Comedy/gag mango bread

I don't mean to pick a fight but I geniunely don't think there is a funnier manga than this, the authors use of comedic timing in his panels, the art and the writing is just 10/10

Don't think any other manga has made me literally laugh out loud more than this

>inb4 Grand Blue

It's kinda similar but inferior

Grand Blue and Nozaki-kun are better.

Agree with you OP, Hinamatsuri is GOAT and I cant wait for the anime.

Never tried Grand Blue, but Nozaki while good doesnt win against Hinamatsuri in humor.

It's because you never heard about Sumire 16 or Cromartie High apparently

Sumire was fun, but it gave me more feels than anything.

Hinamatsuri is goat not just because of the comedy but also the character development. Like, something is always happening.

All good manga, but Kyou kara ore wa is the superior choice though

Reminder that the highest demographic these series pull is 12-16 by far

Won't work as an anime


So? There's plenty of humour in Hinamatsuri you wouldn't get unless you've experienced the toil of adulthood

people said the same about saiki

Hinamatsuri is all about that sweet schadenfreude. I dont know if teenagers can really get that



Shit taste or female

this is also good, from the same author
shame it isn't fully translated

>Never tried Grand Blue
Here's your homework then.

right i havent read cromartie but sumire was pretty funny, hinamatsuri is better tho

The manga is great, faggot.

Why did this series bomb so fucking hard? Best girl only has 2 pieces of art on Pixiv, neither of them lewd.

>puts nozaki-kun at the top of his list
>calls ME a faggot

oh how im laffin

Name 5 (you can't)

Good for you.

>Reminder that the highest demographic these series pull is 12-16 by far
You this runs in Harta right?

New chapter when?

1. Hitomis interpersonal office experiences
2. Worth-of-a-dollar type morale from Anzus storyline in the beginning
3. Parenting problems jokes
4. Utakos storyline of getting older and realizing you suck at what you do and youre too old to learn something new
5. Maos dependancy problems

Kids wouldn't find any of those funny

Reminder this is Harta, you idiot.

>Deliquent garbage.

Whats harta?

t. -12 level weeb

There's not just that, Nitta has plenty of those with his parenthood/family issues. Hell, Hitomi alone could probably fill that list.

Shit taste spotted

He said name 5. I agree with you though Hitomis entire arc is definitely for adults
>that scene after the housewarming party when she looks out the balcony window and realizes what it is to be an adult as a middleschooler

I want Sabu to impregnate Anzu while Sup Forums watches.

I don't see how that means anything.

I could see some teens finding at least 1 and 4 amusing. It's not like the jokes exclusively rely on relating to the situation.

>I don't see how that means anything.
Really, you don't understand what magazine a series runs in affects readership?

obviously it affects it to an extent, but I don't see how it could make it an impossibility.

Dropped it. I remember it was because of a few cliche stuff being played straight.
Anyway, I still prefer school rumble, Grand Blue and that detective manga with the funny faces "mattaku something"

Of course, comedy shouldn't be exclusive to a certain demographic. Hinamatsuri does good comedy for kids and adults, but I think it's much better appreciated as an adult when you can grasp some of these themes better and notice what Hinamatsuri does well compared to other comedies.

alright, I understand now.