How did he get so strong?

How did he get so strong?

He once got the Super Dragon Balls and wished for immense strength to protect his waifu. She died because of Zeno shenanigans. Now he wishes to get the Super Dragon Balls to get rid of Zeno. He was just a normal ayy.

>mfw this is the state of modern Dragon Ball villain designs

Fucking terrible

100 sit ups
100 push ups
100 sqauts
10km running

he drank juice


>He didn't pick up on the maliciousness of the Pride Troopers

He looks better in motion.

he ate his veggies

Thats the point of the mortal level. Zenos want to delete weak univeres like 7 because you cant get strong if everyone is weak as shit.

Obviously he spent quite some time fighting space poachers who give much more exp than regular poachers


Training with Hermano.

>tfw you realise that this guy is an evolved one punch man

>mfw this is basically legit considering pride troopers activities

Lies, he trained with El Compadre

Probably this. He reached Buddahhood.

True story, cause my aunt works for Toyo:
He's God of Destruction from one of the erased universes and now he wants to bring back his home.

That's a very fucking good question.
Sayas have zenkai that gives them infinite power but for other beings to be as strong as Blue they need to be artificially created or have an asspull like Frieza's family genetics. Jiren should not be as strong as he is with only training and if he has an asspull genetic ability then there should be more beings like him.

10 years of SS+gomad
5 years of 5x5 stronglifts
and 2 years of cutting on brosplit

>taking fights for seriously is malicious
Big talk when Universe 7 literally has an unrepentant, genocidal dictator on their team.

He fought poachers in the hyperbolic plot dimension

Nothing in this shitstain looks good.

>The absolute state of modern Dragon Ball designs

UI is just Kaioken - Red,
SSG and SSB are just Palette Swapped hair,
Jiren is a fucking template that no one ever drew anything interesting on top of,
Hit is an ok design fit enough for a random Frieza henchman like a lamer version of Ginyu.


He sure does

I like the theory that he's the reincarnation of Zalama. More likely though he just meditated a lot

that looks terrible

Nobody cares.

He is based on the alien greys, a design that makes sense in the context of a series with numerous races.

I feel like they do this on purpose as a way of saying fuck you to the og db fans

It's more of a way of saying "we can do literally anything and you fucking retards will eat it up"

Are you retarded?

>Jiren is a man who is completely devoted to justice. He never acts on any of his own desires or interests. And no matter how evil a villain he's up against, his absurd conviction is such that he won't ever kill them.

He is literally superman

He's Superman if Superman were an alien

Superman and hus justice league team would be stopping Zeno

But uh. . . Superman is an alien.

a genkidama by Jiren sounds like the most OP move in the DB universe

See this seems like a joke.

But due to the lack of tone in text and the fact alot of people that watch this series are retarded it could potentially be serious.
That's how bad things are when it comes to talking about it.

All the villains of Super have had terrible designs.

A dumb spinx cat that is more petty than any villain seen in Z and his do-anything plot device of a minder.
Freezy-pop with a gaudy coat of gold repaint that is just obnoxious to look at/
Goku with pink hair and his faggy green god lover.

I hate this fucking meme so much, i never cared for the Xbox 360 meme, but for some reason both the statement and the reply of this mame make my blood boil.

I bet he's fought thousands of poachers

Anyone who calls themselves a fan of og db and still watches this deserves all the garbage they throw at them.

Making 'god ki' a thing in Super was a mistake.

It was even more of a mistake just using it to make Saiyans even more super snowflake instead of using it to make all the old cast like the humans and Piccolo at the rough level of the assholes pulling out endless racial transformations.

I'm a fan of Jiren anf the og db.

If Jiren wins it will be the best thing, powerfags and transformation fags ruined db

But Jiren is a powerlevel fag? His entire thing is just being stronger than everyone else and as bland as he is grey.


>Super was a mistake.
Truer Words

Hey I totally agree.

Z wasn't a great show but at least it had a conclusion, dragging it out of that ditch to prop up even harder than they did with GT while it sticks to high heaven is disgusting.

At least GT was made when the corpse was still warm just looking at the characters and transformations in Super alone tells you everyone gave up a long time ago

I'm hoping he doesn't become an antagonist because I like his general demeanor but I don't think el grand padre's design is especially bad.

nigga not only are they fighting for the survival of their universe, they still think Goku caused the tournament to happen

Like Buu he punched rocks some old dude chucked at him. The difference being Jiren didn't get sleepy, and isn't a glutton so he kept in shape.

Buu's physical shape doesn't matter, he's not made of normal biology but is instead a magic playdo/bubblegum man.
There's no fat in his bodymass.

What are going to do about it?

If that was the case why did punching rocks make buu stronger and also skinny? Clearly punching rocks is the most effective way to train in Dragonball, and explains why the hyperbolic time chamber doesn't really do much anymore because it contains 0 rocks. The real answer is that it was a joke, like the one I'm making now

He meditated but unlike Piccolo, Jiren's meditation had one goal in mind, to discover what lies beyond strength

I cant believe how anyone can think Z had anywhere near decent character designs. Nostalgia is key word

Fell into a black hole.
Screenshot this.

It got so bad in the android saga that his editor made Akira change main villains until settling on Cell.

Sure buddy, and im toriyamas mum

The fact that we're THIS far into the ToP and we STILL don't know shit about Jiren's backstory, motivations or the source of his power is beyond retarded. I'm not even that upset Super is getting canceled after how badly this was handled.

The character is fine, the design is bad like almost all the new characters

He trained for a single hour and that's all. You see, he's a super god alien mutant, and his genes were so powerful that just training once in his life was enough to reach power on the level of gods of destruction if not more.


You must be retarded

Goku is literally the villian in this scenario

Sport Drink

From the point of view of Jiren and all those deleted universes, Goku is the villain

It really looks so damn stupid.

>implying Jiren's wish isn't to do exactly that


He kinda feels too similar to Hit to be honest. I wish some other U11 character was the true final boss.

think again kid

dragon ball fight choreography
is a joke honestly.

Can you show me a single fight that is actually exciting to watch and doesn‘t consist of two retards skipping all over the place and flailing at each other?

This shit is overcomplicated bs. There’s no real limit in power and some beings can get to X level with training. Look at goku and vegeta in the cell saga. They trained for a year and got significantli stronger even though they didn’t achieve a new force.

TLDR powerlevels are bullshit and you should waste your time trying to rationalize this bs


Pushups, situps, and plenty of juice.

Early Dragonball had good fights but everything Z and later is shit.

Post feet you slut

cell saga was all about new ability. Full power Super saiyan and super/ultra saiyan. They developed new techniques to amplify their power level, they didn't raise their base power level significantly. We know gravity training is the best way to boost raw power level and it has diminishing returns.

The absolutely did "obtain a new force"