Sup Forums is kill
Sup Forums is kill
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Can I post NoWaYu?
Honestly, the images being gone have actually made this place more fun
If Sup Forums dies I don't know what I'm going to do with my life, I spend so much of my days off work just lurking and shitposting
No it hasn't, stop being a contrarian piece of shit.
Its been a good run, I love you Sup Forums I'll never forget the time I wasted here
I concur. I merely spend hours just browsing and reading through Sup Forums threads. No other Sup Forums on some other chan will ever be able to replace Sup Forums's Sup Forums
"Fun" isn't the right word. Though it has been enjoyable and somewhat nostalgic
Only if you've read it first
Its not dead m8, this happened before. Pictures are probably coming back sometime today/tomorrow.
Post Top Yuusha
Shitposting has died down but crossboarders are still easy to spot
That's what they said with nyaa
Oh man
I dread waking up tomorrow to find that gookmoot's shutting us down. No word from the mods on what's going on is making me nervous. It's probably just a fixable problem with the servers and we'll have doomsdayed for nothing.
no man, Sup Forums revive
What if they disabled posting images/webms for free users?
I, for one, welcome our new braille overlords.
Is there a braille version?
My guess is it's something to do with image hosting. They're probably changing that again.
Y-yeah, I meant to say the servers. He can't shut us down haha like we're robots or something. That would be weird. Because I am totally NOT a robot.
Whew are these CAPTCHAS are hard.
Let's ask Karin-chan
Good, I fucking hate this site
Fuck off crossboarders
puppy vulva
everything will be fine
If its just /jp/ I don't really mind.
I'd like to say I'd watch more anime, but I'd probably just spend more time typing out shitposts/arguments about anime against myself and my imagined strawmen. I do that a disturbing amount already.
Where's the Death Star?
>Fuck off crossboarders
/jp/-chan doesn't count as a crossboarder
That's my feeling as well. The other boards can fuck off though.
Good riddance.
Knock knock.
Reverse image search newfag
>reverse image search
I know I set myself up for that one, but seriously, please give sauce
Sup Forums is a dumb autist
Wait what happened, I just got on
Nothing, just another day on this japanese cartoon image board.
This better not be fixed when I wake up.
I, for one, welcome our new text boards.
Where do you get those ascii.
The ones i have tried to convert are utter shit
>pic related
You need big smug to survive this condition.
Here you go user
Thank God we got rid of that cuck moot so we could have good ol' Hiro here to ignore the fucking site and let shit like this go on forever.
Thank you.
I just want to let you know I love you.
Fuck you, this is way better than regular Sup Forums
Cheer up anons. Here's a hearto beam~ from your favorite idoru!
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