Death march

Is this literally isekai jesus v2?
Is anyone watching it?

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The goal is for him to become a god, so it could be called that.

Bring Ed's mom back to life.

More so than ever. He's lvl 310 in a world where the hero is lvl 69 and the demon lord is lvl 120. Not watching since pacing has always been awful. It's more about cooking than anything else after the first labyrinth and I doubt it'll get much further than that.

Half of the first episode was about the guy working in a game developer office. The other half was action scenes with godawful shitty CG animation. The second episode had nice animation but literally nothing happened, all the mc did was eat food and describe the taste like it was fucking koufuku graffiti allover again.

My favorite part is that even though he's a multi-gazillionaire in that world, he still haggles and nickels-and-dimes the local merchants like some sort of isekai Scrooge McDuck.

I don't think he can help it. The fucker maxed out his negotiation, haggling and multiplication table in a world where a mage can't add up to 40 properly.

>megamilk 13yo
>loli demi slaves

I don't see anything wrong with this anime so far

I dropped it after the second episode.

Did a quick read on the manga, but it was also pretty bad.

Haven't bothered to read the LN, so maybe that's good? I don't really care though.

Alright man you have a point. This is one isekai'd guy that does go out and fuck in brothels.

>so maybe that's good?
It's good if you didn't consume alot of isekai beforehand. Otherwise it's just your run of the mill.

What's v1?

The slipmaster



They actually animated a isekai MC that isn't asexual?
In a world where legal age is most likely 10?
Oh boy

Death March was first published in 2013. Smart phone in 2015.

He likes to stay around his real age range tho. That megamilk girl's mom is 32years old and he was talking about how she was cute and would be in his strike range if she could lose a stone or two.

He does stop the attempt from one of the harem and she hasn't succeeded yet in the WN.

He has a bunch of hot bitches after his dick but he won't fuck them either because they are underage or because of political shit so he only fucks prostitutes.
The only girl he does want to fuck told him to either become a god or have 1000 children, he chose to seek a path to godhood.

Some are old enough, just not his preferred body type. And now that elf has his focus, so he gained another excuse.

> Waifu asks to get cucked 1000 times wife or worst wife???

Children are viewed as necessary, and since children between species are impossible, she wants him to have 100 children first before she would agree to tell him to become a god so he could marry her. Past events would indicate Satou would find a way to ignore common sense and make children between species possible in the future anyway. She would be one of the worst, but she at least gave a brief hope for the others. And Satou goes and ruins their chances again for now.

Rich people don't stay rich if they're stupid and frivolous with money. It's why lottery winners inevitably end up broke again.

I'm sad we'll never see Karina, Sera or Ringrande.

He would fuck the older ones but they are all princesses/priestess/nobility or some shit like that and he knows he can't fuck them without getting forced to marry them or something.
Arisa and Mia are also devoted to cockblocking him, otherwise he would have fucked Nana already.

>one of the three ways for Nana to get mana is to get fucked
>MC was okay with this
>his slaves were not
I don't think they know how this works.

It's close to impossible there will be enough sequels for that. Death March is slow enough that the few episodes we get has very little of the future content I would have liked.
He is being forced to marry one anyway. Liza is old enough, but not as open about anything as the others. For Lulu he has commented on her growth, and Arisa and Mia want him themselves. I don't see how someone as young as Nana is fine for him, yet Arisa isn't. Even if it's not his preference, they want him and are free, and he likes saving money.

Has Liza even shown any attraction to him?
And I think his issues are more about not liking the loli bodytype than age.

I want her to sit on my face



But konosuba already did that two years ago..

>Haven't bothered to read the LN, so maybe that's good?

It's not.

Who the fuck are those two?

Yeah, will barely get past Xen with Nana and Mia.

Kazuma doesn't really fuck in thar succubi brothel, they just give him lewd dreams.

From what I remember, she never seems to show as much emotion as the others in general, so it's harder to be certain. In the WN she did say to someone "I do not intend to form a pair with someone weaker than me. Come back after you're at least able to defeat a greater demon." This eliminates anyone but Satou, but he has thought it was still too early for Liza to dabble in love from her reactions around then. Liza also indicated the need for children, which would be impossible between species. I would need to read it again for other discussions on that topic, but Liza in general seems more concerned with meat and combat.

Which are better imo.
Since in dreams, you don't have stamina issues and get to configure the scenario.

Yeah, I got that feeling from her too.
She doesn't give a fuck about love, she just wants to fight and eat.
That said, when she awakens to love Satou will probably be the one she falls for, same with Pochi and Tama.

But he still has the virgin stigma with that and he is clearly bothered by it.

