Darling in the FranXX

Do you think she'll do something in episode 3? It looks like it'll be about Team Brat.

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I hope she does something so Hiro doesn't become a whiny retard about piloting, I really wouldn't want to see a few episodes of that. She was smug as fuck when Hiro and Ichigo failed, that's either because she's just happy Ichigo failed but doesn't have the foresight to understand how hard Hiro could take it or she already knows what she's going to do.

I assume Darling will be considered as having failed the mock battle. There will probably be some reason then for her to pilot with him and save the day to make up for that so he can be classified as a parasite officially.

Hiro insecurity incoming. It's unavoidable. It's just a question of how long it'll take Zero Two to cure him.

Probably the latter, i doubt they will show him moping around

stop making fucking threads you have 7 you're all fucking worse than DBS you fucking tumors

Cocona the cutest

Hiro is the cutest

Take it back

Yeah it pretty much seems unavoidable. There's no way out of it, especially considering that scene where he's desperate as fuck and mindlessly pulls on the inoperative controls. That sure brought back memories.

Yeah I hope they get over it quick. The easiest way would be to actually have him pilot with 02.

They're gonna stick his ass back in Strelizia with 02 when the Klaxosaurs kiss during the "kissing" procedure between the two plantations.

The interview mentioned how everyone gets slapped in the next episode so it may be 02 goes Captain Bright on everyone before disobeying order and pulls Hiro into the cockpit to show him the joy of piloting inside.


That's what I hope for since it would be the most straightforward resolution. They need an excuse to send him out with 02 though, when they've got other standard teams available.

Literally slapped?

She'll lick one female pilot per episode.

>the pleasure of piloting inside with your darling

>12 threads
wew las

I want 02 and Hiro to pilot properly already. They shouldn't drag it out any longer. I also want to see 02's supposed personality change when she gets in the robot.

Fucking this, I want to see what it's actually like and if there are any differences between them and the other pairs.

stuck switching isps so my net is to shit to dl or stream, so what is this show? femdom peggimg mechas or some shit?


>relying too much on automated tools

banana miku is reconiseable enough

>It looks like it'll be about Team Brat
Says who?

From Episode 3:

>MC wants to pilot a mecha to get back something he lost
>Is paired with the most unique girl in the series who's also a main character
>has a sidekick with attachment issues
>fights against a girly voiced angry manlet that abuses his partner
Don't worry guys, Van gets his shit together quickly and will start kicking Dilandau ass in no time.

Where are you getting this imageage from

Obviously the other standard teams won't be capable of defending against the dinos because they're all unexperienced novices with dubious amounts of synergy between co-pilots, and this will kickstart the character arcs for the side characters. 02 will save the day and be ever smug

One of the previews spoiled the first three episodes.


I wonder if Futoshi has a fat cock to match his fat belly

If the theories are true. I'm hoping 02 is a dom and Hiro is the one with his ass in the air.


what the fuck

This show is too good for Sup Forums

This is FranXX's board now.

we run this shit now


Jesus, this anime really doesn't want me to care about these characters. The pacing is so slow, I can hear it in the soundtrack.

How many Asuka-clones do we need, before we get sick? I hated Asuka on release of NGE, and only like her better because of nostalgia. How many obnoxious, psychotic, dominant types will the anime clockwork shat out on my media, to get me to give a shit about their unlovable personalities?

I swear this shit is catred only to the most horny fanboys who can overlook basic fundamental character lacking, because "HUAAAA SO KAWAII, UGH SHE MAKES MUH OCHINCHIN SO DIAMONDSS! Shed love me fuckin her echhahaha".

Pacing needs to hurry the fuck up, or Ill wait til the episode week when this snail of a show has 7 seperate thread, for some non-NSFW reason.

If you met 02 in real life, and werent a blood-in-boner-not-in-brain otaku, youd be completly off-put by her. After talking, shed have no interest in you, affection, or even her crazy personality would wear of because its just close to bipolar disorder. Even the characters in the show dont like her, and the ones that do, is because their emotionally healthy, or unhealthy and 02's bullshit personality is considered quirky by them or she solves their bullshit problems.

Its writing so simple, I could come up with it when Im imagining a story to fap to, when I dont have internet.

Its insulting to my intelligence to have to give a shit about this well animated snail show. I could go to my nieces house and get the same entertainment from hearing the kid talk about her day in the kindergarten.

true, but dat ass tho lmao

is this a pasta

02 doesn't seem like Asuka at all. Asuka never came across as actually confident, only tryhard and hysterical. 02 has the "knows something we don't" trope an is also very calm and composed in the way she interacts with characters.

Violet evergarden pasta

I'm pretty sure she claimed hiro when she kissed him and now he can't work right with other pistils.

