

Other urls found in this thread:


Real ghost posting hours.


what do you use to make these?

open the image and type it out manually

I think the only thing that does the braille ascii from an image is a program. Haven't been able to find a site to do it. There's plenty for ascii in general but the braille ascii looks better.



thats the one im looking for! thank you

I use that shit but it keeps telling me I'm thousands of characters over the word limit, even though I insert my art into a word counter not on Sup Forums and it's well below 2000 characters.



>the spoonfed keeps asking to be spoonfed
good job anons.




I usually don't post this but

got any from kill la kill?


You have to resize it.



This is why you don't feed newfags



R8 my dots Sup Forums


Fucking Hiro



⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢀⠈⢆⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡄⣠⣤⣤⣤⣄⣀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⣇⡆⢢⡀⠈⢻⣿⡇⣿⣧ ~Oooohohoho~





I hope 4chin last like this for a month


When will this be over?

Post yfw Sup Forums is finally kill





Any words from the mods anywhere?

It's not just the images, it's nigh impossible for me to post at all on slower boards, only Sup Forums works for me and I suspect it's because it has so much fucking dedicated server space. With all these dot posts I thought we were getting hit with the mother of all raids.



Sup Forums is all you need friend.

By me


I doubt Sup Forums wants to have a discussion on all the finer points of painting Warhammer 40k miniatures.


>braille posting has finally brought Sup Forums to its knees


I'm for some reason having a lot of trouble keeping under the character limit even with something that looks like it has less characters than some posted in here.






character limit is a lie you can post over it in general just not by too much.


Lets see


by me

>reddit spacing retard gets spoonfed and it still wasn't enough
Let this be a lesson to all of you fucking retards to never spoonfeed newfags again.


How does one make such good ascii art for Sup Forums? Is there a converter for images?






Save your image as .txt, open it with notepad, copy and paste into post box. It's that easy.



Someone make a legit wojak


>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam.
Oh well


>reddit spacing meme
Kys newfag


Almost satan



>Comment too long
How do I fix that shit? How the hell are you posting these without getting that warning?



Just keep it under 2000 characters

u ok user





Change the width and height of it

It seems like it's reporting double or more of how many characters are actually there. If you're around 5000 or so character but it says you're over it'll still let you post.

>copy art
>open reply window
>put in cpatcha
>copy art
>hit post as soon as you copy the art
>Sup Forums doesn't have enough time to tell you the post is too big before it's submitted


Why is someone spamming the board with Franxx threads? Is Sup Forums being raided?












