DOOD there isn't enough Franxx threads so I had to rush and create this one

DOOD there isn't enough Franxx threads so I had to rush and create this one.

ITT: how come you're not bothered by the creators blatant manipulation of your sexual energies?

how many of you have felt a tingling of annoyance at their blatancy, yet will continue to watch anyway? and if so, how come?

I am. I've watched both episodes in my go. There are good ideas here and there, but ultimately, it's the blend of the worst tropes and pandering of the medium sugar coated with good animation, aside from being extremely uninspired and generic.

>how come you're not bothered by the creators blatant manipulation of your sexual energies?
because it's awesome

right. so are you gonna continue watching? and if so, how come?

go on.....


Person I was watching it with dropped it because it's garbage, I'm willing to give a three episode trial to see if it's going anywhere but it seems like trash. At least it sparked some fun conversation.

what about zero two allowed the other girl to fumble around and fuck it up all by herself so she could be entertained as she waited to pick up the pieces? pretty cool, eh?

wat mean

Is it bad that I see so much Kill la Kill Animation in this?

Not him, I will watch it just so I can shit on it when it's over.

I quite like the show so far, but I hate it‘s fans already. Reminds me of the old days in 2012 when 3.0 just csme out and we had a cancerous EVA general for months. I can see the exact same kind of conversations in Franxx threads, and it makes me sick.

Why do you type like a faggot?

.... but there are other elements of the show that have to be engaging to you in order for you to accomplish that. so what are they?

my bad. i'll put more commas, and stuff. And shorten my sentences. Is this okay?

I haven't watched episode 2 yet so I'll let you know don't wait up

There are none. I don't like being left out from discussion so I constantly watch shows I consider to be straight up garbage if they're popular on Sup Forums. I usually watch 20+ shows every season so I have no problem slogging through few shitty ones.

No, you sound like trigger marketer/shill or some journalist. Go back to where you came from.

damn. i can't do that... i've tried but i just can't.

LOL. trying to get actual responses that's why. Also, i write every day for around 5 hours.

Anime of the decade.

dude you should make another one this is still not enough

And you couldn't be more wrong, there are handful of shows released recently that are just as if not more tropy, yet non of them get to franxx's level of appeal because they lack good execution, which franxx has plenty of in droves.

It'll play with a cliche and just do it in it's own unique way, from the set up to the shots and the context, which is what keeps it fresh.

i swear i haven't made any others. i want answers to my questions, n shit.

>ITT: how come you're not bothered by the creators blatant manipulation of your sexual energies?
That's precisely why I watch anime. Why would it bother me?

>ITT: how come you're not bothered by the creators blatant manipulation of your sexual energies?
What? Why the fuck would I be upset about fanservice?


yeah see there has to be things about this show making everyone go so batshit over it...

it wouldn't. you answered the question then. thanks.

This. Give it a month or two and this show will be absolutely despised on Sup Forums just because of its fans.

thanks, yo

Why would that be bad? It's less of a style choice in this case and more of an artistic inclination. IIRC this is why Soushin Shoujo Matoi had a "Trigger" feel to it too.

This show needs more ass.

already is hated. In a month or two their threads will be fucking dead.

> how come you're not bothered by the creators blatant manipulation of your sexual energies?
Because their skilled manipulations make my penis very happy.

>am I fitting in yet

>manufacturing popularity by spamming threads with only a handful of replies

There is nobody I'd rather entrust my cock to more to than the former Gainax staff working on this project.

nobody hates it, stop trying to fit in




I'm not sure I'm bothered by the manipulation but I am bothered by how literal a lot of the symbolism is being portrayed. It's a little too in your face, "hey get it, it's like sex and also check out these sperm chairs". Even Kiznaiver was more subtle than this. 02 is just bait right now, which is fine since it's so early. The partner relationship drama I could see myself not being a fan of very soon, probably because the drama will be some pretty typical teenage stuff considering how things have been presented so far.

Overall, pretty pessimistic about it. Despite this though, I still watch it because I want to see it through as a fan of the production staff. Still hoping to have my expectations blown away though and for it to become really good. Might take a while though, since it is 24 eps.

i agree with what you're saying about obvious over the top symbolism.
one of the first thoughts i had while watching was "christ i guess their audience has taught them it's okay to be so goddamn blatant with the sexual stuff."

subtly isn't always good, too many shows try to be vague or deep with sex it usually comes off as pretentious and vapid.
I quite like that this show is so blatant and literal, and the fact that they made the characters ignorant to certain terms and ideas really works in this context.

Dunno if it's because I'm high, but just finished watching both episodes. That shit got me eager to watch more.

This is actually a pro for Triggerfags, they like their symbolism to be straightforward because they wouldn't get it otherwise.

Pretentious and vapid is what Franxx symbolism is.

