Post adorable couples

Post adorable couples.

Loli x Shota is simply the most charming form of love.

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>Loli x Shota
The purest and most adoring form of romance. It's why I love childhood friends though.

Shota are all cancer except Nike.

? I thought his name was Luvius. Or are you talking about something else?

Great taste. There's nothing cuter that a pure and innocent love between children.

That's not Tomoyo and Sakura


Still probably my favourite pairing in the tales series.

Excellent taste.

Meh. I found Sheena and Lloyd better. Still cute though.

I want them to kiss so fucking bad.

Me too man.

/u/fag everytime.


I deserve it I've been waiting for this shit for so fucking long now. They're the cutest couple.

Anyone else loved this scene? It makes my heart throb

I did


Akagi and Ryoko is the best couple.

I don't find it charming though. It might just be me.

>I agree user.

Purest form of love.

Yuri is garbage.

You just don't understand

Y-You too...

I don't like this purist form of love shit, yuri, yaoi, het, inbetween, whatever, all relationships can be really beautiful and sweet.

Fuck off back to /u/ pls and never ever come back.
True, except yuri. Yuck!

It's cutest when they stick together for a long time. Far too many series end with just the couple getting together, it doesn't take into account that not everyone stays that way over the years.

I like whatever couple I find adorable/likeable/funny regardless of the type of it.


> ywn have someone who loves you like Akagi

It's cuz penises are proven to be impure.

You're both retarded.

I too agree

>not being gay makes me a Sup Forumstard
At least you are funny user.

>pairing up with a chink


It hurts doesn't it?

deal with it

Childhood love is my kryptonite.

Same. Nothing gets me more.

How can someone really dislike Syaoran? Is this some kind of dumb waifufag jealousy?

>Tamako and Mochizou

>both Shitkura and Shitoran would cheat on each other the second some "moon magic" comes into play
>both Shitkura and Shitoran "loved" other people first meaning they're inherently unfaithful
Feels good not liking a garbage couple.


Tamako and Mochizou's confession scenes are too fucking adorable.


He was better with Satone.

Nah. It is depressing because you know it won't last long.

> English dub

wanting everything gay to burn in acid belongs to Sup Forums

I was impressed how cute this was and how much I liked the MC despite Sup Forums shitting all over it. Then again I didnt watch season 2.

>I know, if I don't address anything they said and call them names that means i win!

I didn't realise I linked that. I just clicked on whatever popped up on google.

>Tomoyo, Juju, & Midori all got BTFO'd
No wonder /u/fags hate shota x loli so much.

Did Kyoani actually manage a good romance?

>Loli x Shota
Can't you just call it childhood romance like normal people?

Just fuck Yuuna already,Tougou

You know as it is the moon magic shit never went away right? Yukito always has it even after Shaoran realises he likes Sakura.

also crushes by moon magic aren't really love, so it doesn't count.

Don't get so vitriolic about a kids show.

He's from Hong Kong which is a step above being a mainlander.

I like yaoi, so you're wrong.

Say what you will but them actually getting together made the ending more painful.

>it don't count because I say so
Not how it works. And yes, the moon magic does go away, and Sakura liked other people anyway.

Don't get so autistic over posts on an anonymous site. There's no reason for you to think you can read emotional states over nothing.

Is pololigamy acceptable? Some boys are man enough for two wives.

I thought it was good. Other people said otherwise though.

I wish there were more cute lolixshota doujin.

That's just called being a mindless degenerate. There's a reason polygamy is outlawed everywhere but third world nations.

I don't even really like those two knuckleheads individually but damn if they weren't totally made for eachother. They're going to have the cutest retard babies.

I think it can be fun, user.


I have a horrible feeling she's going to be betray him.

Would this count as lolixshota or /ss/?


Errr. Yes.

> Not how it works.

Yes it is, both Shaoran and Sakura both mull over their feelings a bit and both of them end up understanding that their liking Yukito wasn't 'real', though in Sakura's case she did still have a bit of a crush on him normally too, even then, it was mostly her liking him like family. If a little crush before the relationship even started counts as a tendency toward unfaithfulness to you, then you're probably autistic.

> The moon magic does go away

No, it doesn't, Yue tells Shaoran to think about who he really likes and any time Yue or Yukito is present after that Shaoran shows no reaction to him because he realized he actually liked Sakura, Yukito/Yue's presence didn't just go away directly after they talk in that scene, there's nothing that says it did.

LolixAlmostShota is cute too.


Even Shinpachi is younger than Shougou.

Where do you think you are?


She never will


I agree with them, it does sounds pretty weird. I wouldn't like to be confused with a pedo.

I warn you

Childhood romance then



> A 29 year old ((mentally)) with a 10 year old

I love this two. Canon SOON

What are the best cutesy romance anime?

>Implying they didn't after killing Amateratsu.
There is best turn on than killing a divine being

>fucking pre-teens
Sure bitch

What? I thought this ended a while ago.

Fanfics were written

Theirs is a special form of denial.
The other canon couple is of course adorable as well, but that does leave "the heroine".

Wouldn't this girl be perfect for Mikoshiba?

I like how you don't even know what the word autistic means and you just use it as your generic cover all "this person disagrees with me" insult.

Anyway, it's hardly a "little crush", and either way, it does show they are unfaithful, as unfaithfulness is a biological imperative. Meaning it's in their DNA, it's who they are. So if they're do it once, they'll do it again.

The anime was one of those short 12 episode things, but the manga's been coming out a volume a year - 9th was in august.

Just because your childhood romance didn't last doesn't mean that others can't have better luck.


They're kids and it's a fictional kids story where shit like true love and soulmate garbage really exists.

> this ended
The anime? Yes. The manga? No.