Finally gave it a go. Thought oldfags were overhyping it, but this was actually really fucking good. Not a single bad or slow episode. Perfect ride from start to finish. Not sure why I doubted Yuasa, when has he not delivered?
Devilman Crybaby
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people shat on it since day one.
>people shat on it since day one.
how will these """people""" ever recover from being so wrong?
meant for
I just felt I was watching a good show, and then realized I haven't feel this way in a long time. And I am not talking about this being a masterpiece, but is just a fun show with an interesting story whit its flaws but still something you really enjoyed.
that's pic is really edgy though
no its fucking garbage holy fucking shit. I try real hard to enjoy it but the edge is too sharp for me
Good show. Don't listen to the haters.
Pretty sure it's only the newfags who overhyped it. oldfags complained about the changes from the source material.
does anyone have a clean version of that image?
does Sup Forumsnons plans to sing devilman no uta?
Edgy pretentious trash. like the people that like it
The amount of Miki porn is criminally low
ryo's engrish was fucking painful.
contrarian with shit taste spotted
I'm on episode 1 and it's interesting.
They really nail the whole satanism thing and it's correlation with intentional degeneracy
>D.V.M.N. starts playing
>shonen manga for kids
have you ever been so retarded that you think a manga for kids is pretentious?
I visit Sup Forums once or twice a month just to laugh at how shit this place gets with time. Honestly expected this garbage to get praised here.
>not liking fun 70s manga for kids
who's really the contrarian here?
It's a thread about the netflix adaptation.
Never thought Yuasa is going to adapt something this dark.
Even a fucking Kaiba is full of hope and ends on a relatively happy note even though some side characters got it really bad.
the anime adaptation is less brutal than the manga. that thing is for kids. do you realise how retarded you are for literally calling out a series for kids?
you a grown man, think that a 70s kiddy series is edgy and pretentious. That's hilarious.
>kills his parents
Jinmen killed them
Devilman is like one of Nagai's tamest work. Kids read it back in the days like their bread and butter.
あれ わ デビル, デビルマン, デビルマアアアン
I dunno. But if it MAN MAN MAN MAN HUMAN instead, I'm in. That OP is good shit.
Piece of shit soyboy doesn't even have the confidence to capitalize his words, bringing intellectually dishonest arguments
A true classic
I wouldn't say it's perfect, but it was a fun ass ride
nice try pablo
This guy knows
You right. I actually think this might have been the best thing I've seen in awhile
>go nagai thread
>can't even use the proper go nagai memes and buzzwords
you need to go back to /m/ for a lesson
I would've liked it better if I could actually see some of the fight scenes
Black on black in the middle of the night to the point that I can only see Akira's eyes. Yeah, that was totally a way to budget their animation, and by God was it shameless.
>that scene repeatedly shown during the final battle with kids passing the baton but Ryo repeatedly dropping it
I mean, even though Yuasa has downplayed the whole aspect of Ryo understanding that his action weren't different from the actions of God, those small segments relayed his inability to connect with other people really well, before he actually got out of his shell.
Posting this in xpearse's place. also if you're reading this xpic, you're a fag for not continuing devilman saga.
wew lad, netflix shills are really desperate
>streaming anime
um no sweetie, horriblesubs has my anime needs covered
Go neck yourself in a public toilet after watching the latest Cardcaptor episode you acne ridden, weeb cunt.
I don't think devilman was for kids, and yes it was edgy and pretentious.
Being it for kids only makes more pretentious, or at least people who think it's anything but nagai's personal violent porn.
Is that her dead grandmother back there? Or butterfly guy after she fucked him to death?
>when has he not delivered?
Thing is, he hardly gets any work because all his anime are passion projects. So I don't think this question is appropriate.
This is actually a good one. Better than the NGE one.
Netflix had about as much to do with Devilman as crunchyroll had to do with its own anime selection.
Aniplex and a Dynamic Planning produced it, not Netflix. So acting as if Netflix is behind this is retarded, and you are retarded.
That's why old people should not be allowed to vote after they pass a certain age.
It's decent but I enjoyed the soundtrack more than anything.
No you’re just a retard, most likely American who thinks some violence makes something edgy. It just goes to show brainwashed you are. Violence like this in Devilman is normal for Japanese kids. There’s nothing pretentious about cartoon violence. It’s fun to watch.
Sort of.
At least watch the show, before posting, idiot-kun.
>They really nail the whole satanism thing
No tortured cats though.
Learn irony, user.
I just finished watching this show and I gotta say the last time I saw an anime this beautiful was Bakemonogatari.
This should be another unwelcome meme on Sup Forums, same as 'reddit' and Pepes.
Resolution for ants.
Ryo didn't actively tried to shit on his friend like Griffith did. If any, it was more Ryo's naiveness what killed the friendship.
Nice to hear it.
>Not a single bad or slow episode
Did you forget the episode with Jinmen and Akira's parents existed?
What was bad about it?
