>In the end, she really was my Darling in the FranXX.
In the end, she really was my Darling in the FranXX
No user, are you daft?
He is the darling in the franxx, not her.
>In the end, we really were the Violet Evergarden.
I want to put my darling in her FranXX
if this thread gets above 20 IP I'll kill myself
Dont die user
Get a livestream going
There must be something left to live for, user.
Can you kill yourself without dying?
I want Sup Forums to stay
Here you go senpai
how are you gonna watch new shit anime after you die tho?
Why is she licking her finger?
I will see.
Not a good idea user, this is a darling thread after all. Should've done this in VEG if you wanted to live.
Way to get attention OP.
See ya.
well, get that noose going friend
Old Sup Forums mods would permaban him if he didn't deliver, new Sup Forums mods will like ban me for posting this
wtf I thought these threads were dead shitposts
I guess in the end I was the dead one
Dont do it user.
Rip, user.
you should move the goal post
I want to lick 002 pussy
live steam when?
but will you stream it
so was it one vpnfag or do this many people actually click these meme threads.
rip user.
It was all me
In a better age this man would have to own up to his words or be publicly banned
all me
No, it was all me
No it was all me.
wow cool posts, fellow oldfags!
Ironic shitposting is just shitposting
This show has the fastest threads, with the most ips with the most threads at a time, It's been like 5 days since the episode aired.
So yes, very many people click on these franxx threads, this is /franxx/ after all.
Livestream now or I'll find you myself.
Stream it faggot.
all me
Will the new legend be created this time? fuck that Sup Forumstard who firefighter pulled him out of him room.
There are 3 my ip's in this thread.
he's probably too much of a pussy, so nah
kys fag
Ding dong the faggot's dead
This, but unironically
Wonder what it taste like.
Don't let the Gates of Hell hit you on your way in.