In these times of chaos, we can't trust the mods, nor can we trust Hiroshimoot. There's only one thing we can trust...

In these times of chaos, we can't trust the mods, nor can we trust Hiroshimoot. There's only one thing we can trust. Sakurafish. Unite.








Why did Hiro Jew it?


He was being paid by whoever own that website that generates the ASCII art.


How did 2ch get rid of this faggot?

i just woke up, can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?

No one can upload images, anywhere

Images won't post and the report button is broken so we're posting ASCII art and whatever we want really. The mods don't use the board so we're free to enjoy our board culture such as Santa Yui and Sakurafish without interference.

yyysysyyyyhyyyyyyyyhhhyso+/:-..` `..---/myyyyyyyo
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That turned out badly. Anyone wanna guess what it was?

Wow the report button really is broken.

There's an image in the OP, what are you on about?

I love you



lets be honest, did it ever work in the first place?

ive been gone 12 hours and shit hits the fan. Can anyone explain pls?


Image uploading doesn't work, and Hiro hasn't said a word. Basically nobody knows what the fuck is going on.


wtf. who is Sup Forums's image hoster? does this mean that everything ends?

Ops seems to be the only exception. Try posting an image yourself.

Apparently this happened before. Let's just wait and see what happens. If nothing else, the shitposting has been fun to watch.

shit man dont post gore!

Well damn, you seem to be right.
Guess I'll just watch the place burn with the rest of you guys.

I still don't like it.



You better learn to love it. It's the only thing giving us sanity any more.

>Hiro hasn't said a word
What a surprise.

Nothing like a good ol' fashioned shitstorm to start off the year.

does hiro even do anything?

I hate it! Please keep posting it forever.

oh fuck, is she dead?

He adds malicious ads, boards nobody asked for, and slower servers from time to time. I've heard he shitposts as well, but I haven't seen it for years now.

Nah, she's alive if you make the image bigger.



Don't know about you but /bant/ was pretty comfy for a while.