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Don't think about a specific character. Instead say it's an anime character and answer questions according to your ideal girl

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So try to get him to guess my waifu? He can do that, I've asked him before.

I guess Kobayashi is my waifu from now on...?

She's pretty cute I guess.

I've seen pictures of this semen demon but I don't know anything about her. Is she a best girl?


Uh oh.

Really makes me think

Got some bitch from Oregairu I don't even like

he knows i love legal lolis

I haven't seen it, but Oni chichi is basically a hentai

T- thanks, Akinator.

I don't know her. She looks very cute, I hope she is also nice and likeable.

Okay, this is just weird. Did either of get the question "works with computers" and answered yes?

>I don't know her
kys yourself out of Sup Forums right now.

>I don't know her.
Sup Forums is dead.

>Oni Chichi follows the sordid relationship between a stepfather, Atsuki, and his two adolescent stepdaughters, Airi and Marina. The young girls' mother is absent for the most part of the story, presumably due to work, allowing for her new husband to pursue his dirty pleasures in peace.

Tempted by the naughty bodies of his beautiful stepdaughters and unable to withstand his growing cravings, Atsuki creates a powerful aphrodisiac spray. Utilizing it, Atsuki coerces Airi into a scandalous relationship. Through debauchery and pleasure, the two explore a rather tumultuous relationship that snowballs to engulf other innocent girls. Atsuki, ever the deviant, is insatiable and more than happy to fulfill the lust of any needing girl. Brutal in his pursuits of carnal pleasure, Atsuki provides plenty of intense moments between himself and his various lovers.

Nice. Time to do some research I guess.

how new

Akinator says that my girl is Yoruichi.
Not a bad choice, I must admit.

I guess??

Looks like it's pretty old, 2009 for the first one.

This motherfucker. Right on the dot. How did he know?
Question right before it was "Does this character appear in Love Live! School Idol Project"

Hm, not bad. I want to bully her hard.

i mean how new are you

I got Haruhi



I did not expect that...

What, for not seeing an ancient hentai? How autistic are you?

OH, ok then. Maybe I should watch this.

I don't even know who this bish is but as long as she's legal I'm game.

It was vague but close enough (not the pic tho)


Sorry for triggering your autism.

But I’m not into little girls.



Forgot pic

forgot pic


Got this aswell

I swear I answered 'No' on 'Is she under 10 years old'

Kill yourself.


why is the image so big?

Kyoko is one of my least favorite yurus though.

Holy newfags, batman.
Neck yourself please

Fuck you.

1st attempt: Loli -> A guy who randomly chooses answers (2 times)
2nd attmpet: Loli ->pic related
Well, I guess I can go with that...

he even showed me a lewd picture

he's a big guy

Get off your phone.

Naru is 10/10, would marry.

>888 for nazi loli.


He couldn't get Evileye, instead he showed me Shalttear even when I told him she was blond several times

For you

2nd attempt
it's kind of wrong though

1st attempt, I got loli

I have no objections, except she needs a shorter name.

Mildly interesting


same shit

gotta say I didn't expect this

She´s hot as fuck so it´s ok


Took him a long time to get.

I also got Shalltear. Pretty good girl.

Blond also encompasses white and silver hair, according to Akinator.


How could I not think of a specific character when she's literally my ideal girl?

i will never be not surprised by this shit. HOW


yeah me too didn't expect that.

gird my loins


3rd, i keep getting shit ones

I got the exact same girl.
What does it mean?

I just like gingers.
Is she really the only ginger that isn't involved in some supernatural shit?

Same, lol!

He asked me blond then if she had golden hair... both answered yes.

I'm fucking offended

Love little sister characters so I self insert as the brother. Preference of little sister led to this.

that was fast

I guess I'm here forever.

attempt 2

How the fuck did they do it? I don't trust this program.

4th, getting much warmer this time

Tried once again.
Don't know who that is, hope she's nice~

right on the mark, aki-chan


I don't know her because I dropped the show after half an episode.

Got rory mercury first guess.
Second was pic related, don't know her but she's cute.
Third was Juri from Kokkoku.
Apart from rori, I'm ok with this.
Half the questions were asking "Is she from X anime/game/show/film" through.


What does this even mean


Theyre just crossreferencing based on previous answers, I bet they use your cookies as well

>don't know her
Fucking state of the modern Sup Forums.

Is she any good? Never watched this.

Nakiami is very cool.

My Waifu > Your Waifu

Time to start watching Love Live


Shit, what the fuck. How does he know.

really didn't seem like his questions were leading towards this