What are the best animes centered around lolis?
I've only seen kodomo no jikan, black bullet, imouto paradise and pic related
What are the best animes centered around lolis?
Boku no Pico
those are not lolis and i've seen it plenty of times
Mitsuboshi Colors
Idgaf what you guys say BB was pretty good
I think you should kill yourself pedo newfag.
Fuck off.
You just need to put in a reeeee somewhere in there and you'll be thoroughly triggered
it was but they butchered like 50 lolis
>recs threads are ok if it about pedo trash
Fuck off reddit
I'm pretty sure both Lolis and Rec threads are verboten,
Your point?
Make this thread on wsr and I'll help.
then why have Sup Forums at all?
it's literally Sup Forums just with anime pictures, serves literally no purpose outside of shitposting and that can already be done on Sup Forums
Praise the loli's what?
Though I agree, the job of the lolis partners was to protec the loli, and most of them couldnt... Trap I just remembered the bomb too, this anime really tore into my heartstrings, probably why I liked it so much
I don't make the rules, I just post lolis.
Loli are for ryona!