Why the heavy emphasis on heterosexuality in this anime? Will there be a twist where two girls pilot a Franxx better than a male/female?
Why the heavy emphasis on heterosexuality in this anime...
Other urls found in this thread:
homosexuality is a mental illness and should be discouraged
this so much
>You said this but wait until they give you two dudes that pilot better than male/female instead.
Just embrace the truth user. Male and female union is the only thing that lead to procreation which is the reason why you're born and the purpose of your existence. Others form of love are just self-indulgence. I'm not saying it's bad, but it's innately meaningless.
Someone has not hear of IPS. Yuri is the future
Wow, /u/buttmad is real.
trolled hard
Why are Arabs so easily trolled?
It's just biology.
I like gay shit too but I'm not gonna expect it from Franxx, Who cares?
Sage and hide
Go back to the Citrus thread.
A man + woman makes a baby.
No other combination of the sexes has this power.
Heterosexuality is clearly the sexuality with the highest power level.
I can smell tumblr and s*w, from here.
Someone let me into the raid discord, I want to own animefags epic style too ;_;
Homos don't produce babies which a good thing that should be encouraged.
It say in the Qu'ran to fruitful and multyply, do kafir jew dog know better then the Ancient of Days?
heterosexuality is a mental illness and should be discouraged
First post best
reminder to report and ignore discord shitpost threads
whose bright idea was it to sell Arabs smartphones
wtf I love Sup Forums now!
We invented smartphones, you heathen.
There is a containment board for this, /u/fag.
Just for now. Het just did better than expected
this discord is not Sup Forums, it's a loose association of fags and fujos dedicated to opposing the discussion of girl-centered anime in an attempt to turn Sup Forums into /bl/
There's a containment board for dicklovers too. You should move there.
Fuck Lesbos and gays.Hetero is justice.
Men who love women more than dicks are sex traitors, all of you will be killed and eaten after the revolution.
It sounds like you'd like to fuck gays, you dicklover.:^)
>Fujoshits and Fudanshifags actually believe this
You aren't even trying
Het is for dick worshippers and females.
Everyone does now, look how many posts this discord raid thread got.
>t. ftm dyke
You should try watching yuri and relax.
Thank you for making this post.
02 literally means futa
Nobody would ever waste good material on semi-literate thirdworld phoneniggers.
A bunch of you fags raiding won't change the general consensus fatty
Because it's what's normal, homos are just a meme and shouldn't even be a thing in anime.
yuri is trash though, hetero is beautiful
I'd rather live in a place with terror attacks 24/7 than a shithole overrun by fags.
But I replied to one post nine times, and the discord gang's already working on a screenie, soon womanlovers on Sup Forums will be a distant memory.
This man knows the truth.
Should we raid them, They already got their's board already.
Go away, nobody likes you.
>womanlovers will be a distant memory
Keep deluding yourself, as much as I hate /u/fags they are plenty and a necessary evil against you fags.
sys.Sup Forums.org/a/imgboard.php?mode=report&no=167477400
what if it's lesbians
Just report this discord raid thread, Sup Forums will continue to prefer women to men forever regardless.
>fags and fujos dedicated to opposing the discussion of girl-centered anime
Wow, And I thought /u/ is the only place which can produce the mentally ill shitposter and autist like ACK, Mugino and crackspammer.
I'll never understand why /y/fags love to falseflag as /u/fags so much. It's not like people's preferences are going to change because of anyone's autism.
Also this:
When will semi-literate ESL baboons get sent back to the zoo?
You thought wrong, fujos are literally the worst. They already dominate but want more.
My cat likes me
kpop hair ryo is for posers
>Choosing to be hetero
>Choosing to be cucked by women
>Choosing to otherwise have a financially draining child who'll either die in some war 30 years from now or just be a disappointment
>Choosing to eventually be devorced by age 40 with half of everything you own taken plus child support
>Choosing to eventually die alone anyways in your rented apartment while Chad and Brad are spending their final years at some resort in Hawaii
f u
Because Abe-san has had enough
Lesbian sex is boring
Lesbian "sex" doesn't even exist because it doesn't fit the concept of sex. Rubbing each other is not having sex.
It's cute and sexy, but only if it's 2d.
I bet you have a cock up your butt right now
So is putting your dick where it doesn't belong, but here we are.
Because heterosexuality makes the world turn. Homos haven't contributed anything to society and never will.
>talks only about the worst possible outcomes as if good things can't happen too
Really makes you think
Isnt Abe pro gay?
Nah, that's gay son
Why not?
Kill yourself yurifag
reminder to report and ignore discord raid threads
No actually in modern times you just need a woman and some sperm.
Go back to your containment board.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with heterossexuality.
/y/ and /u/ are mental ill people
yaoifag, you mean.
I would say dont reply to /u/shitters but its too late
At least dont bump the fucking thread, i dont want them to associate with Frannx
It's fucking Aniplex and A-1 Pictures, we won't get any of the guys or girls teaming up amongst each other, instead we'll just have one of the males and female pilots swap places for "LOL LOOK THE MALE IS IN THE SUBMISSIVE ROLE NOW, MUH EMASCULATION XDDD"
Try to get sperm without a man.
How retarded/arabic does one have to be to think this thread was sincere?
Seiyuu interviews with the couples, interesting stuff
>Implying anyone posting on his thread will receive a good outcome when it comes to women
Best just switching over now before the suffering gets any worse
maybe, 02 is gonna teach the other girls how to kiss
He just needs to be the usual autistic Sup Forumsnon. All you need is a bit of falseflagging and anyone can be manipulated.
either seven extra chromosomes or one palestinian grandmother
Implying we won't in some years. Not to mention cloning.
Anyway, the point was that we are not animals, reproduction has always been a woman right and sperm is quite easy to get.
Because the allegory isn't just about sex but also procreation.
>Homos haven't contributed anything to society and never will.
Some of the greatest people in history were homos. What you meant to type was "women".
The fact that this is an actual term makes a lot of sense