You just like fanservice.
You just like fanservice
How did you know?
I just like fanservice
I like fish
If this becomes an Automata level meta narrative I'll be impressed
Yes, and?
You need a /m/-approved reason to enjoy the show, such as "the giant robots look cool" or "it has a lot of fight scenes"
FranXX is trash, but I love to dwell in it
i would loved, if not this scene. Meaningless, stupid scene.
Are "the giant robots look cute" and "it has a lot of cockpit scenes" acceptable substitutes?
I like it but only when its in shows exclusively made for that. Shoving that shit into any other kind of show just feels like bad taste to me desu.
Is that bad?
Jesus, this anime really doesn't want me to care about these characters. The pacing is so slow, I can hear it in the soundtrack.
How many Asuka-clones do we need, before we get sick? I hated Asuka on release of NGE, and only like her better because of nostalgia. How many obnoxious, psychotic, dominant types will the anime clockwork shat out on my media, to get me to give a shit about their unlovable personalities?
I swear this shit is catred only to the most horny fanboys who can overlook basic fundamental character lacking, because "HUAAAA SO KAWAII, UGH SHE MAKES MUH OCHINCHIN SO DIAMONDSS! Shed love me fuckin her echhahaha".
Pacing needs to hurry the fuck up, or Ill wait til the episode week when this snail of a show has 7 seperate thread, for some non-NSFW reason.
If you met 02 in real life, and werent a blood-in-boner-not-in-brain otaku, youd be completly off-put by her. After talking, shed have no interest in you, affection, or even her crazy personality would wear of because its just close to bipolar disorder. Even the characters in the show dont like her, and the ones that do, is because their emotionally healthy, or unhealthy and 02's bullshit personality is considered quirky by them or she solves their bullshit problems.
Its writing so simple, I could come up with it when Im imagining a story to fap to, when I dont have internet.
Its insulting to my intelligence to have to give a shit about this well animated snail show. I could go to my nieces house and get the same entertainment from hearing the kid talk about her day in the kindergarten.
>You just like fanservice.
You damn right I like naked girls with nice tits and horns.
>so many threads for this trash
If I ever needed evidence Sup Forums was full of anime plebs this was it.
Is this pasta? Why would you even bother typing this out. Just don't watch it if you hate it that much.
Hasta la pasta
02 is an Asuka clone?
I like girls.
Anime is trash, and so am I
Uugh, disgusting fanservice for mecha sexuals, gross. UGH
You sure know reddit.
At least I don't post it here.
02 is cool Nono, or pink Mari Makinami Illustrious.
I love it. I'm not interested in watching Darling though
Why did she bite the fish? is she the SakuraFISH?
Stop this crap.
>it's an anime....
>with WAIFUS
>Sup Forums loses their fucking minds
>hailed as greatest thing ever
>daily threads
>Asuka clone
Imagine all the buttblasted E7 oldfags reading this on Sup Forums. AO truly is the gift that keeps on giving.
Don't forget self inserting as a bland beta faggot who is given everything on a silver platter.
Is liking cute boys a /m/-approved reason?
Land whale detected
Yes, yes I do
She's Haruko but shitty and meaningless.
Way to reveal your newness.
I just checked /m/ and there are at least 5 threads about Wing so you decide if you want to sit on that couch.
Hi crossboarder-friend
This anime is absolute trash though.
Fanservice is nice when the anime isnt just about it.
I've got a interesting theory about the Franxx
>A common name of the genus is bird of paradise flower / plant, because of a resemblance of its flowers to birds-of-paradise.
>The bird of paradise represents faithfulness, love, and thoughtfulness
>The 9th wedding anniversary for a married couple
>Freedom and the ability to travel, due to the flower’s resemblance to birds in flight (note similarities with the bird monologue in episode 1)
>Magnificence, excellence and success
>Joy through challenges and successes alike
>Faithfulness in romantic relationships
>Optimism towards the future
Piece of shit.
delete your account
You need more fish in your diet user.
I'm a fan who likes to be serviced
I'm just pretending to like this because of Sup Forums's standards about mecha anime, but in reality if i were to pick what /m/ show i would like to watch then i choose _______Heybot_______
You had better fucking believe it.
>Hourly threads.
I see her as a mix of Asuka and Rei.
This is legitimately a good show. Familiar enough to instantly like, but different enough to keep you interested. The cast is varried, the soundtrack is decent, there’s enough tension and mystery, and lots of fan service.
Why does Sup Forums hate good things?
Sup Forums hates everything popular. Also triggerfags have a bad reputation here, so many people assume that everyone who's into FranXX must worship everything the studio does or are crossboarders looking to ride the hype train.
Triggerfags doensn't have a bad reputation on Sup Forums it is just buttblasted kyoanifags who are delusional and believe that they are all from Sup Forums.
It all depends on the execution.
Frankxxly, you're theory is probably 100% accurate
i do
Go back to your Pop Team Epic thread Sup Forums
>How many obnoxious, psychotic, dominant types will the anime clockwork shat out on my media, to get me to give a shit about their unlovable personalities?
Stop thinking everything has to be FOR YOU. They aren't. Nothing in this world was made with you in mind. You don't need to care about every character in a show, or any of them. You don't have to do anything. Read the summary of a show before you watch it to see if you'll be interested. And if you don't like tropes "based off EVA" then stop watching mecha because they all do this. Better yet, just stop watching anime altogether.
>I swear this shit is catred only to the most horny fanboys who can overlook basic fundamental character lacking, because "HUAAAA SO KAWAII, UGH SHE MAKES MUH OCHINCHIN SO DIAMONDSS! Shed love me fuckin her echhahaha".
Stop watching anime if you don't like it. Every anime is like this. Literally all of them. Go watch something that'll suit your oh-so-sophisticated tastes instead.
>Pacing needs to hurry the fuck up
It has been two episodes. TWO. And the pacing is just fine, you retard.
>If you met 02 in real life, and werent a blood-in-boner-not-in-brain otaku, youd be completly off-put by her.
You're making a lot of assumtions, friendo.
>Even the characters in the show dont like her, and the ones that do, is because their emotionally healthy, or unhealthy and 02's bullshit personality is considered quirky by them or she solves their bullshit problems.
You might as well have said you didn't watch it at all.
>Its writing so simple, I could come up with it when Im imagining a story to fap to, when I dont have internet.
You couldn't. And this post shows it.
>Its insulting to my intelligence
Then you need thicker skin instead of a thicker skull, because it's not smart and nor does it claim to be. Abandon the notion that all anime has to be some High-IQ masterpiece instead of just entertainment, or - like I've previously stated several times - stop watching anime.
What of it?
I also like fanservice.
I love fanservice.
Just here for the FranXXservice.
I like fanservice, too bad I find this art style unattractive, and this kind of fancervice does nothing for me.
Medb ripoff