I'll start
Anime women will never undestand
>[thing] women will never understand
These threads always come off like a bitter virgin made them. Plus, the choices are always dumb as fuck. Why would a woman not understand Devilman Crybaby?
The plot synopsis reminds me of DmC
>Anime humans will never understand
It's /r9k/, just ignore it.
It's a meme you dip, why are you being all sjw about it?
women can't understand particular things because their brains aren't wired like ours
it's like men never understanding shit like the bachelor
I thought The Bachelor was hosted by a man.
And memes can be shitty, why are you defending a shitty meme?
>watched with my sister
>she said "why doesn't he just find a new girlfriend"
bitches and whores indeed
Their tiny brains can't handle information unless they warp it so it's directly related to their interest.
Can women even hope to have any sort of bond as close as that of brothers?
Literally every woman I've seen talk about this just talks about trannies and fags
But those women will never TRULY understand the depths of such a great anime. They only post yaoishit to fill that empty void where their brain should be.
The mc is LITERALLY me, don’t tell me a women will ever understand his situation more than I or any man.
Initial D. Unless you're talking to a horse girl. They are the closest to understanding the effort driven bond between man and machine. However, the horse girl and car guy can never be together. The hobbyism is too pure. Man is destined to pair with an enthusiasm sucking succubus who feigns tolerance but smolders with envy on the inside; envy that erupts in a silver Korean crossover-shaped material form and emotional, maternal manipulation as soon as the pairing is official.
Of course anime women will never understand.
They're just drawings on animated pictures. They don't have any consciousness or brain. They only exist to amuse real human beings watching a series of images in short succession.
The same holds true for anime men, anime girls, anime boys, anime animals, anime objects and anime landscapes. None of those things have any free will or thoughts or agency. They only exist for the amusement of real world humankind.
they will never understand what
Read the subject again with a "that" between "anime"and "women".