Evangelion and Devilman BTFO
Evangelion and Devilman BTFO
I enjoy both Ideon and Devilman so I'm not going to argue one or the other but I will say the music in Ideon is god tier.
I love Ideon but I wonder why it isn't more well known in the west giving that it heavily influenced Anno.
It's an eighties tv anime that never got a dub. Just because Anno liked something doesn't mean his fans like that thing, see Ultraman.
Ideon, Evangelion and Devilman BTFO
because it looks like complete fucking shit even for its time. i am not just talking about the animation, but also the art direction, character designs in particular. at least usy has a fairly consistent artistic approach so even if the animation is shit by modern standards, it at least is somewhat visually appealing. ideon is cancer for the eyes, plain and simple.
Is Baldios fully subbed? I've been meaning to watch it.
Not even close, I think they did like 6 episodes.
The movie is though, which is the entire series + the real ending condensed.
Bad taste.
Man I forgot how beautiful of a song Canata Orbis is.
What is this and how is it related?
nah, you simply lack a basic understanding of what is or isnt aesthetically pleasing. youre probably one of those people who thinks that mazinger, gaogaigar, raideen or getterrobo have visually pleasing mecha designs.
GaoGaiGar is beautiful, take that back you motherfucker
I don't really have a shit about mecha design.
you realize that posting some shitty concept art doesnt make the actual work look any better than it does, right? if we were to judge anime based on their promotional material, then hardly any of it would look bad.
I haven't watched the series for a long time now, but I did recently watch the movie again. That was a wild ride, and was fun from beginning to end.
What was the episode with the other colony and mother-figure dying?
I can't remember if it was before or after water-like planet.
It's good character design on the basic level. You just have weird taste and started immediately projecting.
Ideonfags are so delusional I kind of feel bad for them. Not only is it completely lacking in substance until Be Invoked (which is still pretty shallow) but there are 70s anime that look much better.
Ideon's lesser known twin brother that lives in the attic. Both shows came out the same year, both got cancelled close to their ending, both got movies with the real ending, and they're both apocalyptic.
It's actually pretty spooky when you think about it.
Pro tip, if they don't provide examples of what they find aesthetically pleasing they're probably just fishing for (you)'s.
Episode 16 IIRC.
You need a very high tolerance for shit budget shows to enjoy Ideon
Name some
it isnt you fucking retard. some overly stylized, partial shot of a character is not the entirety of its design. especially if its only a single member of the cast. ideon looks like absolute trash, the tv show even moreso than the movies. doesnt help that the tv show is bad on top of looking like shit. its a badly directed mess with no consistency to its color palette.
Of course there are. There are also anime in the 80s that look better than anime in the 90s.
>my name is not 'you bitch'
It's fun if you know what are you getting into.
>there are people who don't enjoy 80's Sunrise animation
not him but anything directed by osamu dezaki looks miles better than the shit tomino initially came up with. if you seriously think that something like ideon or msg can even remotely compete with artistic masterpieces like takarajima or ace wo narae then you clearly suffer from a mental disability. took him until zeta to finally step up his game.
Evangelion and Devilman BTFO
Cantata Orbis really sounds like something that would fit right in to Koyaanisqatsi. The movie cutting to a shot of waves crashing against rocks during the ending sequence really beat that in to me.
You can enjoy it but it's objectively bad
>generic super robot show
>not him
>all posts fully in lower case
fun fact: Yo Inoue actually hated having to voice Sheryl and said how she was such a shit female character later on.
how is this post all lowercase you fucking mongoloid?
Name an 80s TV series that looks better than the best 90s TV series
Zeta still looked like shit outside some detailed mecha shots
Actually never mind, I misread your post about 80s and 90s series, gomen. My point still stands though, Ideon looks like complete shit.
How does it feel to be a braindead newfag idiot?
Beats me what you find bad in this screencap, the attached text certainly doesn't help.
Understandable, Sheryl is pretty shitty, but so is everyone else. Thats kind of the whole point of the show.
>talking shit about Mazinger and Getter
Might as well kill yourself.
I can't remember if Ideon even had one remotely virtuous character, everyone was kind of a prick.
Yeah man, god forbid he shit talked the dadrock-tier mecha.
Sure, kid.
Yeah, most of the time Ideon looks pretty bad especially for its time, but there are plenty of moment here and there that are visually fantastic. The animation during fights towards the end of the show started to get really good too.
Hey now, Bes deserves some credit for keeping the Solo Ship crew from killing eachother for the entire show.
Karala, Bes, and sometimes Cosmo. Everyone was stressed out from being constantly chased so its understandable that they're all assholes.
To bad even the good bits become shit when they are reused 1000 times
That's sad to hear. I loved Sheryl; she was a bitch but she felt bad about it and hated herself. I felt a lot of empathy for her.
>implying Sup Forums isn't filled with little girls
fuck off pedro
You forgot the best track.