ITT: Best girl from their anime
ITT: Best girl from their anime
Too bad she wasn't explored enough. Although she's very good, most of what she did was "cake with anger issues who can punch".
You forgot that she’s a housewife user.
>It's another woman thread
Fuck you let's post best boys from their anime. No homo
That's true, although I think the nature of FMA:B was that a lot of the characters weren't explored very much. Although a firm qt with an athletic build who can fight and is very stern with others but very sweet with her husband sounds like a nice woman
>Too bad she wasn't explored enough.
That's true for like every FMA character.
Neither of you read the manga at all.
I really like Izumi’s hair.
Sig is a lucky bastard desu.
>liking exoteric aggressive bitches
I don't know why people enjoy this kind of characters, maybe it's because my mom was kinda like that but the tomboyish cakes can't move my dick at all.
the best girl
inb4 asuka shitters
SHes great but shes not Hawkeye
>TFW your clone cucks the hell out of you
Her scene gave me diabetes
But that's not Ueno.
No contest
Truly the tastes of a gentleman
I mean she's probably never coming back, but y'know. For all time.
I like you, and I think you're cool.
ah, a man of superior taste