This is Shinji. Say something nice about him

This is Shinji. Say something nice about him.

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Not the same thing desu

You're a good person Shinji, never give up and just remember to control yourself in front of comatose women. You're strong.

I was born to meet him.

You did good kid.

Thank God I never watched the rebuilds

His girlfriend Asuka is cute.

What the hell did I just watch?

Look at this sexy Kaworu. Still mad they changed the designs for 3.0.

He did better than I would have in his situation.


>that goofy as fuck flying kick Asuka gives Shinji right afterwards
As much as Anno loves to shit talk anime fans, the rebuilds are seriously just pandering to the dumbest of them.

2.0 was a travesty, covers 13 of 26 episodes and has less than five minutes worth total of all character's development.

Episode 8, looks like.

He lost the right to talk shit the day he made Mari

You look cute in a maid clothes.


you watch Misato fuck a dude




What is this face trying to convey?

The fact that you're saying that means he won.


(pic related)
Anno attributed Rei's fans to being enthralled by her mysterious nature.

Mari was meant to replace Rei with the mystery character aspect NGE had. Thing is; is that most anime fans know something's up with Rei and probably knows what she is.

So inorder to recapture that mystery character essence, Anno allowed Mari to exist.

Source please.

You don't get it, do you?
He's making as much as he can off you fucking idiots, he's a genius, capitalizing on a series he made that ended up attracting the lowest common denominator

are you asking about those circles (which aren't her eyes btw)?

Shinji is for sexual frustrated women

Is that GroundWork Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance Vol 2? Release the whole thing REEEE

>He's making as much as he can off you fucking idiots, he's a genius, capitalizing on a series he made that ended up attracting the lowest common denominator
Nah its bad direction.

He can do anything with eva and will make a ton off it.

You can apply that to any sequel director.

>violent tsundere trope
That alone makes Rebuild shit.

Yeah no.

Shinji doesn't deserve that torture.

>Source please.
Groundwork of Evangelion 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance (I think).

he doesn't give a fuck about direction though, this is Anno we're talking about here, he no longer cares about anything

At least you never completely ended the world.


uh, I'm sorry, what are they supposed to be... eggs? That's it! They're eggs! EGG-EYED ASUKA! That's her name. From this day forward.

Two production members came to Anno with the idea of creating mari. Anno agreed, however they just ripped character aspects from the other eva characters; i.e Kaji's spy stuff/ Asuka-piloting elements/ Rei injuries/ Misato's backstory/ hell even Shinji (pic related). Eventualy it was all dropped from the film but they neglected to return the characteristics to the original cast.

As stupid as it is, this is why the characters in rebuild 2.0 are barren-devoid of characteristics and backstory.

These aren't mutually exclusive? If the suits say "throw in a merch character" and you say "OK" that doesn't mean you can't do something with that merch character.

If you want to be a fag about this, Eva was always designed to move merch and be a multimedia franchise. Go read the original proposal.

Anno cares. He cares so much it's killing him inside. The problem is he's the most bitter man alive.

They're blush stickers.

>Ritsuko giving Rei her shots
>Taking from Shinji

On the Contrary, Shin-Godzilla told me this, ANNO IS INCAPABLE OF TRIMMING IDEAS TO TELL A STORY.
He needs to include everything that was made by other personal on his projects. Its a case of too many cooks spoil the brew.

>>Ritsuko giving Rei her shots
Whoops, Wrong pic. (pic related)

>>Ritsuko giving Rei her shots
The dialogue is the interesting bit.

She is jealous of Rei and tells her she should ask Gendo to buy her more "mature" underwear

>The RE-Take Shinji/Ghost Asuka vs. MP Evas scene, /u/ edition

Oh yeah, I've seen this one before. Christ, you could make an entire movie out of the things they didn't put in 2.0.

>The RE-Take Shinji/Ghost Asuka vs. MP Evas scene, /u/ edition
the fuck you talking about?

see Did you watch the show?

The problem is he could channel that frustration into making the best films possible, but instead we get pandering to Kaworufags in 3.33 and the one sided cooking contest in 2.22

>cooking contest in 2.22
Man I forgot that was a thing that happened

The RE-Take scene is in itself a shout out to the Gaghiel scene fampaitachi. Look at how Mari is bandaged up and the hand placement. And the reactions of both in comparison to what you posted.

The last time Anno was bitter over the reception of Evangelion he made End of Evangelion, which was pure arthouse and covered unseen parts of the story. This time when he's bitter he makes hacky as fuck retreads of what he's already done.

Whats even worse is that the original scripts for 3.0 are good.

Mari is in unit 2 during the 2nd eva battle in the sky. Asuka arrives on plane and everyone meets her at the train station. Asuka and Mari are unit-2's pilots with Asuka as the main and Mari as her support fire. During the falling Angle fight Mari is chosen over Asuka due to her higher sunc score, Asuka is devastated not piloting eva NGE-style(flashbacks to her mother dying and all), she Jumps at the chance to pilot unit-3, and we all knows what happens then.

This was eventually dropped by Anno for some reason. Fun fact 1.0's trailer with mari was made before 2.0's pre production. They could not get rid of her for 2.0 because she was already in the trailer.

>which was pure arthouse

Pretentiousness for the sake of pretentiousness does not make a good film.

Again, Did you even watch NGE?

>Whats even worse is that the original scripts for 3.0 are good.

The fucking teaser trailer, man. It looked fantastic.

>They could not get rid of her for 2.0 because she was already in the trailer.
they showed us a lot of neat stuf that DIDN'T HAPPEN is 3.0 trailer too, but that dodn't prevent them from scrapping it all away.

He is the single most realistically human character in anime, period. He is a courageous young man, regardless of how much damage he eventually took and broke under. He is self-effacing and humble.

