So I'm finally going to start this series. I'm not really into anime but my brother made me watch Akira and Cowboy Bebop and I was into it, so everyone told me this is the next big anime that is actually legitimately good. I read a little about it and I'm worried it's going to be pseud nonsense that neckbeards think is deep because they've never read or watched real art. Is it worth my time or is it cringy? Also, general NGE thread I guess.
What am I in for?
It's worth it, be prepared to pull up evageeks to read up on what you watched.
Retard, you are replying to a baiter I saw the same sort of thread on /m/ with the same image.
Don't try to convince anyone to watch anything either they do or don't.
Hey fuck you rude cunt. It's a free country asshole. OP please watch NGE just to spite this prick.
You're in for realising who is Best Girl and then realising she is Best Girl in all of anime - the rest of Sup Forums will now back me up on this.
NGE is shit. The last episodes are a pain to watch, don't bother.
WOW it's like Sup Forums and Sup Forums both delete threads for no reason so you have to post shit everywhere to even get a discussion going
Just watch the first 2 episodes, its actually sposda be 1 hour long ep, if youre not hooked after that its not for you so dont bother
Otherwise prepare your wtf pants cuz youre in for a lot of that
I agree, Rei is best girl.
I'm on episode 5 and getting kind of into it. When does all the weird metaphysical shit start? Mostly it's been robot fights and whining so far.
I got hooked after Episode 3, just the atmosphere and mood was great.
>rec thread
>complains about getting deleted
Blood type: Newfag detected
First episode like that is 14 with Rei's poem. After that it becomes weird.
The whole series is a sequential psychological breakdown of Anno's mental state back then, but weebs absolutely LOVE to overanalyze the fuck out of it.
>Starts off as monster of the week show; Anno's excited to get this series off the ground.
>Consequential bullshit starts happening to the characters; Gainax's budget is declining, and Anno's running out of ideas.
>Story goes through a downward spiral and "deconstructs" everything; Anno's clinical depression surfaces and effects his work.
>Last 2 episodes mostly use stills and a nonsensical ending; Gainax ran out of money for the finale.
>Alternative conclusion movie (The End of Evangelion) kills off mostly everyone and everything; Anno's symbolic middle finger to the death threats sent to him.
There's no "deep writing" or "depth" to most of it. The religious imagery is just there to look cool. It's all mostly pretentious due to Anno's depression at the time, so much so that the Rebuild movies almost act like an attempted "apology" to make up for how the original series concluded.
Honestly, it's one of the most overpraised anime series ever made. You're better off watching Gundam (preferably Zeta) or Gurren Lagann, series where the characters actually win at something.
Okay cool, I read a little on the wiki and I'm liking all the weird Gnostic references. Thanks bro, you're the only one in here not being a huge fag.
I watched two episodes of Gurren Lagann and got annoyed quick.
It's not a a rec, I already said I was watching it fucktard. I just wanted to see what other people thought of it and make a general for an anime on the fucking anime board. Sorry I interrupted your important arguments about which furry is the sexiest.
(you) for the effort
Agreed. It's not that great desu, but it I think it did well at the time mainly because it was never done before in the way it happened. A mecha series turning into a nihilistic character study was extremely rare back then, so it's now wonder why Eva became a cultural phenomenon within the anime sphere.
>because it was never done before in the way it happened. A mecha series turning into a nihilistic character study was extremely rare back then
>never done before
What is Ideon, user?
You literally asked "Is it worth my time?" in the OP, that means it's a rec thread and you're a faggot.
>Look mom, I'm arguing semantics on an anime board
I'd say you should kill yourself but your mom doesn't deserve to have to clean out your room
the Christian stuff doesn't mean anything, it just looks cool. It's about relationships, depression, and some Freudian psychoanalysis
But what if I'm interested in all that pretentious hipster bullshit, and don't actually care about anime?
>It's about relationships, depression, and some Freudian psychoanalysis
AKA It was a reflection of Anno's clinical depression at the time and nothing more than that.
Nice projecting aniki, try spending more time watching anime and less time shitposting about it
>But what if I'm interested in all that pretentious hipster bullshit
Then you're better off reading Nietzsche.
I don't like anime either but I don't say that in every sentence...
Nah, that really sounds like a huge waste of my time. 99.9% of anime is cancerous dogshit, that's why I was asking about one of the only ones normal people think is decent.
Does Nietzsche have robot fights?
As someone who mostly hates anime, I loved Evangelion even if I hate it's fanbase.
>I was asking about one of the only ones normal people think is decent.
>normal people
>Sup Forums
The show isn't as good as End of Evangelion but you need to watch the show for it to make any sense.
I originally posted it on Sup Forums but it got pruned. I just mean I was interested in the opinions of people who don't consider themselves anime fans, because I've noticed people who like the genre as a whole are willing to forgive a lot more than other people would. Like how horror movie fans can look past bad writing if the kills are on point, I feel like anime fans will look past weak plots if the titties and designs are good. Luckily I got plenty if opinions in this thread, and I am going to start episode 6 when I get off work in a couple hours, so thanks everyone.
>you need to watch the show for it to make any sense.
>"making sense"
>which furry is the sexiest
Where the fuck did you come from?
Sup Forums, this is what everyone thinks of you.
Wait you are posting from work? Do your work you fucking retard, instead of criticizing anime on a fucking anime board.
Watch Darling in the franxx it's eva but more suited to people like you ;)
I'm a PM, my job is to do a walk through and threaten spics with El Trumpo if they don't hit their numbers. I got time to shitpost.
>watching anime
What an embarrassing world!
Fuck you Trudeau
I know. Go into construction management anons, all the Boomers are dying and they will literally hire anyone.
Fuck you.
Stay there.
Isn't that the board with constant pedo and capeshit/star wars threads? And not a single furry thread on Sup Forums...
Make me. I like it here, the nice people are very nice and the assholes just make me laugh because you like anime so I'm not very intimidated by you. I may make a trip and never leave.
i don't know why this anime was so hyped back then. for me it's just a shittiest version of FMP.
>new generation can't even watching show without counseling in social media or Sup Forums, checking clocks and reading spoilers
This is wrong. Everything is wrong.
Reminder that God fully approves of culling normalfags from your communities by any means necessary. Being a normalfag is an inherently aggressive act thus it is morally justified to use force against their cancer.
It's how normalfags watch everything. It either takes them an hour to finish an episode because they distract themselves or they skip through until they find something 'interesting.'
>You're better off watching Gundam (preferably Zeta)
>not Wing
Evangelion is the best anime out there. The characters are well-written and relatable in every way. You won't feel the need to watch anime after Evangelion because nothing could ever surpass it.
Well I'm sorry for not finding a show that's as entertaining and well-written as Evangelion
Ideon is pretty much a complete train wreck. I know it was like 75% of the inspiration for NGE but it's really not that good at characters or their motivations. I expected more from Tomino.