Literal autism.
Violet Evergarden
This anime is honestly better looking in screenshots than when playing.
Violet's design is so nice. A shame her character and her anime are trash.
Boku no pico.
I did enjoy the casual BTFO she served there.
Can't wait when it's VEG's turn to win an Oscar.
I wonder how that guy is holding up
Come on, you obviously know that guy was just falseflagging.
>just wanted to encourage her with a related personal experience
>get shut down in less than one second
I unironically think that she's the best part of it. The other characters don't work as well w/ the direction.
>19 nov 2015
Sounds like you're backpedalling.
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
>It's another female MC with social retardation
Do nips really find this cute?
You're right anyone who has anything positive to say about Kyoani is always a false flagger.
But only when their anime is flopping otherwise they're 100% correct and way smarter than everyone.
Autism or not that shit was brutal
I'd encourage her by splattering my semen all over her glasses and mole.
I mean, you're not wrong.
Finally some realism in my anime
Nips know that women that aren't retarded would never go for neets. Now lowering their intelligence puts them well within range. Sorta like lolis
>yfw it loses to Norm of the North 2: Lemmings on Lexington Avenue
Pretty sure VEG is ineligible by virtue of being a series.
Littearly anime about me, expect i'm not a beautiful girl with adamant hands and i never been in army.
To me you'll always be a beautiful girl, user.
>Letters flying around
This will be the opening, won't it?
Also, what's the background doing? I thought it was an effect of the camera zooming out and changing focus, but I feel it looks weird.
It's time to settle this:
Why is Violet so punchable?
Someone already made a better, proxy proof poll
>google docs
no thanks
>Forced animation
Why are autism girls the best
I think they wanted it to look like the focal length is changing but got it wrong or messed it up by blurring when they shouldn't have.
>great in the lead
So artstyle actually is everything.
Dolly-zoom (vertigo effect)
>Dolly-zoom (vertigo effect)
She always looks slightly sad and confused in every shot.
This made me kek
Epic bread
A poll where he can personally edit the results, you mean.
I want Shirou to cook her food and make sweet love to her. Their baby girl can be named Iris
Why do people still care about Oscar.
I wish Violet actually looked calm and emotionless instead of sad and confused. Her Kyoani face is too strong.
I'm sorry but VEG doesn't pander to self-insert shitters like you.
>Fatefag wants his self-insert in the show
This screenshot looks like shit though. She looks like an emotionless doll with a terrible haircut and too-long neck.
What do you call that turning side to side thing?
(pic not related (not holding onto a dress))
best anime ever
Oh please, as if you guys watch anime anyway. Chances are you just surf Sup Forums pick up some random edgy opinion, make it yours and don't even touch the property in question. So please, kids, don't play the game. You're not even tall enough to ride.
>only an intellectual like myself would judge an anime based on a fucking play term
>all these shitters just giving it a 5 3 episodes in
This isn't funny. Stop posting it.
Do you think that Violet is capable of feeling sexual desire?
>says the fatefag who was a fucking prepubescent little boy when the VN came out.
That's the only way it would appeal to someone like you.
Hold on, I'll check.
So it's accurate then.
>fatefag mad when someone calls out his self-insertion
>tfw bros Violet should be with my self-insert eroge protagonist because she reminds me of my waifu Seibah!
Does this show has anything else going on besides the visuals?
Retarded anime dancing
Man, Nasu is right, you're the perfect example user.
(The Secret of Mahoutsukai no Yoru's Birth, Published in TYPE-MOON Ace 2,
> Tsukihime and Fate are more about projecting yourself as the heroes, seeing through the eyes of Shiki and Shirou while experiencing adventurous scenarios, where the players should feel they have played a very fun game. Mahoutsukai no Yoru is played in the third person, the players can't project themselves onto any characters. They can't place their feelings on top of a character, but instead feel happy being in the position where they can over see the complicated story between the three main characters. To be happy not only about a particular character, but about the world view, this is how I intend it to be.
Not really.