I got that there're 4 timelines.
Super established that there was a guy that traveled through time before anyone, he's the one that probably created Trunks 2 timeline... the very timeline from the Trunks that survives and that Zamasu fight happens...
What I don't get is this:
How come Trunks 1 Hope!! appeared BEFORE all the events from Cell's saga, if Trunks 1 was supposed to go back just to tell the people from the past how he killed the androids?
Cell tells Trunks that he just pressed a button... shouldn't he be back just after Trunks second trip to the past?
Trunks 1 machine come back in time just 3 years before the Picollo and Cell encounter happens... that doesn't make any sense, Trunks would go back just a few days/months (the time he took to kill the androids) after he kills Freeza in the past.
Or Trunks 1 just traveled to the past 1 time?
As far as I understood Trunks 2 is the one that we see in the Z saga. We never saw Trunks 1, the one who was killed by Cell.
So the events would go like this:
1 - The first time traveler created the first split time line.
2 - Trunks 1 traveled to the past creating the unknown timeline (third timeline), came back to the future, killed the androids and was killed before going back a second time to the unknown timeline (third timeline) to tell everyone how to kill the androids, so he never reprogrammed the machine.
3 - Trunks 2 traveled to the past, came back to the future, didn't kill the androids, traveled to the past a second time, then came back to the future after the Cell games and killed Cell.
4 - Z timeline, created by Cell 1...
By the way, I'm reading the manga, so that's the official stuff. Is that it?