So, I've watch 26 original episodes and the End of Evangelion movie. What should/shouldn't I watch/read after that and how canonical is that?
Evangelion after EoE
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You can stop there and quit watching anime for good
>What should/shouldn't I watch/read after that and how canonical is that?
If you liked it you could read the manga, it's a secondary retelling but it's mostly pretty good, adds some stuff but changes some other parts, but later volumes are definitely weaker than NGE. but the first ones are nearly on par with it.
You could also check Rebuild, just don't expect it to be good unless you're easily satisfied.
this is also good, valid advice though.
You saw everything you had to see.
Rebuilds are remakes, they're like a parallel universe, with no connection to the original. You can watch them, but purely to marvel at those glorious production values.
>glorious production values
That's the nice way to say story and characters are shit.
It is in the rebuilds
Okay, thanks. I suppose I will start with manga.
>Rebuilds are remakes, they're like a parallel universe, with no connection to the original.
Hello brainlet.
>glorious production values
>CG mechs in a "big budget" theatrical production of one of the most popular anime series of all time
If you watched the original version of episode 20-24, i recommend you to watch the directors cut (usually called episodes 20'-24')
They have a handful of extra scenes.
If you already watched the directos cut, thats about it i recommend. There is some small details in some untranslated games, you might want look a wiki for it.
Later you might want Rebuild of Evangelion movies. There are 3 available and one in the making. They are some sort of remake-sequel, and honestly isnt as good. Maybe the last one will fix it all, who knows, miracles happen.
I would avoid the official manga. The characterization is rather off and the ending is bad.
Besides that, i dunno, go read the doujins. Porn is good and many are hilarious
>I would avoid the official manga
Manga is much more worthwhile than Rebuild.
NGE is a must
Manga is a maybe
Rebuild is a you can skip it unless you wanna see what the fuzz is about.
>CG boogeyman
Stop. There's literally nothing wrong with using CG nowadays when it used appropriately. Yes, berserk TV was shit, yes, sidonia looked weird, yes, 12fps limit is retarded.
CG mechs are fine. They're perfectly ok. Have you seen Origin? You can scream "it's not the gundam I know!" all you want, but it really looks good.
I will agree for the first half, but much isnt added, except some extra explanations fans might want.
But the later half is just weak. The ending is pathetic and about the same i expect from rebuild 4.0
Eva is so painful. I just want those children to stop suffering.
>There's literally nothing wrong with using CG nowadays when it used appropriately.
Sure I guess, but the mechs in Rebuild stick out, and not in a good way. Both in terms of appearance and animation, they do not blend in with the scenes that are hand drawn and are overall poor, especially in 1.11. I haven't yet seen a mecha anime that used CG to good effect, and I figure Rebuild should have had a pretty good shot at doing just that.
>Have you seen Origin?
Not yet, I'm still working my way through the 90s era of Gundam.
Well, they kinda do by the end. It just took the end of the world for them to learn how to act and maybe be happy
Oh yeah, everyone is dead and the whole world is covered in red soup.
>Still no 4th rebuild movie
Holy shit Anno is like fucking Kojima. Same shit
>working my way through the 90s era of Gundam.
>Anno is like fucking Kojima
Incredibly talented director that changed the whole landscape of the media he works in? I agree.
Yeah, both have memed you into thinking they are something special after '''''''''''''''''2deep4u'''''''''''''''''. No, I mean he is a hack. I want to watch the conclusion to Eva saga already.
Thanks Kamille.
>I want to watch the conclusion to Eva saga already.
EoE it's been out for 20 years
It will (probably) recover as more people leave the soup
This is the only true end to eva.
>it's another 'Sup Forums pretends rebuilds aren't the sequel' episode
Rebuild will be as good as non-existent once the last one is out and the Rebuildfags can move on.
Read the Shinji Ikari Raising Project manga for fun times.
Fuck! I never knew this existed, it looks like it's exactly the escapism i wanted with them!