It probably has to do with the psychology of kissing, even though hiro didn't know what the word meant, he understood it was an intimate and very memorable occurence, so he'll probably always think back to it and her.
And being off with your partner fucks you.

Would they really be that incompetent? I mean it begs the question of what they'd do if Oni hadn't fallen into their Plantation. Could they be so completely incapable of defending themselves? Perhaps it's going to be some superdino to make it plausible that they'd get wrecked without Strelizia.

They can't be, in ep1 Oni is talking through Strelizia and wearing a Pistil suit complete with ass controllers. Her role is clearly fundamentally the same as other girls, but with how good and special she is I'm expecting her to do most of the work with Hiro being a glorified battery/tactical support at first, if they're not going to be bog-standard.

It's pasta bro, cmon

I dunno it they'll be utterly incompetent, but the underlying tensions between the pilots just seem set-up to haven them fail a mission they shouldn't and force them to reevaluate themselves as a result. It's a basic and effective method of writing characters in this kind of show

That would indeed work, actually. It's both an opportunity to move Hiro beyond piloting doubts and at the same time knock the overconfident newbies down a peg. For some reason they didn't seem too spooked at all that a fuckhuge dino attacked them and if it weren't for Oni (and Hiro) they probably would've gotten fucked.

He already couldn't work with other girls before, did you skip the part where he couldn't get his dick hard for Naomi?


I wonder if they'll resolve the whole "can't remember what happens when I get in the robot" that early, actually. It might be a more major plot point and fuel for character work.

I also find it suggestive that they were able to pilot their robot without any of the trappings of false-sex, just by getting in the cockpit and the girl kissing the guy. At least, if I was more confident that that is how the show indeed wanted it to be interpreted, as opposed to just making the scene vague and skipping all the logistical details just to have a scene, which is still a possibility. I would find it a wasted opportunity if the robot is piloted exactly the same way, except with some minor gimmick like "the girl is still dominant"; there would be no reason to have the whole kiss thing be so pivotal to the first episode's climax AND extend the memory loss aspect for more than half an episode

>cant post ichigos tits

>I have to romance every female character in every anime I watch
Kys please

I don't play lovers with drawings though.

I can't really envision how the whole memory loss thing could move forward. It would be pretty strange for Hiro to remember absolutely nothing every time he pilots, how is he going to get better? From an out-of-universe perspective I think the memory loss might be a one time only thing for plot convenience and for the sake of building a bit of drama for Hiro's origin and to keep Oni's supposed personality change mysterious. On the other hand I would also find it strange for the memory loss to not be related to Oni and Hiro's immunity to her, so I don't really know but I still feel that moving forward with MC not remembering anything about combat would be very convoluted.

The primary intention behind the kiss might be to characterize Oni and to send off the show with a bang, so to speak, rather than providing insight into how piloting works. It obviously also tells us that the 'standard' position isn't all there is to it, but in the end Oni does become Strelizia's consciousness all the same. Going by all the girls in ep2 talking to the guys via the mech's comm system and not just addressing them directly I suspect that while they're synced they lose control of their own bodies. If that's the case, it would be pretty implausible to have Oni in a piloting position which would require her to be physically active.

Maybe there's also a reason why the standard position is standard and why the guys also wear a suit, despite it not appearing to aid sync like what the girls wear. Hiro and Oni syncing via a kiss and then possibly piloting in some non-standard position might also tie into the reason as to why Hiro can't remember shit.

We /CODE GEASS/ now.

chads of Sup Forums


I think Oni might actually be active while her consciousness is in the robot robot because her partner was all injured.

There are 18 threads now, holy shit

Stop spamming threads you retard

His generally shit state of health could also be explained due to rapid aging though (if we go with the assumption that what APE or w/e they're called is true). If he started out as a teen and 2 Oni rounds turned him into a fully-grown man with grey hair who can't breathe without a mask it's not inconceivable that such rapid growth and aging could also cause physical injuries. Oni herself was also injured, so another plausible option is that they just got injured in the cockpit when the dino slammed Strelizia.

Also Hiro might be special but that guy certainly wasn't and Oni was still wearing a standard suit with him, so that also suggests the way she pilots normally (i.e. not kiss-syncing with Hiro) might not be that far off from standard.

>From an out-of-universe perspective I think the memory loss might be a one time only thing for plot convenience
>The primary intention behind the kiss might be to characterize Oni and to send off the show with a bang, so to speak, rather than providing insight into how piloting works
I know both of these, I just think it would be a better show if it found a way to be tighter and weave this stuff into its actual text, rather than leaving them be as concessions we have to make in order to get some rule of cool scenes.

