If you could cancel one show/movie that's coming out this year, which show/movie would it be?
If you could cancel one show/movie that's coming out this year, which show/movie would it be?
index s3
I love how much butthurt this has caused before it even came out. Is it just the designs, or something else?
Violet Evergarden
Stop bitching. Its not even out yet.
yeah, mostly that and the fact that most of the new staff members have only worked on shitty shows.
Its the designs and what they imply of what is to come.
why the fuck are kurokos basketball staff working on LOTGH
no wonder all the characters look like faggots
this image isn't real is it
I wouldn't mind the new LotGH show if it wasn't being done by Production "Lets add as much CGI as we possibly can" I.G. Why do all the fucking ships need to be 3DCG. That's a large portion of the show and looks awkward as fuck with all the 2D characters. Couldn't they at least draw over the ships to make them look 2D while the animation itself is still CG. It's fucking stupid.
we can't let this happen
too late user
>Densetsu no basuke
Never fails to give laughs
we can fly to japan and destroy the animation studio before they complete this pile of shit
and destroy all of the art they have done
The designs don't bother me, it's the condensation of 110 episodes into 12 and a movie trilogy.
its already backed up on china. Resistance is futile user
Ewww. Retro Yaoi bait. The koroko no basket edition
it's time for global thermonuclear war then
or maybe we can hire the chinks to double cross the studio
I don't think they're that retarded.
The show and movies will probably
cover the first two novels like the
first season of the original anime.
Can I cancel Darling in the Franxx, so theyll start it from the scratch and make it interesting this time?
I didn't watch KnB, so I had to ask - is it the one character with different hairdos, or difeerent charaters? Because I could swear, aside of short blonde those all have exactly same face.
This is my most expected show of the year, bacue I hope it's going to be a glorious trainwreck.
Picture related.
Please tell me that's not the real design.
Why the fuck would you cancel out the potential trainwreck of the year? It's not like it will damage the original show in any way.
We don't have designs for anyone other three main characters yet.
those faces are from Kuroko no Basket
Dear sweet mother of God, how fujos even tell them apart in b/w manga?
Probably mainly design. I can see how it would elicit such response. The character is already looking yaoi-bait in my eye. However I think its just the cover art thing. The actual show won't go the full yaoi route ofcourse.
They're condensing 26 episodes (the first season) into 24 episodes (each movie is the length of 4 episodes).
Reminder that original OVA was also a fujobait of it's time that ruined glorious original designs from the books.
I can only hope the cover art is misrepresenting the actual thing. That Yang (the guy in blue is Yang, right?) is just wrong. No way Yang looks like that.
did you not watch the trailer?
Notice how Hilda is wearing the wrong uniform.
He could be Spiral Labirynth's Yang
Its hard to go full considering most of the cast ends up married or have notable love interests before they died and the "main" portagonists dont really meet.
Sure they could make it "The Legendary Galactic Yaoi" with some changes hell it does need changes after the midpart because church is retarded antagonist and it kinda feels like Reinhard is just dying of boredom because after the main conflit is settled with Reinhard victory there wasnt anything else.
People will only disagree with this because it's true
I'm afraid that it will gain a new fanbase that will ruin LOGH threads forever
No. He's Jintama, Gintama's half brother.
LOGH threads are already shit though. Remember the guy who kept making a thread about this adaptation every day until mods 404'd them?
I don't have the slightest idea. That last match was especially confusing given that they all play together.
fujobait designs aren't really a problem as long as all the characters at least look different and interesting.
Don't lie, Satan. Aside of that guy, Logh threads are usually very comfy.
That looks like a 10/10 adaptation compared to what they did to Houshin Engi. You guys don't know true suffering.
Top left - Mashengo
Top Right - Schenkopp
They fucked up the pacing but at least it didn't get new designs.
Sorry to hear that. What's so bad about the new one?
It's rushed as fuck. They condensed an entire volume into 1 episode. Nips joke that it's Houshin Engi for busy people. Also, Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas does the OP.
My issue with the designs is not that they are fujobait, is that they suck.
I'll refrain from judging designd before we'll see more than 3 of them. Kircheis looks awful, but I could fogive banana Reinhard and even 14 years old Yand. But if they'll ruin Schoenkop, there is going to be a war.
I'd even accept stick figures for character designs if they had only done the pacing right. At its current state the show is nearly unwatchable. And they're probably going to cut out many great scenes and characters. Also since the first anime adaptation was crap too, I just have to ignore both new and old series and be glad that no-one can ruin the manga for me.
I legitimate not sure who the target audience for his is supposed to be, hardcore fans?, does it even has a big enough fanbase for that?
It's an old Shounen Jump series that never got the anime it deserved. At least in nipland people really seemed to look forward to it, in the West it's a pretty unknown title though. The twitter account for the new adaptation got lots of followers when it was first made, and when the first ep aired Houshin Engi was trending a lot (though mostly because people were pissed).
By number on shirt, of course
Are you ready to come on and slam kaka?
Nah, I stopped checking out the LOGH threads when they turned into sports anime generals, and half of the posts were fujos complaining how their husbando's hair wasn't fluffy enough. I have no opinion on the new adaptation, I'll wait until it airs to form my opinion. If it sucks then I can just ignore it and still enjoy the older series and movies. Dunno why some LOGHfags seem so incapable of that.
Stop bumping a dead thread retard
I'd cancel LOGH even though I've never been a fan, from the character design alone I can already tell it's gonna be total crap.
Also, was a remake really necessary?
this, remaking a great show makes sense monetarily, but we all know it's kto gonna be anywhere near as good
It's a cyclical marketing strategy to renew famous old franchises, just like Dragon Ball Super, which objectively sucks but, hey, it's still Dragon Ball!
It's gonna be targeted to nostalgia fags, casuals, and fujos.