Why is this Vegeta's most iconic outfit?
Why is this Vegeta's most iconic outfit?
It's the one that perfectly balances his earth residence, while retaining his Saiyan heritage. It's also not just a lazy as fuck design like his Buu saga attire or generic biker shit from GT.
i like the grey one, the one he uses vs golden freezer, same for Goku. Those are the best outfits
it was also during the time where vegeta fights like a fucking champion too bad he let cell absorb 18.
Not his most iconic by any means but I like his original colors, fits into Z's theme of main villains being overly colorful
No way, dude. Vegeta's outfit on the Buu saga was the best.
I really miss the more rounded designs of Dragon Ball and early DBZ
the most memorable for me is his Majin look
More like a fucking chump, he spend that whole arc bragging only to get destroyed right after.
He had the chance to be the hero of that arc in his hands 2 times and let it slip and even nearly doomed everyone 3 times in a row.
I miss the shoulder pads
this is Goku's best
Buu outfit feels more like a better balance. No Earth clothing has fucking armor.
why didn't Goku ever wear this again? It was fresh
I'm sure I could force myself to watch Super however shit it might be, if it was animated in the original early Z style. The square muscles, awful shading, and stilted motion introduced mid-Z make me sick, but for some it's the only style they know.
Super hates fashion, which was easily the best part of early Dragonball and even Z.
Nah.His Buu saga outfit is much more cool
yea he shows off his arms like goku
Buu>Early DBS>Classic
Vegeta has horrible taste in civilian clothes. People complain about the biker outfit in GT, but it something I honestly see Vegeta picking out so he can look tough.
What the fuck does that post have to do with super?
I like his original colors as well for some reason, they look like a weird duplicate palette swap from a fighting videogame, but it works for some reason and looks really sublime. I love what we ended up with as well though.