What does Sup Forums watch their anime on?
Some common watching speeds:
What does Sup Forums watch their anime on?
Some common watching speeds:
1x. Fucking kill yourself.
>tfw too intelligent to watch at same speed as brainlets at 1x
memes aside the higher speeds are useful for getting through series that are too slowly paced, too slow in general, take too long to get to the good parts etc
If you ever watch at any speed but 1x you should be drawn and quartered
I don't see the problem at watching at faster speed at times. Helps me get through anime quicker, especially slow paced ones.
I really want to believe that these threads are bait. No one really watches Anime above 1x speed, right?
*caved in head brainlet meme*
>memes aside the higher speeds are useful for getting through series that are too slowly paced, too slow in general, take too long to get to the good parts etc
Why do you even watch shit you'd rather skip?
The only anime I didn't watch at 1x speed was Boku no Pico.
Some people's ADHD is really bad and it can be hard to sit through long shows with lot of talking like Re:Creators, for them speeding it up helps.
I have heard a rumor, that watching at 0.75x or 0.50x speed lets you enjoy it even more but its just not for me, i can barely handle 1x
I think 1.1-1.3x is okay if you really must but if you are watching it faster than that you can't be enjoying any of it and should pick a different series that you don't feel the need to speed up so much imo
I watched fate apoc, violet evergarden, rezero at 4x
Is this some fresh meme? If something isn't worth watching the intended way, I don't fucking watch it.
i don't know how to change speed
what media player do you use to watch anime? Most streaming sites will not allow you to change the speed but if you download the files with torrents then the media players all have features to let you set a viewing speed.
I can show you how to do it on MPC-HC
>fresh meme
Way to out yourself as a newfag, idiot.
thanks. i don't want to change speed
I have experimented with higher speed but it hasn't been something I've done regularly.
Moetan is a little bit funnier at a little bit higher speeds. I also wached much of White Album 2 at high speed just to get done with it.
I think I've used 1.1 on my commute too. My train ride is just a very little bit too short to fit in one full episode, but if you watch at slightly higher speed you aren't interrupted by the need to leave the train during the final minutes of the episode.
Watching anime at anything over 1x is retarded and you should feel retarded for doing so
This is why Americans deserve to be rangebanned.
1.5X but i'll go back and 1x for lewd scenes.
I watch Black Clover at 4x speed and whenever Asta is on the screen you don't hear anything besides AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA when he's speaking
Is watching at a slower speed acceptable? For very fast paced or text heavy shows...
It's probably better than frequently pausing it, but those shows may because of that loose part of it's appeal e.g. Teekyuu
I watch at a slower speed because my feeble American brain cannot process information at a rapid pace.
I often 2x videos when I'm curious about an expected detail and don't care for the rest. Informative youtube videos are especially bad about mixing an important detail in the middle of a bunch of charmless fluff. Maybe I'd 3x or 4x if that were built in, there.
But for watching something for the sake of interest in it overall, such as the bulk of watching anime, if it's not worth watching at the proper speed that doesn't ruin the music and pacing and such, it's not worth watching at all, obviously.
You know what, people can enjoy the way they want to enjoy anime.
My thoughts are that slow than 1x speed is good for learning Japanese. Of course, you should work up to 1x speed.
A benefit I realized about watching faster than normal speed is that you can improve your listening skills. It's kinda like the Hyperbolic time chamber for learning Japanese
You should watch anime for entertainment, not so you can fill up your MAL list.
But I need to fill up my anime view counter once the otaku coins come. Then I'll be an anime billionaire.
I did it when I was too new because I was too autistic to drop anything.
The downloading speed was too low so it felt like such a waste to spend a day to download something only to drop it later.
1x or 1,1x, go up to 2,5x if the series has shit pacing, pic unrelated
only one I ever watched on 1.5x was DBZ.
because everything took fucking ages to happen
You say this like watching Teekyuu at half speed with low pitched voices isn't the epitome of comedy.
The only correct way is to watch at 4x, preferably watching 2 series in a dual screen setup.
This, also generic fighting shows.
Really depends on the show, but usually I watch slow anime at 5x speed, and battle shounens at 2-3x. For example, K-ON was a 6x show because nothing happened, but at least I could watch all episodes in an afternoon. Naruto is a faster anime, but it has too many episodes, so it went with 3x, and sometimes 4x. JoJo is a 2x anime.
My next project is making a program that can decide how to automatically change speeds depending on what happens currently. Like, it starts 6x, but when a battle comes, it automatically slows down 2-3x, then when it ends, it speeds up again, depending on what happens.
This shitposting is too much.
I do the same but additionally I also split my monitor into 2 screens and the audio so that the audio of one episode comes from the left side and the other comes from the right side to increase the efficiency of my watching.
now fuck off, speed "watcher"
there are not that many shows worth watching, just get some standards and time according.
If you watch any media at any speed other than x1 you either need to find a more fulfilling hobby or kill yourself. You are completely disregarding everything the medium is trying to convey. Vocal delivery, impact of the OST, subtle details in animation or background art.
This, but I also send a mix of both channels to listen to the new album I just downloaded to see if there is something to add to the playlist, preferably at 1.5x speed.
>Genuinely unironically watching anything above its intended playback speed
Jesus fucking Christ you guys are cancer. If you have to watch it at above 1x to even finish it, then just stop fucking watching it. This user said it best.
Don't make watching anime a chore to increase your e-peen, it should be something you enjoy.
16x. I have 4 monitors so I usually watch 4 different animes at that speed at the same time. From a streaming site of course.