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Why is the autistic one nVidia?
They are all autiestic
AMD >>> Novideo, you dumbass.
> No Sento option
>AMD instead of Nvidia
HAHAHAHA, good luck with those shitty drivers, I hope you hate emulating.
Enjoy your nodrivers
Blue > Purple > Red
Intel>>>>>my ass>>>ayy emdee>>nvidyuck
Intel has a certain charm to her that I can't resist
take that back
sapphire cards are beautiful
fuck this card is so sexy
I wish i got it instead of my 1080
But Intel is supposed to look worse then AMD
Far too muscular
I can't, chinese bitcoin miners already summoned all the servants.
Personally I own an RX 480 but I'd choose Violet.
I choose this Saber:
Does that mean the Saber on the top has leaks?
What does she leak?
we get it, you vape
hex-caliber leakage (half a long)
Her naked ass in 2006.
>requires community patches to even barely function
>can’t play old games after refusing to support DX9
>implying you can even find amd or nvidia cards in stock or not incredibly overpriced
for some reason the intel and amd are the better looking ones here and the nvidia is awful even though amd is bad, intel is shitty shit and nvidia is the only correct answer
This, no more servants for me reeeeeee
What do you want, a fucking skeleton?
Appreciate the difference.
Nvidia looks a lot more fun.
Little girls should step aside and make way for best grill.
>not aio
Nvidia cards are, and always will be a far superior choice for literally everything. Better support for older games, better performance for newer games, more reliable drivers, less voltage consumed and WAY better for GPU accelerated rendering.
Why would you ever go AMD GPU unless you're a Pajeet?
G-Sync is objectively better though.
I guess if you're a competitive gamur who wants high performance without screen tearing but doesn't want to pay extra for the monitor, by all means consider AMD.
Not getting fucked in the ass by a company, although that is not that true anymore since they went so hard on jewing people out of money that they killed the whole industry, alongside the miners.
Enjoy your shitty colors
Is Bitcoin the holy grail?
I choose none of the follow and raise you Prism Ilya on A11 Bionic instead.
I miss those weird robots they'd put on the boxes
>Not getting fucked in the ass by a company
Sorry, I'm not a stupid commo like you.
>worst and dumbest girl on an AMD card
My laptop came with an AMD so I guess I don't have much choice.
I thought I was in Sup Forums for a second there.
>that pic
What am I missing here?
Ilya is cute.
The iPhone is 12 5064 ching chong but Illya is only 13.
I agree, but what does she has to do with an iPhone X?
Avg cost to get that Ilya is 130000 yen vs 125064 for iPhone X.
>Avg cost to get that Ilya is 130000 yen
That's a joke, right?
No way a character in a mobage is that expensive.
And what is this?
Graphic card made by a group of friends in their garage that works by miracle.
Sounds realistic for NP5.
>Arcueid instead of Mordred
I hear that Japan is actual one of ATI's best market.
>only 13
Isn't the 万 and indicator that its actually 13.000?
How the hell would I know, I'm not Chinese.
Who cares
nah bitcoin is the black liquid, it consumed all servants and turn them into shit
an angel
Iphone X is 125000 yen, Illya is 130,000 yen, but the iPhone X isn't cute while illya is.
It's funny cause it's true.
This. I wish I'd known before getting an AMD GPU. Dumb thing can't even do OpenGL right.
that's very cool user, when did you get so tasteful, i like yui radeon too
liked and retweeted
Don't forget that Nvidia is better for emulation too.
I really hope I don't get unlucky when it's time to roll for her, I'll probably have around 4-500 rolls for her when she comes out and I'm willing to perhaps whale a few hundred dollars at most if that's not enough.
I don't want her np5 though, np2 is plenty and if I have bad luck I will have to settle for np1.
>arguing with Nasu
>complaining about Nasu when it is 100% Takeuchis fault