ACE's gf wants a season 2
Ping Pong : the ACEnimation
I'm going to win Nationals.
Image still down?
Season 2 as soons as images come pa
I can't believe Hiromoot killed season 2
How can we have a ping pong thread if we can't even post ACE?
Asano drew an ACE for her seiyuu's birthday and I can't post it.
I can't post Bear either but that's because Bear didn't get shit, and her seiyuu's birthday was 5 days ago.
That's not what I meant when I asked for the spurdo edit
The new chapter looks good so far
I really want a season 2 but it doesn't seem plausible. Should I kill myself to enjoy afterlife with 2D sweaty musumes?
Why kill yourself when you can read the manga? If you buy enough of them maybe they'll consider doing a season 2 someday. A bearson 2.
Your pun game is unbearable, step it up.
Still on bear Namek?
Still on bear Namek.
See you in a few months, user.
Bear Namek ends next week. I heard it from my uncle who played ping pong in his youth.
See you Space Cowboy...
Caught in the spam filter.
I am back w/o BING BONG, but still Best Girl
English chapter when?
Help me anons, I can't seem to find any image to braille converter online that works, am I too much of a Dog fag?
Post ACE.
No such thing as "Too much" of a Dog Fag, my brother
this one is actually really good for some reason, thanks!
This is exactly what I wanted you to post, it was a reverse psychology trap.
any of you anons know where I can find some syakunetsu merch?
you can buy ping pong gear at most sports stores
Pre ACE.
There isn't really "merch". Only the OST and an Art Book i think
You can hear the opening
hrm, yeah it seems that way. What a damn shame.
Another question, since I can't read moonrunes and you other 11 ish people seem nice, does anyone know what that coming soon on the syakunetsu website is for?
who's that ping pong?
There's the manga too.
I assume it's chuuni girl since she's closing one eye
ping ping ping!
Did you wanted this?
I can't find it anymore but I think it was for merch like Wanko cases.
Mayuu? More like Waifuu.
Huh I never knew that, interesting
Do you mean Asano's blog page or the official site
the official site
Well I see a Merch section with a big "Coming Soon" on it, so I mean there could be something like what said but they haven't really said anything about that yet
There's some fans and ping pong rackets, I've seen towels and your usual stuff, everything on Yahoo auctions Japan.
Yes, you posted second place.
Two blind ping pong girls walk into a ping pong table
>tfw can't post other girls spurdo
I did.
1. Kohime
2. Koyori
3. Kumami
4. Agari
5. Hanabi
(power gap)
100. Munemune
It should be.
1. ACE
2. Agari
3. A-chan
4. Arrow
Arrow should be at least 2 or 3. You forgot ECA and proto-ACE
-1. ECA
1. ACE
2. Agari
3. A-chan
4. Arrow
we always talk about who the best pinger is, so instead we should talk about the best in bed
lets be honest, its kiruka
Kiruka is a good choice, but then again you have this exhibitionist freak who'd literally fuck you like a beast.
*like a bear
That's true, but really only if you're ACE/someone she's emotionally invested in. We need to establish if we're talking about the pinger fucking you or the pinger fucking ACE or Dog. Thoughts?
>We need to establish if we're talking about the pinger fucking you or the pinger fucking ACE or Dog
Something like we're talking about the pinger or the ponger?
Koyori is the pinger ACE is the bonger.
Hrm, I meant more like if the pinger was fucking you or another player, but I like your terminology.
>fucking you
It's Takkyuu, only yuri relationships are allowed. Good thing we're all little girls here.
I like ACE
I never watched Takkyuu, but I also like ACE. Those threads attract me for some reason.
If this goes on I'm going to have to watch or read Takkyuu.
>I'm going to have to watch or read Takkyuu.
But before that you have to read NoWaYu.
I already have, Takashima-san. Nothing would have been fire if you just fucked Chikage.
ACE won.
post Hanabi's armpits
I can't.
Me neither.
I can post her eyes
We're back
dumping bing bong girls
Where's the "Hoku"?
Every thread until I win Nationals.
These are quality, but we need the bear.
After this arc finish
God I wish I was Takkyuufag
Watch a 20 minutes video is not that hard
Someone post
You mean hoguhogu.
No I don't.
Prove it.
Why no new chapter in 1 month?