Is this what the average 4channer looks like?

Is this what the average 4channer looks like?

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I wish

May be, but 56% of average 4channer looks like this.

Yup. Spot-on.

Far too much facial hair
Chin is too defined
Cheeks aren't thine nough
Hairline is too good

>Sup Forums

but that's a german?

I don't know. I look like a lesbian though.

What is we are all secretly sexy though?

I bet most of us don't have slanty eyes.

What the fuck is a 4channer?

hey baby ^ ^ how you doin' today?

*if we ..

I'm taller,I'm fitter,I have good teeth,my beard is well trimmed,my glasses are fashionable and don't make my eyes look small,my jaw is very defined,my hair is well style and not just divided in two in the middle,I also like to discuss with other people and I rarely get angry and try to trigger others and try to humilliate them.
I am incredible

Not anymore.

>my glasses
>being a blind faggot
>in 2018

beard + glasses = warning sign.

Is this really what I look like when I talk about anime

You should go.

I only use glasses for when I'm tired/studying/on pc.
It's ''rest'' glasses

I'm not some bearless soyboi.

I bet you're a soyboy

No. Average 4channer is 18 years old

Looks accureate, I have less hair and more beard though.

When I said beard,I meant more like a 5o clock shadow


kys polcuck

They are both.
You're undistinguishable.

That's called stubble you ponce

Sorry,please don't hurt me

No this is

then you would be on intsagram camwhoring

>posts Sup Forums meme
>gets turboflustered when someone posts one back
Why aren’t we committing people like you that are so high on the spectrum? It would make everyone’s lives easier.

Needs a patchy beard other than that yes.

This is the most ironic reply I see to day, Never expect to see reddit insult Sup Forums(reddit).

Then shave it off. Little girls shouldn't have facial hair.


I'm 184cm tall,european,strong and I can slap your butt if you don't behave

Looks like a fatter me with a worse hairline and shorter hair. and no acne scars ;_;
t. slant

If you aren't a little girl why are you posting here? This board is for little girls only.

I was describing my brother hehe

what's wrong with you dude? this is Sup Forums, not some kind of club. You can't impress anybody here.

>imagine being this bad a baiting, yet still having people fall for it

>not having a superior nipponese onii-chan

Pfft,you don't understand how good it feels to be held by a strong and tall european brother

I'm more of a hungry skeleton, but the glasses and hair are spot-on.

>strong and tall european brother
You mean weak and unfolded. Only true Onii-samas need apply here.

Dick sucker

This. The quality of discussion would probably be substantially better.

I wish i had hair


There is no need to be upset. Onii-sama loves all.




If that guy got contacts, got a better haircut and grew a beard he wouldn't look bad.

No, that's what 2chan shitposters look like

>and grew a beard
Beards are for beta males. Don't do that.

Stubble master race

No, this is what 2chan shitposters look like.



Boku no Pico

I'm sure the average 4channer could be attractive, but is too antisocial for it to matter. Probably a manlet though.

>''can't grow a bread''-kun


Overly trimmed and stylized "beards" are for beta males.

i unironically like bnp so fuck off cunt

>implying the average Sup Forumsnon doesn't look like pic related

I wouldn't call myself that attractive but I've had a good number if people say I'm good looking. Being an antisocial autist probably causes people to not approach that much.
Not sure if you'd call 5'9'' a manlet though.

Inuyashiki, episode 4

Thank you my nigga
torrenting 1080p 1-12 now

>Not sure if you'd call 5'9'' a manlet though
Sorry user, but you're barely taller than your average midget

This is what I look like

actually you got any recommendations after this ?


>porn folder
>one folder
>not several 3Tb HDD's filled to the rim with hardcore pornography, including an encrypted volume containing the vilest smut mankind has ever witnessed

There are less otaku on Sup Forums than you think.

He has the most important folder though

>Loli translated as lolita
Just leave it alone

No, that's the average Sup Forums poster, only the japanese boards have some degree of anormality, all the other board are infested with normalfaggots and the few that are not are costantly looked down.

This is a phograph of me browsing Sup Forums


don't even bother watching. the animation is very inconsistent and constantly switching between hand-drawn images and CGI. the production quality gets worse as the show progresses. I'm very biased in regard to the story, so I won't make a comment on that. let's just say it's not better than the visual appeal.

if you want to watch something similar you might want to have a look at Kokkoku from this current season. the pacing hasn't quite picked up yet but it has very similar feel to it as Inuyashiki


Can i get a quick rundown on this


>succ benis

I cant believe that nobody has posted her
I'm disappointed of you fags

Inuyashiki is masterpiece, fuck off faggot.

I want to fucking strangle you with my beard.

This.2ch is like the only fucking thing japs have to talk about anime while everybody else has reddit,Sup Forums,the forums from myanimelist and even forums in other languages

>my bead is well trimmed

I am greek

I’m a skinny ugly man.


I look pretty much like that, but less fat and with a better haircut.

Im 21.
I think I kinda resemble him but I've lost 100lbs recently. So not that much anymore.


Literally me

To be fair nip is one of most taught languages in Australia so it's sort of inevitable for Aussie to shit up there as well.