) to promote the anime (see previous post as to why). It isn't a complete work on it's own.

Manga-only content is, again, rarely if ever found outside of the manga. It is ignored.

There is overwhelming evidence that the DBS anime = canon.

Toriyama works with Toyotaro. So what? Toshio confirmed Toriyama works with the anime team as well. Toyotaro is just more vocal about it.

>Toshio confirmed Toriyama works with the anime team as well
This was after the dragon ball room was made which was after the Black arc.
Toriyama said he had no idea how Toei was handling the Black arc.

>One was announced first. The other after the fact.
This proves that one was announced before the other. Says nothing about canon
>The one announced afterwards is produced in a promotional magazine.
This proves that one is in a promotional magazine, says nothing about canon
>The one in the promotional magazine skips around the first 2 arcs (the second one skipped completely) to promote the anime (see previous post as to why). It isn't a complete work on it's own.
this proves that the first two arcs were skipped in one, says nothing about canon
>Manga-only content is, again, rarely if ever found outside of the manga. It is ignored.
says nothing about canon
>There is overwhelming evidence that the DBS anime = canon.
Provide this "overwhelming" evidence

Pic related is geting erased this week

I hope he gives Zirloin, Ranbara and Zarbuto new clothes when they get their powerup.

The outline probably said that those 3 get a powerup and wear wacky outfits, instead Toyo should give them outfits like the ones from JJBA not the Maidens outfits.

I'm so glad that u6 is gone. We no longer have to deal with Cauliflautists

>promotional magazine
>The fucking Weekly Shonen Jump
>The magazine where every manga are prepublished

Tell me more about the fact the Body to anime is in fact the canon version since the Body to manga is in the V Jump


>Japan treats the Dragon Ball Super manga as the official continuation of the DBZ manga
A manga commerical isn't proof of that. Either way who cares as this doesn't confirm anything.

> Recent interviews with Toriyama and Toyotaro imply Toriyama has greater influence over the manga than the anime, and he works directly with Toyotaro as something akin to an editor.
No it doesn't. Recent interviews only mention how Toyotaro works with Toriyama. Toyotaro being more vocal about working with him doesn't prove anything.

Also, recent interviews also confirm that Toriyama borrows content from the anime and puts it in the manga. We just don't know what since the anime airs first...and whatever the anime and manga share, we assume is in the original drafts.

> Toriyama also stated he does not get to see the final scripts, this was during the Future Trunks arc.
Toshio stated that they regularly meet with Toriyama. This was during the recruitment/Top arc...but again, the anime team aren't very vocal.

> Lastly, the latest interview implies Toyotaro followed the closest to the original draft Toriyama produced
Toriyama actually WANTS Toyotaro to include his own OC. Either way, Toyotaro copying Toriyama's skeleton script 100% isn't a good thing. It's a skeleton script for a reason

>Also, Toyotaro's ideas and characters were placed into the anime for the tournament of power arc
And like I said earlier, the manga also borrows from the anime as well.

But only one is the main product, which is the anime. This is why only the anime is featured in video games and merchandise. This is why the anime is a complete work and the manga isn't. This is why the manga is serialized in a promotional magazine.

Dude, we care about DBS because of Toriyama. Toyo is here to help because Tori ccan't draw anymore. When there is a new movie and stuff do you think we care about Toyo? No. Why do you think GT flopped? Toriyama is the God, like the Toei staff said. Toei and Toyo, they are both instruments for Tori.

why did you bother with this post?

>But only one is the main product, which is the anime. This is why only the anime is featured in video games and merchandise.
Tell me how you know from which it's taken user, bless me with science

>This is why the anime is a complete work and the manga isn't. This is why the manga is serialized in a promotional magazine.
Like any big manga. It's called prepublication and it has worked like that for decades

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It's produced in V-Jump. Not Shonen Jump.

And not to mention that the Boruto anime is considered the canon one. Kishimoto works with the anime staff and even had them change certain things such as the Hanabi vs Boruto episodes.

That's enough time for sex and a sub sandwich with a cold one.