Darling in the FranXX

How can a show be so consistently good?

So have IRC decided to start spamming this show now?

Post a list of everything you like about this anime, your reasons for sticking with it, and what you hope to see out of it?
Or the kids get it.

>robots with faces
>female robots
>02 being the actual MC
>02 being 200% alpha
>appealing generic characters
>Imashi being the action director
>very cute 4komas

Is this enough?


You forgot:

are you a delusiona slainefag?




Might just be a funny thread.

By focusing on hetero relationships and not gay shit

I like it because it's a raunchy series that doesn't take itself too seriously, has great mecha designs (fuck the "not muh gritty realrobot" crowd), good directing and fun characters.

Also, because its main themes are trust and fidelity.
>A common name of the genus is bird of paradise flower / plant, because of a resemblance of its flowers to birds-of-paradise.
>The bird of paradise represents faithfulness, love, and thoughtfulness
>The 9th wedding anniversary for a married couple
>Freedom and the ability to travel, due to the flower’s resemblance to birds in flight (note similarities with the bird monologue in episode 1)
>Magnificence, excellence and success
>Joy through challenges and successes alike
>Faithfulness in romantic relationships
>Optimism towards the future

/threadly reminder

i can't believe naomi is fucking dead

>waifufags, feministards, men who self-insert into female characters, and homofags discussing about Mecha

Holy shit this is fucking hilarious.

Actually, all those you listed are really frustrated with FranXX. Or is that what you meant?

They are still a thing?
What was the last show they shitposted?

> consistently good
> consistently

... How many episodes are even out so far, user?

She's not though

It's IRC shitposter, he just throws random bait lines.
They use discord now

Every thread, flowerfag?

Really, why are you so salty and mad.

>literally two episodes

Waifufags are mad? Just look at the autistic flowerfag. Onifags are having the time of their lives.

And it's shit so far.



>consistently good
>two episodes
Are we getting raided by discord again?

Why are they called parasites? Was it explained yet?


A lot of love went into it. Also, only 2 episodes are out so far.
Next question.

Shut up

Not that I'm aware of.

Yeah, the cast interviews really come through as a fun team. The director taking the innitiative in talking with the seiyuus is really cute too.

>evergarden wants knows what is love
>darfrannxx is at the third base
Based trigger pwned gatariwaufushtit

It's two episodes. That's not consistent yet.

>How can a show be so consistently good?
It's only been two episodes user. The firt one was shit but the second one made up for it. AOTY if the show stays as hilarious

I watched both episodes last night. My question is who thought this was a good idea. I can only assume from the art style and shitty sex innuendo plot that its by trigger.
I mean really. Why do little kids need to dry hump to pilot a robot.

I thought A-1 had more authority over this show

I don't know, it makes more sense to me for Franxx to make the robots easier to pilot.

>Why do little kids need to dry hump to pilot a robot.
What anime is that from? Sounds hilarious

>who thought sex powered mechs was a good idea
Anyone who wasn't a faggot.

>watching mecha anime for the PLOT
except not even that because its children you fucking pedo.

Well, you like small things too.

what show are u talking about because I sure as fuck can't believe you're referring to Darling in the Franxx... maybe you didn't realize it but Franxx has a lot of very subtle subliminal messages....

>doesn't take itself too seriously
>goes on to spout pretentious shit

>muh studios
It's the staff that matters you dinguses. Atsushi Nishigori is who has the most authority over this show, not some legal entity that hires animators.

I doubt you know what that word even means.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Darling in the Franxx. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Hiro’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Darling in the Franxx truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Zero Two's red horns. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Trigger’s genius wit unfolds itself on their laptop screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, I DO have a Darling in the Franxx tattoo already. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Made for eachother

>nihilistic outlook

Fuck off

I honestly didn't know. No need to be assblasted.

Haven't even seen this shit, but the amount of trolling and genuine assdevastation here on Sup Forums is tempting me to check it out.

What do you mean user?

Literally the Greatest Love Story Ever Told

I am not assblasted; merely making an observation.

Not even close to Twilight.

To be honest, this pasta doesn't fit the show at all. DITF is too on the nose and vulgar, so it is bound to scare all the DEEPfags away.

It's the only been two episodes and this show is raping the catalogue for the past 4 days. What was the last series that did this?

