Darling in the FramXX is about erectile dysfunction

so when partners connect its metaphor for sex right. does that mean the main character suffers from erectile dysfunction? cause when he partners with other people he can't start the robot and when he does for the second time with a different girl she says he was awful and wants to know what the other girl did to get him to connect. has anyone else thought of the show like that or is it just me?

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I can't get over how dumb this design is, is this supposed to be a parody? I despise feminists by the way

More like his fucking some bitch and his not really into it and thinking about another girl.

I didn't watch the show yet but OP can't possibly be serious, right? Otherwise I won't even bother picking this up.

It's literally about efficient sex

I think its a parody of the EVA cockpits in evangelion. cause Trigger was part of Gainax

Trigger was not part of gainax

No you don't understand.
The sex is the part that's in plain sight and the metaphor for something else.
Did you think Kill la Kill was actually about nudity too?

"Trigger was established on August 22, 2011 by Hiroyuki Imaishi and Masahiko Ohtsuka shortly after leaving Gainax." straight off the wiki of trigger. they where the writers and animators for gurren lagann.

Trigger didn't exist as a part of gainax

kill la kill was obviously not about nudity. but having only to episodes to go off this is what I got. The meaning of the show will probably get more clean as more episodes come out.

no they broke off of Gainax to make there own studio.

No someone left gainex and made trigger
trigger didn't break off

>am I the only one who thinks so?
Bloggers already covered this. The innuendo is obvious even if there are multiple levels of interpretation.
Also, I haven't watched the full episodes but at least the cockpit parts are hilarious.

You've literally seen the first two episodes multiple times and have been posting in these threads for over a week now.

I just look up stuff trigger work on and they made this for a toy story movie

Is this thread a joke?

Is everyone posting in this thread just pretending?

How in the fuck has it come to this - I knew we were in bad shape, but I mean jesus christ, we're just as bad as Sup Forums now

>tfw you spot the yoshinari sequence immediately

It seems to be more about the actual bond between the pilots.

I think its just the writers having fun or its just a pure coincidence. You can make theories about anything.

user I'm completely serious. You can't possibly think this show has sex jokes in it, that's way too far fetched.

They must be pretending. There's no way.

Hey at least one person figured it out.
But if it’s just that they, it would be just like a generic shounen, so I am gonna guess it’s a fusion between bonds between people and the realization of what love and sex are, since the children are not educated in those subjects but Zero Two is.

This is obviously what it's about. Stop spoon feeding people.

I can't tell anymore if this is persistent trolling or some people are so blind to the obvious that they actually believe it's about erectile dysfunction.

I think OP is just jokeing I don't think anyone is that dumb. I see what OP means and it's kind of funny if you think about it like that.

Trigger knows how to draw a good ass. Those are some god tier curves.

So a Pacific Rim ripoff?

It gets better.

its about anal

Its a rip-off of a rip-off of evangelion

>Then watch something else. Kill la Kill had an equally stupid concept and was decent. It's clearly deliberate.

>Someone broke off of Gainax
>trigger didn't break off

This is a shitpost. Made by a crossboarder. And shitpostered by the rest of the bunch of the crossboarders.
In other words, just Sup Forums spamming.

>002’s secret is that she keeps Viagra in her cockpit
It all makes sense now

Ho, i forgot:
And, we got A LOT of that shit since few last weeks.

physical bond

That's A1.

Is it really that hard to get the symbolism of Franxx? It's so obvious.

I take it your Trigger...ed?

who are you quoting?

No, is about how conservatism is bad