>you'll never touch this perfect butt
>mfw Mei gets that anytime she wants
Series is trash and pure cancer.
>this series is the best series of the season and pure love
Fix'd for ya
Man, this chapter 35 was depressing
Something's off about that crack.
I love Mei!
I'm betting on Mei!
Yeah, Mei's face isn't buried in it for some reason.
Mei looks like she's contemplating letting go of the bear and taking the the blouse.
Maybe she's going to make Kumagorou wear the blouse.
Me too, but sometimes I hate her. Yuzu doesn't deserve that suffering.
>Ep 4 in 3d 17h 38m
Yuzu is only the best girl of all time
>that butt
Step up your game user, also that's disgusting degenerate lesbian butt, trust me you don't wanna mate with that, there are enough gays out there, imagine if they started reproducing
I'll touch it from the inside.
>imagine if they started reproducing
The future looks bright.
>Tfw will be away from home all weekend and won't be able to watch the episode until Monday
They will reproduce soon
Mei always means well but sometimes makes bad decisions.
This is why Mei must be protected and cherished at all costs.
I love Mei too.
At least there's character progression.
Let's hibernate together, user.
Please don't make me post in a thread with a fucking kissanime image and some zooming tools as the OP
Is there a better way to stream anime?
>guaranteed replies
Is this a typical Yaoi drama disguised as Yuri?
No, is an actual romance between two girls without trashy yuribait and subtext shit.
That's how I usually imagine a typical yaoi manga though: rapey, melodramatic, and carnal.
Surprise, girls are humans too!
Must some other series.
Than are typical yaoi manga a better reflection of human interactions than typical Kirara yuribait?
Amen to that. I used to read cgdct until they got stale and boring, same shit everywhere then started reading actual yuri manga. Been the happiest guy since that
Yes, it's true. I wanna drink your pee.
Yuzu confirmed for being Meisexual.
I have a soft spot for the more yuri oriented Kiraras like Kinmoza and Urara
So yuzu is just gonna ignore the 10/10 she has on her lap instead?
Yeah, I was a great fan of that too, I still like sometimes for a little laugh, but when I'm serious I prefer serious yuris (and some webtoons, too)
0/10, too het.
Harumin never said that was het, she looks like a open-minded gurl.
>loving one person and one alone for who they are
Now, that is pure.
Harumin is too much of a nice without emotional baggage girl for Yuzu, where's the fun in that
Yuzu is too pure for this world.
Oh, I'm sure she wouldn't mind fooling around, but for all intents and purposes means she'll just end up marrying some dude. Hence, het/10.
I wanna protect that happy face.
If Mitsuko is like 30 and hasn't married anyone I don't see why Harumin should do it, she's gay
Yuzu already has a protector.
>yuzu's current smile status: unprotected
Explain yourselves, Meifags.
Please use some other thread
It's the curse of popularity. If this wasn't a popular manga, they'd already be happy forever together, but alas, since the author has to make the thing longer, drama inevitably ensues.
I think that Mitsuko is the classical closeted lesbian.
She's 19 at max, she was Glasses' senpai.
Yeah, she was the president of the student council before Mei. Can't be that old.
Do I need to play the previous games to enjoy the newer installments?
New thread, new wave of shitposting.
Harumin x Yuzu is perfect. PERFECT.
Fuck off Nene, nobody likes you.
This captcha is destroying me.
I head Sup Forums likes Yuzutop.
why does Citrus have like 2 good pieces of fan art?
Good night!