>harem challenge was 4 years ago
Harem challenge was 4 years ago
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3 years ago*
I remember
I watched all of them
Isuca was so fucking bad, I'm glad Isuca was a cute tsundere at least
That fucking show was great, Imouto and Russia and the music
World Break was the best one
World Break = Absolute Duo > Fafnir > lmaodudesex > Isuca
My favourite was fafnir though, even with the absolute shit tier budget. The imouto suffering was a nice touch.
What happened with battle harem anyways?
They couldn't have adapted all of them
I miss Eco
Best tsundeRie impression
Isekai is the new hot shit
Claire best girl
2015 was 13 Years ago
Pretty disappointed the translations for the World Break novels never picked up. That was definitely the best one of the season, would have loved to see what happened next.
world break was comedy gold
it comes closest to the likeness of a good B-movie
best girl
When did Rico join the harem? she was too in love with herself
I think it was when they all started getting along again and winning?
I don't remember, all I remember is red being great, Yuri being amazing and the headpats slut being a slut
This was literally and I mean LITERALLY the low point of anime medium.
How can any of those girls compete with a goddess?
God, that was a shitty season.
Being better in every way