For all his many flaws, Shinji Ikari is a wonderful person. I love him.

no homo

>NERV having to deal with a SEELE power play that takes control of NERV HQ

Why wasn't this 3.0?

Which was Anno pandering to asukafags by making Asuka into a jealous tsundere who decides to compete with Rei by turning into a cutsey waifu

Something the original Asuka would NEVER do.

Yep. Good thing EoE explained everything so there is no pretending.

Your opinion man.

Because Anno is a hack. 3.33 could have been a GiTS or Deus Ex style conspiracy thriller, but instead we got giant flying whale and gay piano.

You sure about that Kaworu?

And your opinion is the wrong one.

His mom is pretty

Sh-Shut up.

I take it you never heard of Synecdoche, The Dance of Reality, or Enemy.

>they showed us a lot of neat stuf that DIDN'T HAPPEN is 3.0 trailer too, but that dodn't prevent them from scrapping it all away.
They at least can say its prequel imagry of events that led to 3.0, the end trailer of 1.0 touted 2.0 as (DIVISION) however it failed to do that, anno tried again for 3.0.

Either way they did not want to remove mari from 2.0, From what i've gathered, Anno disliked the experience of 2.0 that 3.0 is his reaction to distance the plot from 2.0's direction. apparently a lot of burned bridges \

Tiny penis!
You should give it to Asuka regardless

>Anno disliked the experience of 2.0

Anno disliking a film that puts Rei in a positive light? Say it ain't so!

You can clean Asuka out afterwards.

What is this?

his appearences in the super robot wars games are pretty good

>From what i've gathered, Anno disliked the experience of 2.0
The problem is, i doubt anno knew what to do with 2.0 and 3.0
In NGE, from start to finish, you can see anno knew what the story was going to be, how exactly it would unfold. He had a strong direction since day one.
Rebuild, on the other hand doesn't. He isnt satisfied with his scripts and stories, and keeo scrapping and changing stuff up

Lesbian sex

ground works of evangelion, someone posted e-hentai links to the book's pages. the link has evgeeks translations

Kaworu probably would lick shinjis cum out of anywhere

The problem is actually quite simple, Anno's New studio Khara makes 1.0; not making new material, just adapting the first 6 episodes of NGE,

it was the studio's true first project with them making new scenes story and other stuff.

they were an inexperienced team working on their first project together on a short time table, the result being 2.0

>the result being 2.0

Yet 3.0 had a massively inflated budget and a timeline that included multiple delays yet was a trainwreck

So, did he just masturbate or penetratively rape Asuka and pulled it out before cumming?

If 2.0 pandered to anyone it’s Reifags. Don’t forget that Shinji’s attention was always on her, her role in the story, the laughable remake of the elevator scene, and that her rescue caused the entire story of 3.0. You don’t have to be a waifufag either to see this

3.0 is a reaction to 2.0's experiences, they intentionally deviated the story as to give the studio a chance to make something novel without having to integrate NGE into it. Because that failed the last time in 2.0. (this is the bad direction)

You have to realize the rebuilds have 4 directors per film, again too many cooks


>all this butthurt

Asuka was the only character that was remade for that film. Rei is still the little blue autist she is. Shinji is still a pussy, he just exhibits the same attitude he develops in the action arc of the show.

Asuka meanwhile gets a stylish solo kill in her intrpo (whereas she fucks up and has to get unfucked by Shinji against gaghiel), replaces all her self destructive flaws with generic tsundereshit, loses her sick obsession with Kaji, and starts the cooking contest (that rei doesn't give a shit about) because she's jealous waifubait.

>they intentionally deviated the story as to give the studio a chance to make something novel without having to integrate NGE into it

Then don't call it an Eva film. You're talking out of your ass.

Sadly, he just jerked off. Asuka comments on that during Instrumentality.
Shinji didnt have the guts to lose his virginity even when tbe world is about to end

I’m not arguing that Asuka wasn’t turned into a shallow caricature of her original self in order to appeal to waifufags. Shikinami was Sorryu lacking the roughness but lacking depth as well, just like how the 2.0 is to the original series. But besides her remodel, Asuka’s pandering is completely overshadowed by Rei’s, since Japan has far more Reifags than Asuka fags, and so Asuka is given a typical shitty tsundere b-plot and Rei pandering is given a central role in the story

>Then don't call it an Eva film. You're talking out of your ass.

I'm not, honestly I like 3.0 as its own thing, hell I'd wished the rebuilds started there. Or best case scenario its its own ip.

I know its nothing like NGE, and shits on what I love from NGE, sadly its the best rebuild film in my book. 1.0 was a remake of 6 episodes of NGE, (why watch? i have NGE) 2.0 was a cluster fuck of bad pacing/ editing and so story.
3.0 is its own thing excluding the painfully obvious Nadia rips. and Anno hired the diebuster crew and did to eva what diebuster did to gunbuster.

I feel as if the whole setting has been squandered, its one a hell of a setting. (only other media /work i got that vibe from is death strandings and i hope that's good)

>Shinji didnt have the guts to lose his virginity even when tbe world is about to end
You mean he had the sense to not rape someone.

>Implying decency matters for someone mentally broken during the end of days

>Asuka’s pandering is completely overshadowed by Rei

It's not. You can go through the entire film without thinking Rebuild Rei is any different than Rei II. The Asuka pandering is obvious as soon as she shows up standing on the train car.

The fact that Rei gets rescued in the end doesn't change the fact that one character was completely rewritten to get more fans while the other was left alone.

>>Implying decency matters for someone mentally broken during the end of days
yes it is, you sick fuck

>Asuka comments on that during Instrumentality.
I don't think Asuka is disgusted that she wasn't raped while in a coma, user.