What's the source for all the "personality change" stuff? I only read that "there's an aspect of her personality that we didn't want to reveal just yet", but that doesn't necessarily mean there's some magic 180° turn when she gets in the cockpit or whatever.


>Really like the futuristic setting
>Really like a few of the characters (mainly Ichigo)
>Not sure about the sex themes and fanservice but it had some funny moments (like the ass controls)
>Really interested in the larger society and oligarchy as a whole
>Really fucking like the OP
I'm a bit mixed on FranXX but so far I'm enjoying the ride and interested to see more. Is it bad when I'm more interested in the setting than I am in the plot/characters? Granted it's only been two episodes.


OP should've been Boom Boom Satellites.

Too soon.

Nice, do the others

He did music for the Godzilla ED, but with other vocalists.

Oh shit, that's good to hear.

>Do you think she'll do something in episode 3?

Didn't they saw she and Hiro switch off as the main character in some episode?

>What's the source for all the "personality change" stuff? I only read that "there's an aspect of her personality that we didn't want to reveal just yet", but that doesn't necessarily mean there's some magic 180° turn when she gets in the cockpit or whatever.
I think people got that from the character interview that Tomatsu and Uemura did for the show. Tomatsu said something along the lines of that Zero Two's personality changes once she is in the cockpit and people are interpreting that as she'll do a complete 180 in the cockpit instead of the more likely she'll be the hotblooded one of the pair while Hiro will be the logical one.

I don't remember their names. All that pasta spam by that one faggot and I still don't know.

An interview has been posted around these threads which said she turns more serious when piloting and that Hiro will basically have to apply the brakes and keep her in check. We obviously haven't been shown exactly what that's like in the show itself yet. You might find it if you look through a few threads.

I don't think the kiss sync is there for no reason, it strongly suggests that the sync is more about emotional state than it is about actual sexuality and that seems to work out with what we've seen. Hiro doesn't seem interested in Ichigo but they still manage a couple of steps and an initial sync before both of them lose it. Argentea also shits itself when Miku gets pissed at the midget suggesting he'd pilot other girls. Those suggest more of an emotional link than actual sexuality, especially since Ichigo's kiss does nothing, yet they had synced perfectly fine minutes earlier.

I don't know where to place the memory loss. Something related to Oni, but I have no idea how they could resolve it quickly or how it could carry forward without making Hiro's growth and improvement convoluted as fuck.

>Tomatsu said something along the lines of that Zero Two's personality changes once she is in the cockpit
We Fafner now

Ive heard that she is supposedly a gentleman when piloting

So like that gentleman pomf image?

You do get the feeling it's more about the couples and their relationship and ultimately how it effects their performance on the battlefield.

I tried

Tomatsu said she acts more like the hero and Hiro is more the heroine ironically.

Will this be fixed or will the admin forever be a useless stanteye fuck?

Yeah, at this point I'd be honestly surprised if it turns out primarily sexual. If that were the case there's no way Hiro would've synced with Ichigo at all, the lack of reaction to the kiss made it pretty clear he wasn't interested. On the other hand, Ichigo is his childhood friend so they might have a real bond of trust/friendship (or had in case they just ruined it).


>she turns more serious when piloting and that Hiro will basically have to apply the brakes and keep her in check.

Yo this is such an interesting dynamic, I'm really happy about this but also really annoyed that you essentially spoiled it for me.

That's another nice touch of genius, there are so many little things like this that make me absolutely love the show.


It will be interesting to find out if the theory about her turning more into her klaxosaur form while in the FranXX comes true or not.

In the PV we see an snake-like Klaxosaur that is considerably larger than a Franxx

Why is this thread so slow? What happened Darlingbros?

Can't image dump. All of Sup Forums is slow.


They still haven't fixed this shit 15 hours later?

Can't save anime with just one thread at the time

But you can't even discuss anything with 30 threads at a time.

I'm sure she'll do something every episode until she goes rogue. Her darling turns into a chad trying to get her back, then they sex in the franxx and defeat the bad guy.

02 seems more like Mari Makinami.

She seems like Haruko mixed with Mamimi.

She's Lala mixed with Nemesis.

At least get the right sister, dumbass. She's nothing like Lala.

Visually she looks very similar. Lala has the same green eyes and long pink hair, momo has short hair and purple eyes.

>Kokoro, who displays a 180-degree turnaround in personality
>There will be a method as to how she arrives at a certain point, but I do think she’s not a bad person by any means
>there’s a point at the start of the story where Mitsuru blows up
>There’s one particular episode where the girls end up booing him. Like ‘Wow, I can’t believe you did that Mitsuru’

>Kokoro, who displays a 180-degree turnaround in personality
Is she gonna be the Tenga of this show?