You clearly haven't been lurking enough, user. Franxxfags act like this is the deepest shit to have ever deep

>the amount of trolling and genuine assdevastation here on Sup Forums
What are you talking about? It's one of the most well liked series this season user. Only Yuru Camp and YoriMoi have it beat. (Plus the autumn leftovers).

>first kiss is stolen
>the guy didnt even feel anything

I have been in literally every thread. If anyone ever claimed anything is deep they did it factitiously not because they genuinely think that. Unless you mistake any level of analysis of the anime as pretence at "depth", in which case you're just retarded.

>Franxxfags act like this is the deepest shit to have ever deep
Truly this show will be this generation's EVA.

But the metaphors, user! The bird!!!!
Though, to be fair, the IQ meme probably doesn't fit. In this case, it would be something like
>If you don't like this, you're gay.


>hurr too stupid to understand that the staff works for the studio

Yes, and? Allusions and metaphors don't make something "deep". Almost every work of fiction uses them to some extent. The fact that I or someone else is pointing to some of the salient ideas from the story doesn't mean we think the narrative is particularly complex or intellectually engaging.

>If you don't like this, you're gay.
This is more accurate. So, are you gay?

Vocal fans of a certain other show this season have been attempting through various means to discredit DarliFra's quality because muh studio war meme

No, it doesn't work like that. The staff works for the production committee. And the director has a lot of creative leeway in this case. You would be wrong in general too anyway.

These mecha designs are cringe

I really liked the show except the mecha designs are too gay. They have anime eyes FFS.


So how long till 02 decides to take pity on Ichigo and teach her how to properly please a man?

The bird is a good literary device I'm not sure why people are hung up on it being a metaphor. Of course it fucking is, it's like anti-intellectuals need another buzzword to hate. Its purpose was to contrast the opinions of Zero Two and Hiro about the same thing: inter-reliance. Zero Two finds it a beautiful thing and Hiro finds it a pathetic thing. This contrasts their characters positive and negative polarities of the same general theme, that makes for good couple dynamics because there's something to talk about.

That isn't even deep. It's surface level. And it *does* make the show good. It means the creators have an actual idea they will want to talk about.


I would say that Yuru Camp and Antarctica Girls are the most genuinely good series of the season while Franxx has the potential to be the most meme show in the last few years.

Well, I mean that and they're foreshadowing conflict because iirc those birds love sugar just as much as she does.

nope, it's just a malfag

I agree.

I'm liking the show so far. Although I hope this mood is just for the first part of the story and that it doesn't stay like this forever otherwise it's just a one of those romance drama for girls made to be for boys by replacing some highschool setting with skin tight suits, mechas and action.
>And it *does* make the show good. It means the creators have an actual idea they will want to talk about.
You might not want to say that though. Stuff like that is what makes you sound pretentious. As if a show could only be good if it was written to be narratively engaging.

So I haven't seen this brought up in threads

>Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

>The modern era generally remembers Lamarck for a theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics, called soft inheritance, Lamarckism or use/disuse theory,[5] which he described in his 1809 Philosophie Zoologique. However, his idea of soft inheritance was, perhaps, a reflection of the wisdom of the time accepted by many natural historians. Lamarck's contribution to evolutionary theory consisted of the first truly cohesive theory of biological evolution,[6] in which an alchemical complexifying force drove organisms up a ladder of complexity, and a second environmental force adapted them to local environments through use and disuse of characteristics, differentiating them from other organisms.[7] Scientists have debated whether advances in the field of transgenerational epigenetics mean that Lamarck was to an extent correct, or not.[8]

is there any other character that screams "cowgirl sex" as much as she does?

Alright. I rephrase. I makes it good for *me.*


Non-virgen withmultiple past sexual experiences with their ex-partners

Absolutely disgusting

You okay there, buddy?

Screams doggy-style handjob for me and standing reverse-cowgirl to me.

>giving a shit about the age of the characters
Just stop now, Burger.

I like pure womens

This has more to do with being a normalfag or not being one. Doesn't really matter what nationality one is.

Ummm... VEG is objectively better

Calm down! We still don’t know how many partners had ridden in 02s ass before white-hair guy and Hiro.

perhaps 60


If you want doing it done right, one of the couple has to know what they're doing; and we all know it won't be you, user.

>not 200

Is this series gonna be fine art?

is this image drawn by redjuice?

But the first episode was utter shit. This is a great example of a wildly inconsistent show.

It already is.

So much this, the bird thing wasn't just the show reading out one of it's themes ot us.

IRC hates the show though.

I want to play baseball with Ichigo.