I just caught up to this show, but still don't get what Killing Bites is. Can someone explain it to me in one short, concise sentence??
Killing Bites
It's a duel.
it's just an english buzzword that they use to describe their fights.
Never stick your dick in crazy.
killing bites is tits, ass and muscular thickness
it's ben-to with a shittier premise
All you need to know is bunny girl is best girl.
Imagine that she softly whispers "pyon pyon pyon~" while you fucking her in her bunny form
Wby is this flopping again?
Both Hitomi and OL-chan are hotter though.
It's niche, this is to be expected.
>another "so bad it's good" show
I think I can tolerate the shitty sharkteeth for this. Had me lmaoing at some points. It doesn't take itself seriously, and neither should viewers. Music works well with the "ham it up" tone.
Manimal figting tournament.
>tolerate sharkteeth
>like they're not the best teeth
God why is your taste so shit?
Right back atcha, faggot; sharkteeth are what's shit, no doubt about it.
I like this comparison
ben-to had a shittier premise with better battles though
buns don't even say anything, let alone pyon what the hell
>Can someone explain it to me in one short, concise sentence??
I can explain it in a single picture.
Japs think this show insults Kemono Friends fanchise
thats what killing bites is
>Kemono friends will get more porn than this
Just a reminder
You wouldn't a badger.
She's not really a badger, but a kind of angry weasel.
that's what killing bites ARE
I actually just killed myself because of this
You mean a honey badger?
because it’s trash, appealing only to degenerates who are at least self-aware about it
Is this show the "Keijo!!!" of this generation?
Stinky animal pussy
>I just caught up to this show, but still don't get what Killing Bites is. Can someone explain it to me in one short, concise sentence??
Here, let me explain.
I must now watch this show.
Which is not really a badger at all.
Japan is infamous for not liking degenerate anime
>get her mad
>she slices your dick off like she does with that cobraman
>it's another "let's say the title at least 5 times each episode!" show
Truly, we were the Killing Bites.
Oh no. Please don't. Oh well.
>ecchi shows with characters fighting using signature attacks
>both shows are flopping horribly in sales
sounds about right
Obviously you've never fucked a Japanese bun.
This show is terrible and yet I can't bring myself to drop it. Help.
That's what Killing Bites is.
You might be a disgusting furry, user. There's no help for you.
Ben-to's premise is god tier, no arguments allowed
>oh I'm poor so I need to fight for overpriced pre-packaged food
Don't you reply to my posts ever again you shit, I don't want to catch your infection.
Yeah, that sounds sick. You could make a bloodsport out of making hungry hobos fight for food
>unnatural sharkteeth
(You)'re the one who's infected m8. You should gtfo right now so your disease doesn't spread.
No furries here though, unless you count the men.
it makes no sense, even at half price it's still cheaper to just buy a bag of rice and some fish
I just want a Kabutomushi cameo.
Also doggo later on.
Sometimes you want to eat something a little better than that.
Thank god the anime won't adapt that.
Someone explain the part about the zaibatsu again, I didn't quite catch that.
so you buy pre-packaged rice and fish for 5 times the price?
anyone who lived alone for a week knows that it's not cost effective and doesn't even taste good, at that point you're better off going to a fast food restaurant and get a cooked meal
this sort of pre-packaged stuff is for salarymen and workers who need to quickly stuff down something in their 10 minutes of lunch break, if you have no money but have time to fuck around then it's not for you
Keep in mind that "killing" and "bites" are English words, and the primary audience of this anime speaks about as much English as Americans speak Spanish - that is, they know words they've seen on menus at foreign restaurants like "hamburger," "pizza" and maybe a few others, but they don't know nearly enough to derive any meaning from a phrase like "killing bites." So when you look for meaning in it, you need to realize there never was any meaning intended there.
It's just a cool-sounding phrase to them, and the fact that translates very roughly to the topic matter is just a bonus to the people willing to look it up. It would be like some Americans opening a French restaurant and titling it "Le Pauex d'Aciseux Domissieux." I clearly don't speak French, and if you do, I hope you can appreciate that I made up all of those words for the sake of the example, but you can't deny that the phrase *looks* French with the "le," the "d'A" and all the words that end in "-eux." Same principle with Japanglish.
How can you not get that part? That's what Killing Bites is.
That's what Killing Bites is.
I'm absolutely loving the fact that these threads take the show about as seriously as the show takes itself.
Is this a good thing?
That's what Killing Bites is, after all.
Its shitty shounen battle anime isn't it?
Just with a wider perv audience?
So basically its not a trainwreck or impressive.
So its basically a mediocre show
Wanna pet that cat.
How much hair does the badger got on her body??
I think it's sort of self aware in the regard that the premise is so simple.
Shit, I think it's self aware most of the time. It knows all we want to see is an angry badger-weaselgirl with no panties on attempt to angrily claw at anything that moves.
It's good, wholesome fun.
That's what they said about Donald Trump, but he's President now. You mad?
Sup Forums
What the heck is this form all about? Seems like she used as a kid and got wrecked by the secretary. Hoping the anime gets to this point.
>tfw no qt musclegirl kenomimi gf to attend Trump rallies and destroy antifa with
This is clearly the worst timeline
A bit too furry but I'd still attempt it.
> They may hunt frogs and rodents, such as gerbils and ground squirrels, by digging them out of their burrows. Honey badgers are able to feed on tortoises without difficulty, due to their powerful jaws. They kill and eat snakes, even highly venomous or large ones, such as cobras. They have been known to dig up human corpses in India.[44] They devour all parts of their prey, including skin, hair, feathers, flesh and bones, holding their food down with their forepaws.[45] When seeking vegetable food, they lift stones or tear bark from trees.
basically they are 4 corporate groups that fight each other via animal like hybrids that kill each other in tournaments.
>got wrecked by the secretary
Wait... you telling me the secretary can fight? That's... waaaaay too hot for my dick to survive.
Also does anyone have the secretary-chan stitches from the ED? I need it for academic purposes.
Donal Trump is president because UE is the only country retarded enought where the candidate that gets the greater number of votes does not win.
No, it's not mediocre. If you're looking for some deep shit, it's fucking bad. If you like fun, it's fun.
That's what killing bites is.
see spoiler pic for whole 1-6 summary
Haha, you got triggered, didn't you, sweetie?
It seems like it will.
It will definitely be animated.
>The one with the sharpest fangs will win.
>Thus, killing bites.
lol who translates this stuff?
no one, but me... atm ;_;
>Wanting a country where commiefornia and new york get to decide who's president every time
Fuck no, man.
That implies the US is a direct democracy, which it is not. Stop talking about politics on Sup Forums.
It's like that because, historically, the less-populated colonies didn't want to get overshadowed by the more-populous ones once they all became states. It all comes down to politics in the end.
Any Germanfags here who have the licensed version of the manga? How is it?
>replying to someone who can't even spell the name of the country he's trying to criticize
What the fuck are you doing?
In fact, historically the popular vote was only to select members of the electoral college, who were then free to vote for whoever they wanted to. The whole winner-takes-all setup that most states have now is a step away from the original system.
This reminds me a bit of Immortal Hounds, which reminds me I'll never read it and find out what happens.
>The honey badger, an animal with ferocity of "Guinness" proportions...
>They cover way more territory than other badgers.
When will someone translate the rest of the manga? I need more now!
Remember that instant meals in japan are fucking amazingly cheap, and you get a well put together meal out of them. Also, the people in the show say that eating is just partof it, fighting to eat is that much more satisfying
Get back to work then!
Does the candidates have fear of campaining there or wat ?