Pochi and Tama will only have a small chance if a few years pass, and they act older as well. Liza still is more likely, but she just keep things to herself. From the same chapter:
>"This is an ornament for the hair and scale, you put it like this, see."
>"Ornaments and I don't...."
>"Yup, it looks good on you."
>"I-if Master said so."
>Liza's swinging tail reveled the delight in her mind.

Well is a still ongoing series just watch it and read the manga after its done

If I was him I'd just buy all the cute loli slaves

Why doesn't he do that?

Ep 2 when?

Well taking care of ALL of the lolis in the world would probably distract him from his sightseeing and stuff.

umm.... doesn't sound like a problem.




Mia> Nana

You have it backwards.

Satou only has interest in Nana's body, Mia is superior.

And yet she got a lot further than Mia did in terms of skinship.

Only watching it because of the worldbuilding that should not be as good as it is for a show of this caliber.

Also, what is up with all the god damn post-processing?

That's questionable.




how lewd is this anime going to get?

Hopefully enough. The one studio also did Prisma Illya, and there are a couple opportunities in the parts to be adapted for some nudity, though no Satou sneaking out at night. The manga seems to have cut some bathing scenes own though.

the source material is garbage-tier even by WN/LN standards, so no, I'm not watching it

hell, I haven't even given it the 3ep rule because I already know it's shit

my fucking friends keep talking about how awesome it is though, so I'm bitching in this thread

it's shit

fuck off with this response.
i fucking hate whenever retards bring up konosuba in a discussion about any kind of isekai, saying shit like "oh but konosuba did this better" "oh but kazuma did blah blah" no shit fuckass, konosuba is a direct response to isekai like death march. if you see something in konosuba being parodied or done better in anyway, it's because some other shitty isekai did it first and the author of konosuba decided to make fun of it.

It's pretty shit for an isekai. Starting off at max lvl is just bullshit, it doesn't give any sense of danger

>my fucking friends keep talking about how awesome it is
What could they possibly like about it? Are they all lolicons?

Like days ago

If you want danger you should probably look somewhere else.

>my fucking friends keep talking about how awesome it is though, so I'm bitching in this thread
either your friends are underage, new to anime, or retarded. either way.
fuck off for normalfag

Can i bring up the shieldbros

I am, but I hate myself a little bit for it.

> friends
> talking about anime

Return to facebook, trash



Depends on what its planning on focusing on. If its one of those guy saves the world/wins all the time then yeah, it'd be shit. If its plannin on focusin on just exploring/food/whatever else then it might be interesting.

>self-insert power trip: the genre
>sense of danger
dude what fucking genre do you think you're in

they're mostly normalfags that eat up garbage like sao/opm/big3 like it's candy, so it's not particularly surprising

>not having a group of people to occasionally hang out and watch anime with
you've gotta go outside sometime to avoid mental illness, anons

it's mostly the latter at this point, but it's still garbage because nothing is ever threatening or difficult in any way

Log horizon harmed a lot of minds


Log horizon...grimgar....grimgar maybe a little too much. Shield hero.

What's the point off effortlessly blasting through shit? Where's the conflict?

Unless it's "I'm a living God and rewrite reality as I see fit but I can't allow this 15 year old to jump on my dick because autism"


can you elaborate on those three?

If I recall right, the whole point of Grimgar was that they weren't blasting through shit and were barely managing to keep their head above water.

For Shield, the main conflict is in the way the rest of the world treats him, as opposed to petty fights.

Log horizon they could respawn but there were so many fuckers isekai'd that they would pose a threat to whatever machinations you were trying to pull, because they could just respawn to.

Grimgar one of the characters got shank ed by a goblin and died. That's a little bit too little powercreep.

Shield hero has a nice growth curve of threat leven to character development, but I didn't get super far into it


If I recall right, respawning incurred a xp penalty. Which translated to memory loss of their past lives.


It's great. I can't wait for him to liberate the slaves.

Yeah they had to sell their memories to the ocean on the moon if they wanted to respawn. There was something about a guy sniping a fag on the moon in order to perma-kill the fag but I don't think that got animated.


>sharp elbow
No wonder she doesn't have a boyfriend

Shield Hero only got progressively worse after the first arc.
It was angsty as fuck but still very interesting. Then they introduce that shitty bird girl and the tone just goes to shit.

And after clearing his name now he has to fight otherworldy threats too. Like these three idiots.




When in rome, do what the romans do.

Acting like the Mansa Musa will get you unwanted attention. Ofcourse, unless you're one of those low IQ people who seek attention.

>17 and unmarried
Reminds me of myself from many years ago. Nothing changed since then.


No one watches hetshit