The point of interest is that the characters don't know they are for example speaking in sexual innuendos, not the innuendos themselves or the symbolism. For them, they don't have any hidden meaning since they probably haven't been taught about their own biology, which makes them confused once 02 gets into the mix and starts to spice things up in their sheltered environment. The overtness of it all is what creates this disconnect between the characters' ingrained worldview and ours as an audience, in the same way that we perceive lots of their lines as sexual innuendos while they probably don't know even how they are born. It's all enhanced by the ridiculous (see also: dummy butts) and how much of a straight face the characters react to it.

or they've learned that obvious dick-slobbering of their viewers works?

This would make sense if sexuality wasn't instinctive, it doesn't really need to be taught.


It is neither pretentious or vapid though. It's just a fun anime.

read lacan

lol seriously? penis awkwardly getting into vagina and guy ejaculating is 'instinctive,' sure.... but the rest of it? bro. come on now.

Vapid? Yes.
Pretentious? No.

>Sperm chairs
That was a flower you horny fag

how does Hiro know what a pervert is then?

so many threads. so much energy.

the power of sex. :o

I think he did'nt know but the 666 couple was'nt innocent at all so the worldbuilding it's not that credible

has it been explained yet why the world in DitF is fucked? I don't remember them specifying any particular reasons

It doesn't really do it for me because literal symbolism comes off less as an obvious counter to vapid, vague stories and more like treating the audience as if it were dumb. You're right in that most shows that have a meaningful statement to say about sex usually just, you know, depict sex but in this particular case they're not actually having sex while also playing the scene as straight as possible. My patience was wearing pretty thin on the scenes since it very obviously shoehorns the viewer into interpreting their actions a certain way instead of letting us think for ourselves. Like, idk, generally when you have vocabulary being used that suggests a certain thing, you don't also have them literally doing the thing you're suggesting. Seems a little much for me.

That was my interpretation as well but the thing is, it ended up being not very interesting for me. These themes have been tackled in other mecha anime before and I hate to say it but there are a lot of tropes being thrown around these first two episodes which make me worry for future episodes. It's still early so I don't think it's too much to worry about since there is good potential for the series. However, for me, the overtness had the complete opposite effect of what you were saying. Their ignorance, the overtness, the ridiculous situations/dialogue, the serious/straight faced play all made it feel *more* vapid for me. There didn't seem to be any deeper meaning to it than just what it was implying and it didn't seem to say anything new than what other works have done in the past (it's only been two episodes though, as I've mentioned before so this is best taken with a grain of salt, this is just the impression I got after these two episodes).

Maybe I'm just being too pessimistic. I

Probably the dinosaurs


Fuck off to whatever shithole website you came from, newfag cancer.


man people get upset if you don't speak in their language. sheesh.

thats dumb, the dinosaurs seem about as smart as any other animal. Did it just take so long to develop the mech countermeasure that the world was destroyed in the meantime? I dont buy it, atleast EVA established that the angels where atleast somewhat smart or had some kind of goal

hmm, that fish seems quite large.

Being aroused by the opposite gender's body is not instinctive? "bro". come on now

For you.

read the comment too fast and misinterpreted it. my bad, bro.

thanks dawg

Maybe the humans had some giant civil war that laid waste to the land. They had to call a truce though, due to using up all their resources. Eventually the humans discovered the magmatic fuel deep underground but at the same time they awoke the Klaxosaurs.

maybe people only care about watching the two pilots claim into the cockpit and get all settled in and cozy.... ???

again, i dont really buy it. Typically, people fight over resources like oil for energy, but since teenage sex energy is a thing in this universe, that doesn't make much sense.
I just feel DitF has really fumbled the worldbuilding

u mad bro -_-

No sir, I don't like it

Not trying to be mean, but you seriously need to write more concisely
>There didn't seem to be any deeper meaning to it than just what it was implying and it didn't seem to say anything new than what other works have done in the past (it's only been two episodes though, as I've mentioned before so this is best taken with a grain of salt, this is just the impression I got after these two episodes).
This sentence is a mess and it is painful to read.

amazing what commas or em dashes can do n shit

They can appeal to my sexual energies as much as they want. I fully approve of it.

mine too as long as the character relationships and story don't turn to complete shit

why do people prefer the virgin ichigo to the stacy 02

they don't, really

i watch anime because it makes my weewee hard

Hey guys, what if we just take an amalgamation of Haruko, CC, and Asuka, throw in a I'm Alone backstory, and try to appeal to femdom soys, waifu of decade, right?

God this show is bad

It makes sense that someone who thinks the subtle is always preferable to the blatant can't write worth a damn.

Wasn't it confirmed that 02 had previous partners but they always died? Something is indeed fishy with the way 02 acts.

Every user in the world is converging towards Sup Forums as the only functioning board they could post on. And your falseflagging threads could possibly turn them on to the show. Kek.