The show suddenly tried to make the audience care about some parents that we know for all of 3 minutes (we see them teaching Akira to tie his shoes and to "catch up with them", that's it) before their death and set it up as a major point of drama for Akira despite the fact that the set-up makes it impossible for Akira's feelings to resonate with us.
Also, the climactic, emotional demon fight is terribly choreographed and animated. The episode ends up feeling like filler
I honestly can't remember many of the fights other than the final . The club scene ,though, is burned in my brain.
It's the butterfly guy but left vague whether she killed him or just took his body from the club. I don't know what happened to the grandmother.
It's a good anime. 15 episodes instead of 10 would be better.
It's too edgy for my taste but it is a good anime
seriously, is this the best we can do?
I couldn't take this seriously because of how goofy some of the shit was. It was pretty damn good but the drama scenes were a miss for me. Like when Miki was killed and the whole baton passing metaphor was just kinda meh. I was thinking how could anyone take the drama in this show seriously Really gorgeous anime though, and super entertaining. The ending and overall pacing was way too fast though. It honestly felt like a hollywood action movie (a good one though). Gonna finally finish the manga since I wanna compare it to this. Overall 7/10.
Felt the exact same way.
This anime taught me I should never ever trust psuedo "oldfags" that shit on things for stupid reasons. It was great.
This ended on a happy note too. The earth reformed with two moons.
Wait, this reminds me certain someone.
I don't know about you. I think losing one's parents is a universal theme everybody can relate to. It's not hard science.
This isn't established much better in the manga or the OVA, to be fair.
I don't feel like this is too much of a spoiler, so in the manga, it's more of just a little neighbor girl Akira used to live next to (train scene still happens) , instead of his parents. They introduce her right before, so she gets no real development.
IN the OVA they go with the mom still, but she's been dead for a while .
I don't know. There may be no sentient life on Earth anymore.
You’re meant to care about Akira’s struggle and loss, not the parents themselves. How is this hard to understand?
>Thought oldfags were overhyping it, but this was actually really fucking good.
You have it backwards, oldfags aren’t the ones hyping it.
I don't get it. Do you have any clue, Sup Forums?
I had to put my monitor to its highest bright setting to see anything during his fight with Xenon.
Devilman Lady happens and souls do exist in this setting.
Is it Xenon or Zenon?
Xenon’s fight was fine, Sirene was the problem.
The anime does not adapt Devilman Lady, so your words are bullshit and don't count in the anime setting.
Felt the exact same way. That episode really made me start questioning the direction of the show, but it picked up after.
Just because it's a universal theme doesn't mean you don't have to try. You have zero point of reference for what he's losing since his parents were never around his entire life.
If you like the manga characters a lot , you are probably going to dislike Crybaby. I saw the anime first, so I didn't have the same attachment, but I don't blame old fans for not liking what they did. Miki is totally 100 percent different- may as well have given her a different name. Ryo shows a lot less emotion across the series. Akira isn't exactly the same either. They are just different.
Xenon, Zenon and Zennon have all been used at some point
You forgot Miko as well. They changed her design and character.
Judgement starts playing. What do you do?
Yeah I kind of don't count that just because the Crybaby anime pretty much drops the whole apocalypse rebel group thing. So it's just obvious that she's not the same character at all.
I listen to Night Hawk instead.
It was a masterpiece.
Violence is an endless cycle. Satan refused to except love / grab the baton (using the relay theme) and made the same mistake he did when first apposing god. The earth is reconstructed in the end and the debris when to from the 2nd moon. The cycle repeats itself until Stan learns his lesson which he probably never will. Something like that.
It's hard to care about Akira's loss when we don't see enough of the closeness and relationship Akira had with his parents so we can't really feel his despair.
While the death of parents is a universally relatable feeling, that doesn't mean we're all gonna feel it the same way for any fictional character. Just like the death of a human is a universally tragic thing, we don't mourn the death of every background character who gets shot up in the background, we need that connection the narrative forms between the parents and Akira.
I'll probably get shit on for this but One Piece is a series that actually does a good job establishing parents in flashbacks and making them feel lovable, despite the fact that they're really only written to die like with Crybaby.
didn't he learn his lesson when he grieved over the loss of his dear friend akira?
>good job
pick one
It was too late by then and his memories will probably be wiped again since he will go back to waiting for how many years it took the first time.
I like this Akira a bit better
they made him a crybaby but it makes it easier to see how he's still the same. The manga it's harder to see and he's gets way more alpha
Are there really people on Sup Forums so contrarian that they think flashbacks are inherently bad?
Devilman Lady was really, really shit.
>so contrarian that they think flashbacks are inherently bad
thats me
where does devilman lady happen? on a regrown human planet? And does satan survive?
>oldfags were overhyping it
Oldfags start to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at the mere mention of it. It's good though, but very flawed.
Her manga form is in the final episode, spewing milk from her orifices.
All the real shit happened when judgement was playing.